• 照相机放在追踪鸟儿的睡眠模式

    He puts cameras inside nesting boxes to track sleeping patterns.


  • 多米诺尼博士摄像机放在追踪鸟儿睡眠模式,睡眠不足可能会危及鸟儿的健康

    Dr Dominoni, who is putting cameras inside nesting boxes to track sleeping patterns, said lack of sleep could put the birds' health at risk.


  • 黑暗模式用户体验专家·布努2010年首创,这术语是“操纵用户界面,影响用户决策能力做法统称

    First coined in 2010 by user experience expert Harry Brignull, "dark patterns" is a catch-all term for practices that manipulate user interfaces to influence the decision-making ability of users.


  • 阿卡狄俄斯乌斯分别东方西方当上了皇帝,说明了继承人不幸模式两个帝国不利影响

    The accessions of Arcadius and Honorius as emperors in the East and West respectively illustrate the unfortunate pattern of child heirs that had unfavorable effects for both empires.


  • 这种体系英文每行都有重读然后将他们一定模式排列

    It's a scheme that in English counts accents or stresses per line and then arranges them in a pattern.


  • 相反他们发现局部地区经历了不同降雨侵蚀模式在过去的1400这样条件西南部普遍存在

    Rather, they found that local areas experienced different patterns of rainfall, wind, and erosion, and that such conditions had prevailed in the Southwest for the last 1,400 years.


  • 这个例子两个模式唯一区别就是这个守卫表达式但是这样足够编译区分它们了。

    In this example, the only difference between the two patterns is the guard expression, but that's enough for the compiler to differentiate them.


  • 很多语言已经模式包含语言本身

    Many languages have subsumed the patterns into the language itself.


  • 这个模式企业数据存取已经合并业务服务实现中。

    In this pattern enterprise data access is incorporated in the business service implementation.


  • 其它设计模式过程定义一席之地也就是维护支持

    Other design patterns also have a place in process definition, namely maintenance and support.


  • 但是可以清楚看到特别的“病毒”在微博网络扩散模式

    But you can definitely look at the pattern, you know, of how this particular meme spread through the Twitter network.


  • 如果主要使用WMC观看直播电视,在《媒体中心直播电视模式自动启动介绍了一个很棒诀窍

    If you like to use WMC to mainly watch Live TV, a cool trick is automatically starting Media Center in Live TV mode.


  • 益于奢侈品行业现有模式,即人们口袋的钱越少时,他们越舍得花钱买最好的产品

    It has benefited from an established pattern in the luxury industry: when people have less, they spend what they do have on the best quality.


  • 歌曲模式,你可以四个不同层级创造图案点击层级重复图案。

    When you're in "song mode," you can create patterns on four different levels, and click on the levels to repeat the patterns.


  • 在放松模式我们可能得更少感受得更多

    Relaxed mode is one where we perhaps think less and feel more.


  • 所以任何能让“同性父母”成为可能消息令人兴奋,让深陷生理周期运行的模式

    So any news that enforces the idea about the possibility of having my own homo-parenting moment is exciting and sends me into deep biological-clock-ticking mode.


  • Alistair这个模式提出,一个项目可能无法当初规划的运转那么快,这是因为重要干扰占用了整个团队时间

    In his pattern, Alistair suggested that often a project might not be moving as fast as desired because there is an important interruption taking time from all the team members.


  • 知道呢但是分析顾客支付价格极限时,不论是iphone或是一瓶漂白剂种在任何商业模式有存在的最大杠杆

    Who knows, but nailing the upper limits of what customers will pay, be it for an iPhone or a bottle of bleach, is one of the biggest levers in any business model.


  • DS组件需要OSGi接口这样,它可以其他控制反转模式(spring)模拟测试使用

    Ds components needs no OSGi interfaces, and as such, can be mocked for testing or used in other inversion of control patterns like Spring.


  • Web服务网设置代理模式服务

    Set up the proxy mode service in the Web Services gateway.


  • 根据1月9日新闻RobertRubin董事会超级全能模式铁杆支持者,退出董事会。 这也是对这个转变确认

    The news on January 9th that Robert Rubin, a powerful voice in favour of the universal model, is to quit the board affirms the change.


  • 似乎是因为框架使用MVC模式迫使代码非常结构化

    This seem to be because of the use the MVC pattern in this framework which force the code to be very structured.


  • 那么今后几个星期开始对各种旧有行为模式作调整吧。

    So over the upcoming weeks, start changing your old patterns of behaviour slightly here and there.


  • 如果想想正是这个特点,取代了传统模式均衡这种均衡完全舍弃

    But this, if you stop and think about it takes the traditional balance of things and throws it out of proportion.


  • 本文已经介绍UPDATEXMLSCHEMA命令,它可以XSR存储已更新模式版本(向后兼容模式版本)。

    Above, this article described the update XMLSCHEMA command to store updated - and backward compatible - versions of a schema in the XSR.


  • 模板,设计模式样式文件相对目录都是相对于的教程或文章目录。

    In the templates that you created with the scripts above, the references to the schema and stylesheet files are relative to your content directory.


  • ,一次经历,一段旅行,一分工作,一本书抱有期望时,你就将一个现实不能改变太多期望模式

    Let go of expectations. When you have expectations of something - a person, an experience, a vacation, a job, a book - you put it in a predetermined box that has little to do with reality.


  • ,一次经历,一段旅行,一分工作,一本书抱有期望时,你就将一个现实不能改变太多期望模式

    Let go of expectations. When you have expectations of something - a person, an experience, a vacation, a job, a book - you put it in a predetermined box that has little to do with reality.


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