• 工商业文明商品经济陌生人社会,则是产生大量信用社会成员信息不畅

    Commodity economy and stranger society in industry and business civilization makes out much credit, the information concerning everyone in the society isn't transparent.


  • 本文从“陌生人社会社会概念入手,直面三鹿奶粉事件折射出法律问题。

    This paper interprets the Incident of Sanlu Poisonous Milk Powder in respect of stranger society, the sociology concept.


  • 同时这种纠结提示传统熟人社会陌生人社会转型过程中,必须处理好重构社会信任课题。

    Meanwhile, this also reminds us of the necessity to handle reconstruction of social trust system during the changing process from a traditional society of acquaintances to a strangers' one.


  • 陌生人社会一方面,熟人圈子失去与否对于一般人来说,基本没有多大影响,这使可以多少顾忌地去选择 解 纷方式

    However, in the stranger-society, on one hand, it seems unimportant for the two parties to lose their circle of old acquaintance, so they are free to choose the way of dispute settlement;


  • 不得不当地社会准则做斗争,比如女店员不愿陌生人说话不过,她最终成功地使那家店扭亏为盈了。

    She had to grapple with local social norms, such as the reluctance of its saleswomen to speak to strangers, but she ultimately succeeded in turning the business around.


  • 信任问题在于,除非他相信陌生人,哪怕只有一丁点,否则社会风险将会变得十分困难

    The problem for the low truster is that without trusting strangers a little, it's very hard to take social risks.


  • 如今即使熙熙攘攘现代社会,在一起吃饭亲密家庭成员朋友(甚至陌生人之间)都可以提供给生活种厚重温暖意味深远的愉悦

    And today, even in the midst of our modern hustle-and-bustle, the intimacy families and friends (and even strangers) can find at the table can provide life with deep warmth and profound pleasure.


  • 这种自律来自所有日本人从小灌输社会从众性,来自照顾自己责任感以及陌生人添麻烦心理。

    It comes from the social conformity that is imposed on all Japanese from an early age, as well as from the duty to take care of one's own and the fear of causing trouble to strangers.


  • 母亲应该家里孩子们托付给陌生人不对想法荷兰社会根深蒂固”,报告的作者之一IngridOoms

    The notions that mothers are supposed to stay at home and that entrusting children to strangers is wrong are still deeply rooted in Dutch society, ” says Ingrid Ooms, one of the authors.


  • 我们的确可以客人陌生人隐瞒自己孩子的社会性别至少最初几年里可以这样做。

    It is true that the gender can be concealed from visitors and strangers, at least in the early years.


  • 他们来说陌生人之间公平个体层面可以促进社会有机体繁荣自私社会团体发起外部竞争。

    To them, fairness between strangers at the individual level is what allows social organisms to thrive, and to out-compete more selfish societies.


  • 社会学家担心总是邮件写文档的失去朋友咖啡馆公车坐在身边陌生人之间的联系

    Sociologists fret about constant e-mailers and texters losing the everyday connections to casual acquaintances or strangers who may be sitting next to them in the cafe or on the bus.


  • 表示感谢行为可能陌生人社会行为影响因为人们首次帮助陌生人时会更谨慎

    It's likely that the effect of a thank you on prosocial behavior is more powerful on people we don't know, because strangers are more cautious about helping each other in the first place.


  • 我们陌生人变成朋友大学阶段觉得最大收获就是参加了许多课外活动社会实践

    We become a friend from the stranger, at the university stage, I feel the biggest results is to attend many extracurricular activities and social fulfillment.


  • 我们相像的兄弟物种——猿相比我们人类生活所处的社会群体范围更大更为复杂得益于我们细致入微的社会大脑,我们时常会与朋友陌生人进行相互合作

    We live in larger, more complex groups than our closest Cousins, collaborating with friends and strangers thanks to our nuanced social brain.


  • 周:选择集体旅游旅行社会安排好一切。在旅行团内部原来陌生人一会儿就成为朋友

    I will choose the group . travel agencies take care of everything. Within a group, people who used to be strangers soon become friends.


  • 凝视陌生人久,有两种事情有可能发生自己感到不舒服同时也会感觉到陌生人并不喜欢被别人凝视。对大多数人来说,这种社会意识是与生俱来的。

    Stare at a stranger's face for too long, and two things will likely happen: you'll feel uncomfortable, and you'll get the sense that the stranger doesn't like it.


  • 这种行为进化可能为了促进社会包容性黑猩猩相反,他们有时拼死攻击陌生人

    This behavior may have evolved to promote social tolerance, in contrast with chimps' sometimes deadly aggression against strangers.


  • 通过来自陌生人祝福卡信件艾米瞥见一个充满真正互相关怀人类社会

    Through the cards and letters from strangers, Amy glimpsed a world full of people who truly cared about each other.


  • 英国社会中,陌生人打交道行为规则必须避免着人家看同时又要避免视而不见

    In dealing with strangers the rule for British society is that you must avoid staring at them but at the same time avoid ignoring them.


  • 是的个最大陌生人社会

    Yes, it is the greatest strangers' society.


  • 这个陌生人”,由于控制、不听指令,始终恐惧对象、是潜在抢劫犯、是社会边界始终让人感觉到威胁的人。

    The stranger, because he cannot be controlled and ordered, is always the object of fear; he is the potential mugger, the person outside of society's borders who is constantly threatening.


  • 现代社会我们常常遗憾看到人们帮助他人,更不用说帮助一个陌生人

    In modern society we are often sorry to see that people are reluctant to help others out, not to mention helping a stranger;


  • 现代性矛盾性》(1991)一书中,鲍曼试图描述现代社会对“陌生人采取不同做法

    In Modernity and Ambivalence (1991) Bauman attempted to give an account of the different approaches modern society adopts toward the stranger.


  • 也许他们别人建立起社会关系于是他们开始陌生人交谈,他们要么抱怨天气,要么抱怨某位政客,或者对某个本地球队大发牢骚。

    They may want to have a social connection so they begin a conversation with a stranger by complaining about the weather, a politician or local sports team.


  • 然而看看英国社会每天实际发生事情。实际上,人们陌生人绝对信任,其程度令人惊诧,而这仅仅因为我们生活在一个科技社会

    But if you look at the actual daily workings of British society there is an astonishing degree of unquestioning trust of strangers, simply because we are a technological society.


  • 伟大时代呼唤伟大的思想,激变的时代同样需要激变思想,齐格蒙特·鲍曼对于陌生人议题的探讨可以视为上述问题的一个回应,视为这个迅速、激烈地变迁着社会的一种独特思考

    Great times call for great thought. The stranger issue in Zygmunt Bauman 'social theory can be regarded as the response of him, also can be seen as his special thinking on this rapid changing society.


  • 伟大时代呼唤伟大的思想,激变的时代同样需要激变思想,齐格蒙特·鲍曼对于陌生人议题的探讨可以视为上述问题的一个回应,视为这个迅速、激烈地变迁着社会的一种独特思考

    Great times call for great thought. The stranger issue in Zygmunt Bauman 'social theory can be regarded as the response of him, also can be seen as his special thinking on this rapid changing society.


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