• 平台车库然后计算机控制的电梯一样横向运行装置将其运送一个空闲停车位

    The platform is lowered into the garage, and it is then transported to a vacant parking space by a computer-controlled device similar to an elevator that also runs sideways.


  • 踢了2个赛季但是球队乙级

    He played two seasons but the team dropped to series b.


  • 主要淡水有的咸水甚至咸水。

    Gars are confined chiefly to fresh water, though some species enter brackish or salt water.


  • 明显是模仿奥德修地狱,《奥德赛》书中的故事。

    It is clearly modeled on Odysseus' descent to Hades in the Odyssey.


  • 汤姆准允升年级,但书假使有任何学科不及格降入原班。

    Tom was admitted to the third grade with the proviso that he was to be put back if he failed any subject.


  • 这位世界杯冠军门将在尤文降入乙级后,已经阿森纳联系在了一起。

    The Italy World Cup winner has been linked with a move to Arsenal following Juventus' relegation to Serie b.


  • 尽管尤文降入乙级财政就很紧张,但也许老妇愿意作出巨大牺牲

    Although Juventus have struggled financially since their demotion to Serie b, the Old Lady may be willing to make such a huge sacrifice.


  • 乌伊法鲁西同样佛罗伦萨可能因为电话门被乙级传闻置之不理。

    Ujfalusi also dismissed suggestions that Fiorentina may find themselves in Serie B next term as a result of the Calciopoli scandal.


  • 学生绝不可能在考官重新考察他们表现之后降入一等的级别中去

    students are never demoted to a lower class after the board of examiners has reflected on their performance.


  • 十五分钟直升机降入一个高山河谷在没有被发现的情况下潜巴基斯坦领空

    Fifteen minutes later the helicopters ducked into an alpine valley and slipped undetected into Pakistani airspace.


  • 皇家贝蒂斯已经降入西他们官网确认25岁的智利人将转会俄罗斯消息。

    The Spanish second division club confirmed on their website that they have agreed to sell the 25-year-old to the Russian side.


  • 上月格兰特带领西汉姆降入英冠帕克认为俱乐部中少有的怀才者

    Following West Ham's relegation to the Championship under Avram Grant last month Parker was expected to lead an exodus of the club's better players.


  • 由于通过蒸腾作用循环那些丛林中的森林上述系统发挥了相当重要的作用。

    The forest, by recycling the water that falls on it through evapotranspiration, plays an important part in this system.


  • 布冯尽管夏天随着尤文降入乙级成为继1963年前苏联门将之后第2个获得殊荣门将。

    Buffon, who remained with Juventus despite their demotion to Serie B during the summer, would become the second goalkeeper to win the prestigious award after Soviet legend Lev Yashin in 1963.


  • 电话门判决将尤文乙级之后,这位世界冠军获得者红黑军团联系一起,现在他更趋向留在都灵

    The world champion has been paired with the Rossoneri outfit after the Calciopoli verdicts relegated Juve into Serie B, but now seems set to remain in Turin.


  • 他从建筑三角形几何形体中获得灵感,设计了六个流星万花筒底层花岗岩中,为建筑增添了额外维度

    Six 'shooting star' kaleidoscopes inspired by the triangular geometry of the building are lowered into the ground floor granite adding an extra dimension to the structure.


  • 过去年中,委内瑞拉曾经降入衰退泥潭中,遭受着30%通胀困扰,不过现在这个国家已经恢复增长

    Having been Mired in recession for the past couple of years, and plagued by inflation of close to 30%, the country has recently returned to growth.


  • 竞技方面最大遗憾就是曼彻斯特冠军杯决赛输给了米兰,就我个人而言尤文被勒令降入乙级痛苦的事情。

    The greatest sporting disappointment was losing the Champions League Final to Milan in Manchester, but on a personal level the most painful bitterness was seeing Juve demoted to Serie b.


  • 其时梅格刚刚获得执教莱斯特城的职位,此前他17个月未能担任主教练,再往前看,诺丁汉森林正是他手下降入的。

    Megson had just returned to the game at Leicester City, after 17 months in the wilderness, and with Nottingham Forest's relegation to League One in recent memory.


  • 由于05-06赛季尤文图斯降入乙级,国际米兰最终荣膺意甲冠军赛季曼奇尼带领国米创造出破纪录14连胜,极有希望卫冕成功。

    The Nerazzurri won the 2005-06 Scudetto after Juventus were stripped and look a good bet to defend the title this term with Mancini having led them to a Serie A record 14 consecutive wins.


  • 不过对于丹尼斯·劳来说使痛苦的莫过于那个他转会到曼城以后,对阵曼联脚后跟的那个进球,那个进球也直接让曼联1974年再次乙级联赛。

    Maybe the greatest pain he suffered personally was when he back-heeled the goal for Manchester City that sent United down to the Second Division in 1974.


  • 令人惋惜是,诺维奇城仅仅英超联赛一年,便又降入次级联赛。 2004-2005赛季最后一轮,诺维奇城0-6惨败富勒姆,不幸,令人心痛。

    The Canaries were relegated from the Premier League on the final day of the 2004/05 campaign with an ignominious 6-0 defeat at Fulham.


  • 令人惋惜是,诺维奇城仅仅英超联赛一年,便又降入次级联赛。 2004-2005赛季最后一轮,诺维奇城0-6惨败富勒姆,不幸,令人心痛。

    The Canaries were relegated from the Premier League on the final day of the 2004/05 campaign with an ignominious 6-0 defeat at Fulham.


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