• 利用大大的T恤增加一点干练感觉。

    Try several strands of beads or pearls for a potent take on the look.


  • 翻译开始后,我会这里提供一个中文网络日志接,那些希望阅读我的中文版网络日志的你们

    As that starts happening, I will provide a link for those of you who want to read the Chinese version of my blog.


  • 如果所有这些信息管理全部放入动作或者一个动作那么势必维护带来极大的困扰

    Stuffing the management of all of this information into a single action, or even a chain of actions, quickly becomes a maintenance nightmare.


  • 尽量选择一些没有电视地方,我还曾经过要不要去一个通用遥控器钥匙随时我遇到的电视关掉

    However, I try to sit where there is little TV interaction. I even thought about buying a universal remote for my keychain so I can turn any TV off anywhere.


  • 鉴于供应这种复杂性如果日本电力中断高速公路关闭港口受损没有其它地区带来问题才会感到奇怪。

    With supply chains of this complexity, it would have been surprising if Japan's electricity blackouts, closed highways and damaged ports had not caused problems elsewhere.


  • 供应中间穆尼夫人得到一部分收益,还要把剩下传回供应者

    In the middle of the chain, Mrs. Mooney only keeps of portion of the revenue and passes the rest upstream to her suppliers.


  • 这时,可能竞争者传送了邮件,里面长串供应解决方案。

    Meanwhile, your competitor is sending her messages with a laundry list of supply chain management functions.


  • Ranvier并不使用正则表达式公共uri重写私有uri,而是实现责任(chain - of - responsibility)设计模式,把资源判断任务委托相关代码

    Instead of using regular expressions to rewrite public URIs onto private ones, Ranvier implements a chain-of-responsibility design pattern to delegate resource determination to relevant code.


  • 促使DNA基因复制,这被称作信使RNA(mRNA),会传递信息细胞产生蛋白质

    It makes single-stranded copies of DNA’s genes, called mRNA, which tell the cell to produce proteins.


  • 同时塑料还吸收污染物pcbs(多氯联苯)各种农药,从而食物中带来有毒物质。

    At the same time, plastics absorb pollutants including PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and pesticides, bringing poisons into the food chain.


  • Pasona认为三月份国家供应电厂带来严重破坏的日本大地震加速这种变化

    Pasona reckons the change has accelerated since March, when Japan was hit by an earthquake that disrupted the nation's supply chains and power plants.


  • 出生于亚马逊地区偏远小镇Barbosa过去伐木商锯手。他家乡一个因非法砍伐森林臭名昭著热点地区。

    Born in the remote Amazon town of Canutama, a notorious hotspot for illegal deforestation, Barbosa used to work for the loggers as a chain-saw operator.


  • Birk展示了客户如何信用卡电子充电然后短期租借坚固的街道自行车

    Birk demonstrates how clients will charge up electronic fobs with credit, and release a sturdy street bike for a short-term rental.


  • 精确需求预测贯穿整个供应管理存货水平基本技巧一节目前普遍使用预测技术综述

    Accurate demand forecasting is a fundamental skill in managing inventory levels throughout the supply chain. This session provides an overview of prevalent forecasting techniques.


  • 第2天:彼得一起去听音乐会,彼得蒂娜买了一个星星钥匙

    Day2: Peter and Tina went to a concert together, and Peter bought Tina a keychain with a star.


  • 起动破碎机空转分钟,空转时可以检查基座防护等,异常开始

    Already starting to the crusher, should first idling for several minutes, can check base, idling protective plate chain, such as no abnormalities, can start feeding.


  • 湖北咸宁运输蔬菜车辆发放绿色通行证,辆运输车一天100奖励,并免费发放防滑

    Vehicles carrying vegetables were granted green licenses in Xianning of Hubei Province and subsidized 100 yuan per day along with free snow chains.


  • 中国供应商外包他们的工作下一级供应商,依次类推产生了一个供应很难跟踪别说调查了。

    Chinese suppliers regularly outsource to other suppliers, who may in turn outsource to yet another operation, creating a supply chain that is hard to follow - let alone inspect.


  • 正在玩耍母亲刚才珊瑚

    She was trifling with a string of coral beads which her mother had just given her.


  • 正在玩耍母亲刚才珊瑚

    She was trifling with a string of coral beads which her mother had just given her .


  • 价值全球化形成完善企业自身带来巨大的竞争力

    Forming and perfection that global value chain have brought the enormous competitiveness to enterprise itself.


  • 信息对于供应绩效至关重要,因为提供信息供应管理者,做出决策。

    Information is crucial to the performance of a supply chain because it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisions.


  • 无线数据服务之道在于如何价值自己角色定位、在该领域中应开发哪些服务内容、应采取何种运营收入模式以及如何实施战略联盟

    The key to the success of WDS lies in how to play its roles in the value chain, which service to develop , which operating and revenue - generating modes to adopt and how to deploy strategic alliance.


  • 供应管理降低采购成本提高效益提供广阔空间同时也企业采购管理带来新的挑战

    Supply chain management offer the wide space for reducing purchase cost or increasing the benefit, but bringing the new challenge to enterprises purchase system management at the same time.


  • 建设能够消费者带来更安全健康的食品能够企业国家经济带来更大的效益,获得更多的利润。

    The construction of cold chain can not only bring safer and healthier food to customers, but also benefit the enterprises and economy.


  • 溯源食物供应涨价提供机会使不可避免的食物费用升高变得合理化。

    Traceability offers the opportunity to add value to the food chain, and thus justify the inevitable costs incurred.


  • 中间产品质量缺陷供应订货过程带来质量风险

    The quality failure of an intermediate product will bring quality risk to supply chain in an order process.


  • 中间产品质量缺陷供应订货过程带来质量风险

    The quality failure of an intermediate product will bring quality risk to supply chain in an order process.


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