• 一个真正风险有些再也负担不起保险

    There is a real danger that some people will no longer be able to afford insurance.


  • 很自然介绍所为找到个可以安顿的职位而大苦心,因为一位如何起私人想法风险雇员

    Naturally, the agency had a difficult time placing her because she was a risky employee who didn't know when to keep her thoughts to herself.


  • 信用违约掉期条款下,为了保护自己免受国债发行者债务违约的风险支付一定相当于保险)给第三方,让第三方来承担相应的风险

    Under a CDS, one party seeks to protect itself against the default of a bond issuer by paying an annual sum—the equivalent of an insurance premium—to someone else who wants to take on the risk.


  • 作为管理收购基金分担风险的回报,私人股本管理机构一般都会收取管理,另外提取基金收益一定比例

    In return for managing buy-out funds and sharing in the risk, private equity managers traditionally got a management fee and a share in the fund's performance.


  • 作为承担所有构建、维护操作门户所产生各方中的方,这种方法已经导致明显的低效率,并且产生风险,缺乏灵活性

    This approach has lead to significant inefficiencies, risks and inflexibilities as one of the parties is bearing all the costs of building, maintaining and operating the portal.


  • 种解决问题方法根据每个银行贷款风险来确定它的保险.

    One way of mitigating this problem is to charge insurance premiums that vary according to the riskiness of each bank's lending.


  • 保险公司要维持运作,必须依赖某种特定客户搭配他们需要一定的健康人群(风险)支付保险,这类人实际很少需要补偿,由此保险可以在客户间分摊。

    Insurance companies depend on a mix of clients: they need a certain number of healthy individuals (low-risk) to pay premiums and not use a lot of services so that the premium prices can average out.


  • 风险管理公司经理们要对几乎所有收益收取“220”的;即每年2%的管理加上任何他们的基金产生的收益收取20%的用。

    The managers of venture-capital funds take an almost-universal fee of "two and 20"; a 2% annual management fee and up to 20% of any profits made by their funds.


  • 尾部风险产品的支持者喜欢它们保险比较:投资者每年支付保险避免金融灾难之后(种种问题)。

    Peddlers of tail-risk products like to compare them to insurance: investors pay premiums every year to avoid financial catastrophe later.


  • 斯先生提出了一种观点,认为西方社会面临风险时期上流社会衰败一样最后会彻底崩溃

    Mr Ferguson presents a thesis that the West risks not the genteel decline of old age so much as collapse.


  • 他们卖出期权出售承担极端市场风险保险赚取保险

    They will write options, earning premiums for selling insurance against extreme market movements.


  • 最近恩伯格先生的一些访问中,他宣称过多的承担风险危机火上添油,并且这种承担风险同样导致过度救助。

    In recent interviews Mr. Feinberg claimed that excessive risk-taking fuelled the crisis, and that this risk-taking also led to excessive compensation.


  • 集团的舍尔先生风险定义偏离目标”,过高过低都算。

    Blackrock's Mr Fisher defines risk as "deviation from objective", on the upside as well as the downside.


  • 技术服务转移定价存在税务风险博文讨论一事项。

    The transfer price that determines the amount of the charge for technical services creates tax risk, which I will discuss further in a later post.


  • 不用说保险公司承担风险越大保险高。

    Needless to say, the bigger the risk an insurance company takes, the higher the premium you will have to pay.


  • 第一专利拥有者支付更少的特许使用权可以免除专利诉讼风险

    First, the new owner pays fewer royalties and can protect itself against lawsuits.


  • 计划会使美国重归上世纪30年代禁令式(征税)监管路线试图通过资本金要求应对系统性风险

    In this, the US is going back to the 1930s regulatory approach of prohibition as opposed to taxation, whether by capital requirements or levies, in the attempt to address systemic risk.


  • 传统风险基金不同,类团体中,管理生活。事实上,这些往往充作管理“基金”基本

    Unlike a traditional venture fund, no one is making their living off the management fees - in fact - these fees often go into the basic expenses for administrating the "fund."


  • 他们这种赔偿金额裁定通常武断,还催生出许多无谓诉讼,这些诉讼通常是原告律师以“风险代理contingency-fee)”[注]的形式产生,这些律师可以得到赔款的很大份额

    These, it says, are often arbitrary and encourage frivolous lawsuits brought by plaintiffs' lawyers on a contingency-fee basis, which allows them to pocket a large slice of the proceeds themselves.


  • 风险产品个人投资者喜欢它们保险相比:投资者每年需要付保险规避之后的金融灾难。有的人甚至能从中学到哲理。

    Peddlers of tail-risk products like to compare them to insurance: investors pay premiums every year to avoid financial.


  • 不用说保险公司承担风险越大保险越高。

    Needless to say, the risk an insurance company takes, the premium you will have to pay.


  • 因为担心风险大,最终毁了自己(指数学上的概念)。

    He worried that Faith was risking so much that he could ultimately be ruined (as in mathematical risk of ruin).


  • 作为补充措施减少风险汉莎航空公司建立了燃油附加

    As a complementing measure to reduce risk, Lufthansa has established fuel surcharges.


  • 比起点击手机来支付,刷卡并不多少事,而且,尤其是美国信用卡保护免遭诈骗刷卡不存在太多风险

    Swiping a credit card is not much harder than tapping a phone. Nor is it too risky, especially in America, since credit CARDS are protected against fraud.


  • 环保投入地勘进入成本等,矿产勘查开发风险越来越大;

    The risk of mineral resources exploitation is increasing with the growth of the environment and exploration expenditure.


  • 以下所有价格均为增值税出厂价相关保险相关运输风险等均客户承担。

    All the prices listed in the price list are ex-works price including VAT. The related freight charge, insurance premium and corresponding transportation risks are born by the customers.


  • 以下所有价格均为增值税出厂价相关保险相关运输风险等均客户承担。

    All the prices listed in the price list are ex-works price including VAT. The related freight charge, insurance premium and corresponding transportation risks are born by the customers.


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