• 用头脑风暴法想出可以采取可能方法

    She brainstormed the possible approaches she might take.


  • 守则概述防止金融危机采取步骤

    The code would outline the steps that should be taken to prevent a financial crisis.


  • 之前知识兴趣会影响我们经历、我们对这些经历的意义想法以及我们随后采取的行动

    Prior knowledge and interest influence what we experience, what we think our experiences mean, and the subsequent actions we take.


  • 这个问题许多可能采取解决办法

    There are a number of possible remedies to this problem.


  • 采取销售方式丢尽

    The way the sales were handled was a complete disgrace.


  • 游泳可能采取最佳锻炼方式

    Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get.


  • 政府最近采取的行动引起强烈反对

    This latest move by the government has aroused fierce opposition.


  • 指责这个国家政府采取的镇压手段。

    He criticized the repressive methods employed by the country's government.


  • 详述临时政府议会将会采取形式

    He didn't enlarge on the form that the interim government and assembly would take.


  • 他们说明了紧急情况下应采取的行动

    She explained to them what to do in an emergency.


  • 可能采取唯一措施就是通知雇主

    The only course of action left to me was to notify her employer.


  • 他们采取的态度反而使坚定了继续战斗决心

    Their attitude only strengthened his resolve to fight on.


  • 采取这些行动背离了所谓那些普遍接受民主准则

    The actions taken depart from what she called the commonly accepted norms of democracy.


  • 行动针对公众日益增长对该疾病传播担忧采取的

    The move follows growing public concern over the spread of the disease.


  • 这个芭蕾舞采取介于古典芭蕾舞现代舞之间的风格。

    The ballet company now occupies the middle ground between classical ballet and modern dance.


  • 过去几年里,梅雷迪恩先生采取的一些立场使成为了被批评对象

    Over the past few years, some of the positions Mr. Meredith has adopted have made him the subject of criticism.


  • 总的来说,赞同政府人士目前采取极端手段

    In general, I applaud the extreme methods currently adopted by government officials.


  • 主管对表现不佳员工采取行为影响其他员工态度

    A supervisor's action toward a poorly performing worker can affect the attitudes of other employees.


  • 法国税收不是一个需要税收国家单方面采取的行动。

    The French tax is not just a unilateral move by one country in need of revenue.


  • 胡克这种情况下采取的策略在多大程度上应该受到责备,要由历史学家决定。

    To what extent Hook is to blame for his tactics on this occasion is for the historian to decide.


  • 其他弱点外城市独自应对空气污染时而必须采取措施存在政治上的争议因此也很易受到攻击

    Among other weaknesses, the measures cities must employ when left to tackle dirty air on their own are politically contentious, and therefore vulnerable.


  • 因为他们采取行动结果很糟糕,他们认为相反做法——母亲家里,推迟手术——更好的结果。

    Because the course of action they took turned out badly, they believe that the opposite coursekeeping Mother at home, postponing the operationwould have turned out better.


  • 专家表示无论苹果公司是否会掉这场官司,未来可能采取的措施几乎一定进一步限制政府影响力

    Experts said that whether or not Apple loses this specific case, measures that it could put into place in the future will almost certainly be able to further limit the government's reach.


  • 人们一直以来采取保护蜂鸟栖息地具体措施之一清理受到污染的栖息地,然后蜂鸟赖以生存的花草

    One of the concrete ways people have been doing this is by cleaning up polluted habitat areas and then replanting native flowers that humming birds feed on.


  • 昨日新闻报道马来西亚当局新加坡太阳邮轮公司讨论可能采取的打捞行动。上周该公司的豪华客轮在马来西亚海域沉没

    Malaysian authorities are discussing possible salvage efforts with Sun Cruises, the Singapore owner of a luxury liner that sank off Malaysia last week, a news report said yesterday.


  • 位评论家这位哲学家著作回应不是采取立场异端邪说就像有些断言的那样,而是任何这个话题有所了解的来说,它都不是什么新鲜事

    One critic's response to the philosopher's new work is not that the position it takes is heretical, as some have asserted, but instead nothing new to anyone who knows anything about the topic.


  • 维斯尼斯基说:“我们采取的方法这种疾病开拓一种全新治疗途径。”

    "Our approach opens up a completely new avenue for therapy," says Dr. Wisniewski.


  • 而这正是我们在这里采取方法

    That is the approach we'll take here.


  • 帮助采取形式有关吗?

    Does it matter what form that help takes?


  • 说明你们采取战略奏效

    The strategies you have adopted are working.


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