• 在那边那些女孩认识其中的个。

    I know only one of the girls there.


  • 认为对于那些不能应付简单心算的人,尤其是女孩应该给予同样关注

    I think there should be equal concern for those who are unable to cope with simple mental arithmetic—particularly girls.


  • 不够粗野强壮,和男孩子在一起感到很不舒服但是性别又将朋友那些女孩们中间排除出来。

    I'm not rough and tough enough to feel comfortable with the boys, and yet my gender excludes me from hanging with my friends, the girls.


  • 还有一事。那些无耻女孩们远点儿。你明白的意思了吧?

    One more thing. You must stay away from shameless girls. Understand?


  • 迈克记得什么了⋯⋯那些女孩真可爱。

    Mike: I don't remember what his name is... Those little girls are cute.


  • 介绍那些女孩吗?

    Can you introduce me to those girls?


  • 而且觉得那些喜欢高跟鞋女孩子们应该继续她们做的事情

    And I think the girls who like their high heels should be able to continue to do what they want to do.


  • 那些女孩顿饭告诉你。

    You owe these gals dinner, I tell you.


  • 只想,别忘了她们那些贴着邦迪女孩因为她们希望银幕上看到自己那些生死攸关的事情。

    I'm just saying, keep them in mind, those girls in Band-Aids, because they want to see themselves on screen doing death-defying stunts, too.


  • 谈及自己离开理由时,表示,“很不幸如果了一只大号钻戒社交圈那些女孩你的闲话……可那是可爱丈夫的。”

    Speaking about her reasons for leaving, she said that "unfortunately, with social girls if you have a big diamond ring they will talk to you.".. My lovely husband bought me a diamond ring.


  • 认为自作自受。告诉那天的所作所为,还有那些关于其它女孩的事情时,喜欢看到脸上流露的表情

    I loved seeing the look on his face when I told him about what I did and that I knew about the other girls.


  • 但是仍然能够看到树枝间悬挂着吊床轻轻摇摆着,看到那些曾经去过废料场女孩蜷缩吊床里。

    But we were able to catch sight of some hammocks hanging from branches, rocked by the wind, and I saw, nestling in them, the girls who had led us to that place.


  • 没有低估这件产品潜力知道那些被宠坏刁蛮女孩子们仅仅因为这个设计者标签而且去购买这件产品。

    I do not underestimate the potential this product has. I know spoiled, bratty girls will buy this product just for the designer label.


  • 也曾做过战场报道没有什么采访那些父母卖掉邻居绑架13岁女孩震撼了。

    I've covered wars, but nothing shook me more than interviews with 13-year-old girls who had been sold by their parents or kidnapped by neighbors.


  • 感到心情不错对在一个新的班级的新的开始还有那些女孩们,感到异常兴奋

    I felt good, I was excited about a new start in a new class, and the girls.


  • 仍然记得那些“恩人”们——带找到成都火车站女孩石家庄火车时一臂之力老者,还有不辞辛苦地图宾馆服务员……

    To mention a few… the girl who helped me to find Chengdu railway station, the old man who helped to get down from train in Shijiazhuang, the hotel-assistant, who helped to find city map etc , etc.


  • 正在市区以外吃着炸鸡的时候,一则关于此次爆炸新闻打断了,因为鲁赫拉正在去那些女孩路上。

    While I was eating Fried chicken just outside the downtown core, news of the bombing barely interrupting my meal, Ruhollah was on his way through the city to get the girls.


  • 职责那些年轻女孩今后能够正确地看待她们的"贞洁"。

    My job is to give young women possible solutions or ways to handle theirvirginityin the future.


  • 到头来其他所有那些女孩觉得失望

    Anyway, you ended up disappointing me more than, um - more than any of the other silly girls.


  • 一个女孩进入女友之间真的压力很大,有点感觉太能承受了,所有那些压力的,学校

    A girl was trying to come between me and my girlfriend and it got really stressful and I felt like I couldn't take it anymore, all that stress on top of me, school and people.


  • 夏天初期接触到那些早婚女孩时候曾听过一个老鼠大象故事

    I heard the story of the rat and the elephant one day in early summer, some weeks into my time among girls who are expected to marry very young.


  • 无法相信那些女孩能够穿这么裙子

    I can't believe that those girls wear such short skirts!


  • 在和Stefan分手期间们展现人生哲理是:“不是那些因为某些世界就会停止转动可悲女孩。”

    During herbreakfrom Stefan, she shares her personal philosophy: “I’m not going to be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy.”


  • 虽然生于西印度群岛,却20世纪50年代布拉福德那些背靠背大街小巷长大认为是个约克郡女孩

    Although I was born in the West Indies, I was brought up on the back-to-back streets of Bradford in the 1950s and consider myself a Yorkshire lass.


  • 橄榄球已经儿子佛雷迪完全到一边,还总是用可怜巴巴的“不能在家里流行女孩吗?”之类的理由,甚至是的女儿艾米丽亚也喜欢看那些节目。

    Rugby classes have kicked out of my five-year-old Freddie some of that namby-pamby “Can’t I stay in and watch Pop Girl?” stuff; even my daughter Emilia claims to enjoy it.


  • 对于那些赞成考试教育家来说,Myers不仅他们给当时坐在办公室了一。(走进她办公室时,有五女孩紧张的在门外等着。)

    To those educationists who disapprove of testing, let Myers be a lesson to you, and to me, as I sit down in her new office (passing five girls waiting nervously outside the door).


  • 对于那些赞成考试教育家来说,Myers不仅他们给当时坐在办公室了一。(走进她办公室时,有五女孩紧张的在门外等着。)

    To those educationists who disapprove of testing, let Myers be a lesson to you, and to me, as I sit down in her new office (passing five girls waiting nervously outside the door).


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