• 马蒂兰·雷尼埃时代酒店店名“玫瑰花盆”,当时风尚是文字游戏,那店家便用一漆成粉红色的柱子③作为招牌。

    In the time of Mathurin Regnier, this cabaret was called the Pot-aux-Roses, and as the rebus was then in fashion, it had for its sign-board , a post painted rose-color.


  • 十八世纪法国美食家格里莫•德•雷尼埃尔为了推销其著作关于快乐之反思》,专门举办了一场“宴”。那些被邀请赴宴的人们就没有那么幸运了。

    But they got off easy compared with those invited to the “Funeral Supper” of the 18th-century French bon vivant Grimod de la Reynière, held to promote his opus “Reflections on Pleasure.”


  • 妻子听到噩耗的时候,“口里出来的一句话就是,‘这样的话,安葬在特拉维斯旁边,’”马恩-说道

    When Looney's wife Amy first heard the news, "the first thing that came out of her mouth was, 'well then he has to be buried next to Travis,'" Manion-Borek said.


  • 大约同一时间守护神法斯出生于附近收到克塞特早期训练

    Around this same time the Patron Saint, St Boniface, was born in nearby Crediton and it is said that he received his early training at Exeter.


  • 罗马据称名前帕尔马佛罗伦萨球员兴趣,尽管俱乐部体育主管丹尼埃。普否认了这个说法。

    Roma are also reportedly interested in the former Parma and Fiorentina youngster, although the club's director of sport, Daniele Prade, has denied making any inquiries.


  • 乔治·克鲁得到了77%的评分句“风度男孩”的评语。颇具表演天赋英国演员迪·德梅的那行评语是“一看就是技术型男”。

    George Clooney, got a 77 per cent dude rating and the one-liner Boys got Game, whilst British actor Eddie Redmayne, (right,) well know for his acting talents, apparently has skills.


  • 但是这儿一张迪·德梅最新接下角色的剧照——扮演一位女子

    But this is the first photograph of Eddie Redmayne in his latest role... as a woman.


  • 霍金曾2014年奥斯卡获奖电影万物理论·德梅饰演。周六那晚,73岁谈及宇宙以及科学中的未解之谜

    Hawking, 73, who was portrayed in an Oscar-winning performance by Eddie Redmayne in 2014's the Theory of Everything, spoke about the universe and mysteries of science.


  • 万物理论德梅夺得奥斯卡最佳主角,卷福与最佳男主角失之交臂2月23日奥斯卡颁奖典礼之后,卷福夫妇得以立即离开,也算是对卷福的安慰

    They had left shortly after the Academy Awards ceremony on February 23, a rather nice consolation prize after Benedict lost the Best Actor Oscar to The Theory Of Everything's Eddie Redmayne.


  • 不久以后,查尔斯•达伦敦一家银行发现一封法国来信,信是写给的,或者更确切地说是写给侯爵的,……

    Some time later, Charles Darnay found at a bank in London a letter from France addressed to him, or rather to the Marquis St. Evremonde, …


  • 华纳兄弟最近宣布奥斯卡获奖演员德梅主演哈利波特》外传《神奇动物在哪里》。

    Warner Brothers recently announced that Oscar-winning actor Eddie Redmayne will star in Harry Potter spin-off film Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them.


  • 周二利比亚最大外国石油生产商——意大利公司(Eni)西班牙索尔YPF公司(Repsol YPF)宣布即将停产,石油价格大幅上涨

    Oil prices surged on Tuesday after Eni of Italy and Repsol YPF of Spain, the largest oil producers in Libya, said they were shutting down output.


  • 我司决定通知之日起,恢复接受远东西行至希腊包括夫、塞萨洛货柜运费到付条款

    CSCL hereby decide to resume the freight collect term for cargo from F. E. to Greece (where include Piraeus&Thessloniki) with immediate effect from this notice as per updated situation.


  • 德梅是现如今最有才华最受欢迎演员之一,”华纳兄弟首席执行官吉格斯维曼发言,“我们德梅加入罗琳魔法世界激动不已并表示热烈欢迎。

    "Eddie Redmayne has emerged as one of today's most extraordinarily talented and acclaimed actors, " Warner Bros. exec Greg Silverman said in a statement. "We are thrilled to welcome him into J. K.


  • 曼联签下蒂亚戈曼努迪亚斯父母佛得角人,这点与一样

    Tiago Manuel Dias Correia, Manchester United's latest signing, is the son of Cape Verdean parents, like his fellow Portuguese Nani.


  • ·德梅的角逐之路本月拉开帷幕,他们两位同时获得2015金球奖最佳演员提名。而该奖的最终结果要等到明年1月才能揭晓。

    This month, Benedict Cumberbatch and his friend Eddie Redmayne, both Englishmen were nominated for the best film actor prize at the 2015 Golden Globe Awards, to be held in January.


  • 滚石》杂志评论说:“霍金这个角色要求演员奇迹般演绎,·德梅具有里程碑式表演满足了这一要求。”

    "Hawking is a role that demands miracles of an actor. And Eddie Redmayne, in a landmark performance, delivers them," Rolling Stone commented.


  • 华纳兄弟最近宣称奥斯卡获奖演员·德梅主演《哈利·波特》外传《神奇动物在哪里》。

    Warner Brothers recently announced that Oscar-winning actor Eddie Redmayne will star in Harry Potter spin-off film Fantastic Beasts And Where to Find Them.


  • 华纳兄弟最近宣称奥斯卡获奖演员·德梅主演《哈利·波特》外传《神奇动物在哪里》。

    Warner Brothers recently announced that Oscar-winning actor Eddie Redmayne will star in Harry Potter spin-off film Fantastic Beasts And Where to Find Them.


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