• 自从冷战以后关系正常化以来,关系方面迅速改善

    Since the two countries normalized ties following the end of the Cold War era, Korea-China relations have rapidly improved in every sphere.


  • 这项研究主要目的探讨汇率变化两国双边贸易影响

    The purpose of this study is to examine the impacts of exchange rate on bilateral trade between Korea and China.


  • 根据上述情况我们可以看出韩中企业之间具有不可分离的密切关系

    According to this situation we could see that the relation between the enterprises of the two nations is too close to separate.


  • 此外我们发现经济增长之间双边贸易贡献远远高于过去十年其他变量

    Also, it is found that economic growth has contributed for bilateral trade between Korea and China much more than other variables for the last decade.


  • 由于两国文化交流历史比较悠久属于汉字文化圈因此惯用语的语义表现形态上表现出很多共性

    Since Korea and China have a long culture communication history and belong to the same language phylum, they share many general features on both meaning and expressions.


  • 7000歌曲选择,让您尽情歌唱

    Over 7000 choices of Chinese, Japanese, Korean and English songs are all for your singing pleasure.


  • 据了解,"海宝"机器人可以采用6语言,进行热情问候自我介绍。

    The robots are capable of greeting and self-introducing in 6 languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, English, French and German.


  • 大理不是想象的普普通通的城市”,画家湘宁如是说。纽约居住四十年,在大理安了

    "Dali isn't your average little city," says painter Han Xiangning, who has made Dali his home after living abroad for four decades in New York.


  • 周游列国,从主教堂建筑得到启发,建成了属于自己的学校瑞典沃尔沃学得到灵感,开办自己的职业教育。

    She travelled to a dozen countries and built a institution whose architecture was inspired by Reims Cathedral and whose vocational work echoes that of the Volvo high schools in Sweden.


  • 不过或许两国领导人希望鸠山开时代之先河,因为不时缺乏悔悟为由、敲打一下日本不错

    But then the leaders of South Korea and China may not want him to be. Being able occasionally to beat Japan for its lack of remorse is not all bad.


  • 由于兑日圆兑美元汇率双双下挫,令汽车电子厂家出口市场赢得份额

    Korea benefited as its cheap currency versus the Japanese yen and the dollar alllowed Korean car makers and electronics companies to win a bigger share of the export market.


  • 另外萝卜白菜豆苗,豆苗,白看起来白色但在5减肥还是归于绿色食品

    Moreover, turnip, cabbage, white sprout of bean, the sprout of bean, the white spring onion, looks although belong to white, at Korean 5 colorses reduce weight in or Be returned to a green food.


  • 两国7月进行实属罕见安全合作日本联合军演派出了军事观察员

    In a rare act of security co-operation in July, Japan also sent military observers on joint American-South Korean naval exercises.


  • 通用汽车首席执行长德胜(Frederick' Fritz' Henderson)声明,通用汽车显然对Koenigsegg决定非常失望

    In a statement, GM Chief Executive Fritz said the company is' obviously very disappointed with 'Koenigsegg's decision.


  • 表示其他国家签署所有协定自贸协定的关税优惠对象数量最多

    ROK said that in all the FTA signed between South Korea and other countries, ROK FTA has the largest number of the tariff preference objects.


  • 本文正是这些基础上礼德理论框架尝试衔接手段做初步归类应用英语教学

    On the basis of the above theory, with Halliday's theoretical framework, this thesis is an attempt to initially classify the cohesive devices and apply them to English language teaching.


  • 礼德哈桑(1976)衔接权威性研究至今,衔接研究语篇研究领域研究重要研究课题。

    Ever since Halliday and Hasan made an authoritative research on cohesion in 1976, it has been a crucial research topic in the field of discourse analysis.


  • 行为过程艺术家伟华随机寻找围观人群个人

    Acts of the process, artists Han Weihua will find crowds of random individuals.


  • 文本通过文献研究法比较分析法,对足球后备人才培养体系进行了比较研究。

    Text through the research literature and comparative analysis of Chinese, Korean football back-up personnel training between the two countries conducted a comparative study of the system.


  • 礼德哈桑一致认为衔接连贯起着重要作用

    But Halliday and Hasan always think that cohesion plays very important role in the creation of coherence.


  • 分析世界造船业形势基础,通过三国造船业情况对比找出我国船舶工业日本国在造船技术等方面的差距问题

    Based on the analysis of the present situation in the world shipbuilding industry and the comparison of among China, Japan and Korea, the gap and problems in the shipbuilding technology are found out.


  • 分析世界造船业形势基础,通过三国造船业情况对比找出我国船舶工业日本国在造船技术等方面的差距问题

    Based on the analysis of the present situation in the world shipbuilding industry and the comparison of among China, Japan and Korea, the gap and problems in the shipbuilding technology are found out.


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