• 淡然接受生活已然破碎事实之后,开始进行最后放纵——寻求最佳的死亡方式,静静地演绎“人生最后“。

    In a state of placid acceptance, his life in “limbo”, he embarks on one final debauched ride in search of the perfect death, his harmonious end-play.


  • 静静想一想生活最主要困难是什么,想想你为了克服做的一切

    In a quiet moment, identify a major challenge in your life, and think of all you've done to overcome it.


  • 生活都集中在这一刻里。他坐在身旁,静静望着她,或者和她谈谈过去那些,她的童年时期,她在修女院的情景和她那时的小朋友

    He seated himself close to her, he gazed at her in silence, or he talked to her of years gone by, of her childhood, of the convent, of her little friends of those bygone days.


  • 小组发现男性并不快乐但是他们却安安静静地自己搭理事情更好的适应他们的生活

    The men, it discovered, were not happy either, but they quietly rearranged things to make life easier for themselves.


  • 静静聆听大自然净化生活中的喧闹充斥生活科技污染

    Some quiet time with nature can cleanse away the noise and tech pollution which chokes our lives.


  • 然而,无论去到天涯海角,心中的包袱放不下便不得快乐,而注定只能不断等待,等待快乐,等待生活的起航,直到有一天他可以静静安坐在自我身边。

    But until he unpacked his own baggage, he couldn't be happy anywhere he went. Until he sat still with himself, he was doomed to keep waiting for his happiness and his life to begin.


  • 就算只是静静沉思分钟也可以帮助我们找到我们大学原因,重拾那些因为生活压力丢失激情

    Quiet meditation, even for a few minutes, can help us find the reasons why we chose to be here in the first place and let them generate the passion that we lost from the stress of everyday life.


  • 日子一天天流逝曾经的梦想是否你的生活里,安安静静等你

    As the time roll around, if your dream which is still in your life is waiting for you?


  • 如果我们停留片刻,赶走我们生活中的哪些喧嚣静静,我们会发现,自然生活中存在的那些极其简单却又如此奇妙的事情。

    If we were to pause for a moment, to stop the hustle and bustle of our lives just long enough to see, we would observe all those amazing ways that Nature lives the ultimate minimalist existence.


  • 大多数人都静静绝望生活,走进坟墓的时候心中没唱出来。

    Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.


  • 希望大家如果喜欢静静文字,我的心情,我的生活或者你们意见

    I only hope that if everybody likes, calmly looked that my writing, my mood, my life, or gives me, your opinion.


  • 如果很不幸基因是由两个X染色体组成,那么吃喝东西生活地方这儿都有个专门疾病静静等待着你。

    From what you eat and drink to where you live, there's a special sickness lying in wait just for you if you have the misfortune to have two X chromosomes.


  • 然而一切造物生活其中的黎明时分的自然,却透过宽大的窗户平静满足的面色看着我,静静地,无疑唇边提出

    But there was dawning Nature, in whom all creatures live, looking in at my broad Windows with serene and satisfied face, and no question on her lips.


  • 没有很多要求也不会打扰生活只想静静看着你的观众仅此而已!

    I do not have a lot of requirements, will not disturb your life, just want to quietly watching you, when your audience, only this!


  • 我们静静长大合适年纪来到自己不曾想到地点开始生活

    When we quietly grew up in an appropriate age, came to a place of their own had not thought of, start their lives.


  • 独处,就可以静静思考一下自己人生想想自己要如何去生活

    Being alone gives me the quiet time to really think about my life and what I want to do with it.


  • 这样做的目的公寓里127户居民创造一个公共活动空间住户可以邀请朋友来花园中闲聊,或者只是静静享受一会儿安静的时光远离日常生活喧嚣

    The aim is to create a communal space where residents of the 127 apartments can host friends, walk their dogs or simply spend some quiet time away from their living Spaces.


  • 害怕遇到黑蝴蝶所以绕道静静自己生活

    Encountered and I am afraid of butterflies, so I pass over, to live their lives quietly.


  • 我们生活中面临大难时候一样,如果我们当时能够“保持平和静静相信”的话,我们的现在会过得好

    So it is with most of the great calamities that afflict us. If we would only "calmly rest, quietly trust, " how much better off we should be.


  • 然而,只想躲在自己的角落里,静静着简单平凡的生活

    I've been thinking I don't need the best for this mundane assignment.


  • 因为小王子小小的故事我们静静生活时,心中有着希望温存有着感动和关于驯养责任

    Because the little prince little story, we live in quiet, the heart has a hope and tenderness, have touched on the responsibility of domestication.


  • 如果生活身边,只是静静,只是汲取不久感觉到奇迹开始改变你。

    If you live around him, just silently, just absorbing, drinking his wine, soon you will feel the miracle and that it has started to change you.


  • 静静一壶清茶想着生活工作中的种种

    The static night, I soak pot green tea, was thinking perhaps in the life, work all sorts.


  • 毕业一种经常萦绕感觉就是学校时候看很多东西阳光的,但是现在需要静静观察生活因为生活并没有按照思维去行事。

    One feeling often haunted around me after graduation is, every thing is sunny in the school while you need to analysize the life now, for life never proceeds according to your thinking.


  • 母亲那边亲戚对待生活比较严肃——他们更多静静体验享受快乐

    Our mother's side of the family was more serious about how they took life in; their joys more silently experienced and enjoyed.


  • 朴素生活天真做梦静静

    I want Simple life Dream Naively Quietly love.


  • 找不到安静自己的生活,我想个人坐在一片绿绿的草地静静看着天空飘着白白的云朵

    To hide in a place where no one will find me, I am going to peacefully live in what I dream of, I am going to quietly sit on a grass lawn, watching cloud floating on the sky.


  • 感谢找回自己那个人,让我放下所有的疲惫,静静地感受生活享受生活

    Thanks for the person who helps me to find myself and enjoy life.


  • 感谢找回自己那个人,让我放下所有的疲惫,静静地感受生活享受生活

    Thanks for the person who helps me to find myself and enjoy life.


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