• 走过剧院小胡同和卢布姆斯伯里区恬静广场

    He walked through the alleys of theatre land and the quiet squares of bloomsbury.


  • 北约辆汽车的司机拒绝服从坎大哈省扎停车警告,北约巡逻队向这辆大型汽车开火

    NATO says its patrol fired on a large vehicle after the driver refused warnings to stop in the Zhari district of Kandahar province.


  • 他们居住改建的公寓

    They lived in a SoHo loft.


  • 按照这方案,布雷肯与其同名滑雪将会繁荣起来

    The town of Breckenridge and its namesake ski area could prosper under the plan.


  • .贝克尔到了三垒旁投球土墩

    Rich Becker bunted a ball on the third-base side of the mound.


  • 保护占地面积大约1 140平方

    The reserve covers an area of some 1 140 square kilometres.


  • 他们坐在角落的分隔用餐远离其他就餐者。

    They sat in a corner booth, away from other diners.


  • 一轮疏散行动影响亚利桑那州沃罗山地位于凤凰城东北约300靠近墨西哥州边界

    Another round of evacuations affected the mountain community of Wallow, Arizona, some 300 kilometers northeast of Phoenix near the New Mexico border.


  • 去年英国政府印度洋建立了世界现存最大海洋保护跨越55.4万平方公整个保护禁渔

    The world's largest existing marine reserve, established last year by the British government in the Indian Ocean, spans 554,000 km2 and is a no take zone throughout.


  • 伦敦瞬息万变艺术画廊隐藏伦敦南部斯托克韦尔住宅一个下沉球场

    London's fastest-changing art gallery is hidden in a sunken ball court on a housing estate in Stockwell, south London.


  • 比如森林大量相邻小气候,其环境截然不同是因为刚刚所提到的各种不同的可变因素

    In the forest, for example, there can be a number of very different microclimates close to each other, because of all the variables I just mentioned.


  • 本世纪一地一些印第安人常常赤身吊床

    Some of the Indians of this region, earlier in the century, used to sleep naked in hammocks.


  • 珊瑚保护面积99万平方海岸向外延伸达1100公

    The Coral Sea reserve would cover almost 990,000 square kilometres and stretch as far as 1,100 kilometres from the coast.


  • 跑遍了一地附近10内的范围。

    I have walked this district for ten kilometres round.


  • 伦敦辛顿切尔西这样“贵族”大约有一半的房子独自生活的

    In London's tonier neighborhoods like Kensington and Chelsea, about half of all households are people living alone.


  • 他们可以每个机场联邦检查服务自动亭子验证他们身份

    Instead, they may verify their identities at automated kiosks at the Federal Inspection Services area of each airport.


  • 海龟可以捕食筑巢之间游泳数千

    Sea turtles can swim thousands of miles between feeding and nesting areas.


  • 俄罗斯高级将领后来证实本月早些时候爆发战斗南奥塞梯周围一个所谓缓冲保留18个检查站

    A senior Russian general later confirmed that 18 checkpoints would remain in what was called a 'buffer zone' around South Ossetia, where fighting broke out early this month.


  • 冰岛由于物质地底深处涌起部分海底山脊空中而形成国家。

    Iceland is the result of a "hotspot" in which material rises from deep within the Earth, pushing part of this ridge up into the air.


  • 英国野生动物导游马克·这个保护游历捕捉了这个情节。

    British wildlife guide Mark Sheridan captured the action during a tour of the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania.


  • 许多银行家已经失业,而曼哈顿伦敦卡纳·沃尔夫有些摩天大楼也挂上了牌子

    Many bankers have lost their jobs. Some skyscrapers in Manhattan and London's Canary Wharf have new signs on them.


  • 问题核心部分,感觉德国把最弱小成员国也拉进欧元问题

    At the heart of it, there is a feeling that Germany is hoisting the problems of the Eurozone onto its weakest members.


  • 同时日本官方正在淡化这项争执。他们希望双方迅速就天然气田合作计划,作进一步商议

    Meanwhile, Japanese officials are downplaying the issue, and say they are hopeful the two sides can soon hold further discussions on joint cooperation on gas fields in the area.


  • 他们发现大脑负责记忆海马蛋白质饮食啮齿类动物身上发育较不完善。

    They also found that the hippocampus part of the brain, which is responsible for memory, were less developed in those rodents on the high protein diet.


  • 美国监管委员会建议居住核电站周围10应急计划居民应该随时得到碘化钾药片

    In the United States, the nuclear Regulatory Commission recommends that people living within a 10-mile emergency planning zone around a nuclear plant have access to potassium iodide tablets.


  • 盖茨在非军事讲话提到韩国天安舰的袭击

    Secretary Gates referred to the attack in his statement at the DMZ.


  • 张海峡群岛国家海洋保护照片平静水面反映了多云天空

    Calm water mirrors cloudy skies in this photograph of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary.


  • 现在我们唯一指望就是,小岛被明确划入保护。” 蒂补充说

    "Our only hope now is that its existence will be charted and recognised within the zone, " added Thirion.


  • 那些味道甜美水果遍布全球柑橘他们不同,世界上90%柠檬都产意大利脚尖——卡布·一小海岸

    Unlike its sweeter counterparts, which are grown around the globe, around 90% of the world's entire supply of bergamot comes from one small stretch of the Calabrian coast in the tip of Italy's toe.


  • 那些味道甜美水果遍布全球柑橘他们不同,世界上90%柠檬都产意大利脚尖——卡布·一小海岸

    Unlike its sweeter counterparts, which are grown around the globe, around 90% of the world's entire supply of bergamot comes from one small stretch of the Calabrian coast in the tip of Italy's toe.


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