• 合成途径中,两个主要反应,即碳增长饱和作用

    There are mainly two reactions involved in the pathways, chain elongation and desaturation.


  • 一定程度饱和作用红葡萄酒极大益处相信结合这些工艺时,葡萄酒嘉尼米德罐中得到优越的巧妙处理

    Red wines greatly benefit from some oxygen saturation and I believe when combining these techniques, wines in ganimedes tanks were able to be manipulated advantageously.


  • 然后C一个很小二次方上升接着指数的上升直到预期饱和,C等于A0乘以1减,的负k2乘以时间次方,e,to,the,minus,k2,times,time。,速率常数k2长时间地起主导作用

    And then C has a very small quadratic rise, followed by the exponential rise to saturation that you'd expect. So C is approximately a0 times one minus e The rate constant k2 dominates the long times.


  • 饱和脂肪饱和脂肪能够加强机体免疫系统在对基本脂肪酸的目的性使用时需要用到饱和脂肪,例如离开了饱和脂肪,肺就不能正常发挥作用

    Saturated Fats: Strengthen the immune system. Needed for proper use of the essential fatty acids.


  • 利用土体塑性流动理论,提出了用于描述饱和砂土在单调荷载作用应力—应变反应性质塑性本构模型

    Based on the plastic flow theory of soils, an elastoplastic constitutive model for describing the stress-strain behavior of the saturated sands under the action of monotonic loading is developed.


  • 鱼类含有丰富的蛋白质饱和脂肪酸具有降脂以及降胆固醇作用

    Fish is rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acids with lipid-lowering and cholesterol-lowering effect.


  • 这种作用可能的,因为空气中那么饱和声波可以导致分子凝聚

    This effect is possible because the air there is so saturated that sound waves can cause water molecules to condense.


  • 结果表明树脂交联密度影响凝胶强度主要因素树脂饱和吸水性凝胶强度一定的抑制作用

    The results showed that the crosslinking density was one of the most sensitive factors that affected the hydrogel strength and the saturated water absorption had inhibitory action.


  • 鱼肉一般畜肉的脂肪饱和脂肪酸的脂肪却含有多种饱和脂肪酸,具有降胆固醇作用

    Fish: General for Animal fat and more polyunsaturated fatty acids, and fish fat, may contain a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, has a good cholesterol-lowering effect.


  • 本文通过应力控制循环三轴试验研究饱和粘土在不排水循环荷载作用性状。

    By conducting stress controlled cyclic triaxial test, in this paper, the behavior of saturated soft clay under the action of undrained cyclic load being studied.


  • 采用312-D最优饱和设计,开展玉米水肥耦合作用田间试验研究

    With 312-d optimized saturation design, field experiment was conducted to study yield effect of water and fertilizer coupling on spring maize.


  • 结果表明束缚水饱和时,毛管岩石表面微粒起到稳定作用

    The result of experiments demonstrates capillary pressure may stabilize the particle on the sandstone at the minimum wetting phase saturation.


  • 进一步推导得出了影响恢复性涌流大小因素研究了各种状态下涌流对差动保护影响以及CT饱和作用

    The factors that affect the inrush are analyzed. The influence on the inrush of the differential protection is investigated and the saturation of CT is studied as well.


  • 新疆特产花籽甘油为原料,催化剂作用合成红花油饱和单甘油酯。

    The safflower oil unsaturated monoglycerid ester was synthesized with glycerin and xinjiang local safflower oil in the presence of the sodium catalyst.


  • 目前有关饱和在非地震作用液化机理评价理论界和工程界十分关注的问题。

    At present, the liquation mechanics and evaluation of the saturated fine grained soil caused by the non-seismic force is a great concern of scholars and engineers.


  • 研究半空间饱和瑞利作用动力响应

    The frequency domain response of single pile embedded in half-space saturated soil and subjected to Rayleigh waves was investigated.


  • 基于有效应力动力分析法,对爆炸荷载作用饱和地下建筑结构相互作用特性进行了分析。

    Based on the dynamics analytical method of efficiency stress, the reciprocity of saturation soil and its structure in the blasting load is analyzed.


  • 最后利用所编程序水平自由场地饱和沙层基岩加速度作用动力响应问题进行计算分析。

    Finally, the program is applied to calculate the dynamic response of a free horizontal field of saturated sands under seismic acceleration.


  • 本文讨论了考虑饱和土壤固结效应结构-土壤相互作用问题。

    The soil-structure interactive analysis with the consideration of consolidation effects of the saturated soil is discussed in this paper.


  • 结果表明:蜡状芽孢杆菌短短芽孢杆菌原油中高饱和烷烃具有生物降解作用

    The laboratory result indicates that HP and HT can only degrade saturated hydrocarbons with high carbon chain.


  • 高压直流流器换流变压器饱和特性之间的相互作用可以导致流变压器铁心饱和稳定现象的发生。

    The interaction of HVDC converter with the saturation characteristic of converter transformer can lead to core saturation instability of converter transformer.


  • 考虑到地震荷载作用饱和黄土孔隙水压力增长模式液化规律,建立了饱和黄土无限边坡动力稳定性分析模型

    Based on the increasing mode of pore pressure and liquefaction mechanism of saturated loess, a model to analyse the dynamic stability of infinite slopes of saturated loess is presented.


  • 对于等同位体的相互作用,以纯矩阵代数方法得到饱和曲线分子构象-配位体曲线以及某些关连函数等等

    For homotopic interaction, the saturation curve, molecular conformation vs ligand curve and certain correlation functions etc. are obtained by means of pure matrix algebra.


  • 芳香族脂肪族腈、饱和腈与不饱和腈均能作用,并具有较好的对映体选择性。

    The enzyme could accept aromatic or aliphatic nitriles, unsaturated or unsaturated nitriles as substrates with high enantioselectivity.


  • 采用饱和强度理论极限平衡得出考虑降雨入渗渗流作用路基稳定性计算公式

    Based on the unsaturated soil strength theory and limit equilibrium method, this paper obtains the calculating formulae for the roadbed stability under the effect of seepage force of rain.


  • 目前石坝渗流安全分析稳定分析较少考虑非饱和土渗流作用的影响。

    But at present, the effect of seepage flow in unsaturated soils is often ignored in slope stability analysis, such as earth DAMS, masonry DAMS and dikes.


  • 煤体水源性、位能时间因素的综合作用下形成的处于饱和状态的水、煤混合体

    Saturated water coal mixture is controlled by multiple factors such as water source, coal feature, potential energy and time etc.


  • 对于同一类土,饱和土体阻尼作用大于饱和土体。

    And damp in saturated soil was larger than that in unsaturated one.


  • 对于同一类土,饱和土体阻尼作用大于饱和土体。

    And damp in saturated soil was larger than that in unsaturated one.


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