• 段很长的时期内中国运行巨大经常账户顺差以及私人部门资本盈余希望汇率升高过快。

    Throughout this long period, China ran a large current account surplus, and a private sector capital surplus, but did not want the exchange rate to rise too rapidly.


  • 关于企业来讲,如何能力使企业的对象连续竞争力,关于小我来讲,如何使本身成为“被掠夺部门资本值得沉思

    On the enterprise, how to make the enterprise staff ability objects have continuous competitiveness, a person, how to make itself become the capital department looted ", worthy of contemplation."


  • 事实上,根据过去经验包括美国在内许多石油生产国的石油部门资本支出已经急剧下降了

    In fact, in line with past experience, capital expenditure in the oil sector has dropped sharply in many producing countries, including the United States.


  • 每一服务成本降低IT资源分配得到改善使得普通IT部门资本支出变成服务用户运营支出。

    Lower cost and improved allocation of it resources per service changes from capital expenditure for the common it department to operational expenditure for the service and user.


  • 日本能源部门看起来尤其需要外部提供资本新鲜想法

    But Japan's energy sector seems particularly in need of the fresh capital and new ideas that outsiders might provide.


  • 考虑资本减备得到加强,(金融部门全面恢复力已经增加

    The overall resilience (of the financial sector) has increased, taking into account that capital buffers have been strengthened," he added.


  • 此外,要通过私人部门贷款支持增长所有银行具备充足资本缓冲

    In addition, to support growth, via private sector lending, all Banks must have sufficient capital buffers.


  • 外国团体每个部门都在不断抱怨阿富汗“人力资本不足,或者说这些外国团体也为“能力建设”失败自责。

    The lament repeated by every section of the foreign community is about the lack of "human capital", or, if the speaker is feeling self-accusatory, about the failure of "capacity-building".


  • 同样资本支出运营支出转变可以实现精确计费计量模式这些模式可满足基于部门使用量记录需求

    Similarly, the shift from capital expenditure to operational expenditure enables more precise billing and metering models that meet accounting requirements based on department usage.


  • 资本支出减速特别令人担忧因为过去年来表现最强劲可靠经济部门

    The downshift in the pace of capital spending is particularly worrying as this was the strongest, most reliable sector of the economy over the past year.


  • 全球私营部门股本增加,往往提升几乎所有企业实体资本净值(市价计算)。

    A rise in global private sector equity will tend to raise the net worth (at market prices) of virtually all business entities.


  • 危机解决阶段银行最好很好地资本再次私营部门合作。

    Ideally, after the resolution stage, the Banks should be well-capitalized and in private hands once again.


  • 私有部门需要增加资本提供更多信贷

    The private sector will be needed to provide the capital to support more credit.


  • 但是这项法案主要仰赖监管部门他们负责监管各金融公司,设定资本要求拆分破产机构还须达成共识,以及其他所有相关事宜。

    But this bill leans heavily on regulators: they watch the firms, set capital requirements, have to reach consensus before taking down a failing institution, and, well, everything else.


  • 奥派商业周期理论指导下可以看到零售部门开始其他资本更密集部门的开始复苏

    Guided by Austrian business-cycle theory, we would also expect to see the retail sectors begin to recover earlier than the more capital-intensive sectors.


  • 对于微小问题切除坏账通过新的资本注入方式银行其他部门恢复健康

    For more minor ailments, bad loan books may be excised and the rest of the bank restored to health with a transfusion of new capital.


  • 这些部门开始重新启用那些失业工人即使那些资本密集部门仍然解雇工人。

    These sectors would start to draw down the accumulating pool of unemployed workers, even as the capital-intensive sectors still piled on newly laid-off workers.


  • 这样做,可以使银行削减监管资本服务贷款部门

    That would enable the bank to slash its regulatory capital, as well as parts of the bank that service the loans.


  • 7月27日,对于银行部门资本资金因为刚刚制定新的巴塞尔公约而缓和尽管大家对此众说纷纭,但这些银行的股价还是上升了。

    Banks' share prices rose too, although that had as much to do with the news on July 27th that the new Basel 3 rules on the sector's capital and funding would be watered down.


  • 注册资本1亿美元及以下投资性公司设立可以省级商务部门(国家级经济技术开发区除外审批

    The establishment of a foreign-invested holding company with a proposed registered capital of US$100 million or less may be approved by Provincial-Level Approval Authorities (excluding ETDZs).


  • 巴克莱资本(Barclays Capital)固定收益研究部门负责人Ajay RajadhyakshaFed这项计划能“商业票据市场缓解一定压力”。

    The Fed's program should 'relieve a fair amount of the pressure on the commercial paper market, ' says Ajay Rajadhyaksha, head of fixed-income research at Barclays Capital.


  • Adage资本管理公司(Adage Capital Management)已经贝尔斯登专门处理客户交易大宗经纪业务部门取出了一部分

    Adage Capital Management pulled some of their money out of Bear Stearns's prime-brokerage division, which lends money and processes trades for large clients.


  • 与此同时德国荷兰私人部门盈余大量的资本外流抵消。

    Meanwhile, the private surpluses of Germany and the Netherlands were offset by huge capital outflows.


  • 同时联邦管理部门保证在周三启动经过修订的项目金融部门注入新的资本

    Federal regulators, meanwhile, pledged they will launch a revamped programme to inject fresh capital into financial institutions starting on Wednesday.


  • 商业借贷巴克莱资本(投资银行)财富理财业务已经整合一个部门

    Commercial lending, Barclays Capital (the investment bank) and wealth management have been brought together into one unit.


  • 大型银行的高管们或许以为向监管部门施压就能阻止针对大型银行的资本规定出台——这种做法这次可能不会奏效了。

    Bankers at the largest institutions may think bullying regulators will stop new capital requirements for the largest institutions — but that tactic just may not work this time.


  • 除了薪酬全球监管部门正在施压银行持有更多资本降低风险承担以便未来不再需要拿纳税人资金救助银行

    Besides pay, regulators around the world are pushing Banks to hold more capital and take fewer risks so that taxpayer bailouts won't be necessary in the future.


  • 除了薪酬全球监管部门正在施压银行持有更多资本降低风险承担以便未来不再需要拿纳税人资金救助银行

    Besides pay, regulators around the world are pushing Banks to hold more capital and take fewer risks so that taxpayer bailouts won't be necessary in the future.


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