• 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一年一度的"南瓜"赛正在德国西南部城市路德维希堡如火如荼展开,你能看到王室宫殿遗址,人们划着这些臃肿自制"南瓜舟"在水中博弈。

    The Kürbis Regatta at the annual Ludwigsburg Pumpkin Festival, in southwest Germany, saw a host of bloated specimens being paddled in front of a former royal palace.


  • 现年29岁佛朗哥·马尼另外几个小伙子装扮成古罗马角斗士的样子,头装饰着羽毛的头盔,身穿缀满钮扣的胸甲,脚蹬罗马角斗士凉鞋,在古罗马竞技场遗址游客们合影留念,以次向游客收费

    Franco magni 29 and a handful of other men dressed in feathered helmets studded breastplates and roman sandals charge tourists to take their picture in front of the ruins of the amphitheater.


  • Mush更年轻遗址中,不少2600万只属于非洲大陆的哺乳科动物消失了。

    A handful of Africa's unique island mammal families that were present 26 million years ago are absent from sites younger than Mush.


  • 事实上塔斯马尼亚岛上看到一些几何图形镌刻遗址,该岛大约一万大陆分离出来

    Indeed, sites with engravings of geometric shapes are also to be found on the island of Tasmania, which was separated from the mainland of the continent some 10,000 years ago.


  • 黎明到了白沙国家遗址

    I arrived at White Sand National Monument before dawn.


  • 随便北美洲处地方挖掘出处考古遗址最底层的地质总是约在一万三千如果任何文物出土的话,肯定克洛维斯或者与克洛维斯相关的。

    If you dig an archaeological site almost anywhere, the bottom levels are going to be about 13, 000 years old, and if there are any artefacts, it will be Clovis or Clovis-related.


  • 数以千计部落钱币一起哈拉顿宝藏的遗址还有迄今为止英国发现古老的罗马钱币,可以追溯到公元211年,有那时精心装饰的银质罗马头盔还有珠宝

    Along with thousands of tribal COINS, the Hallaton Treasure also includes the oldest Roman coin ever found in Britain, dating back to 211bc, a silver Roman parade helmet and jewellery from the period.


  • 我们来说令人激动因为揭示这个遗址最早建筑可追朔3000

    But it is really exciting to us, because it reveals the earliest construction layers of the site, dating to about 3,000 years ago.


  • 我们来说令人激动因为揭示这个遗址最早建筑可追朔3000

    But it is really exciting to us, because it reveals the earliest construction layers of the site, dating to about 3, 000 years ago.


  • 根据碳年代分析遗址追溯到公元10世纪这表明有可能属于所罗门

    According to carbon analysis, the site dates to the tenth century B.C., suggesting it could be the famed mines of King Solomon.


  • 联系了当地考古学家查看遗址发现了一些陶瓷碎片表明这里在2000一个罗马庄园

    He contacted local archaeologists, who looked over the site and found ceramic pieces indicating it was a 2, 000-year-old Roman villa.


  • 莱维和约旦籍的同事默罕默德·纳佳(MohammadNajjar)带领的考古小组已经发现了一个四室门道,以色列遗址发现的可追溯到公元10世纪城门类似

    The team headed by Levy and his Jordanian colleague Mohammad Najjar has uncovered a four-chambered gate similar to ones found at sites in Israel that might date to the tenth-century B.C..


  • 以色列以北,距今至少12000墓葬遗址考古学家在洞穴地坑内发现至少71只乌龟2头野牛骨头,人骨(当时被称为巫师)边到处散落着龟壳。

    At a 12,000-year-old burial site in northern Israel, archaeologists found the remains of at least 71 tortoises and two wild cattle in specially built hollows in a cave.


  • 丝绸浙江湖州市吴兴区钱山漾的公元2700年的良渚文化遗址发现过。

    Scraps of silk were found in a Liangzhu culture site at Qianshanyang in Huzhou, Zhejiang, dating back to 2700 BCE.[1][2]


  • 事实上化石遗址(Gray Fossil Site)里犬齿猫科动物骆驼大象犀牛的骨头表明这些动物生活400志愿者(Volunteer State,即田纳西州)。

    In fact, at the Gray Fossil Site, bones from a saber-toothed cat, camel, elephant and rhinoceros indicate these animals lived in the Volunteer State more than 4 million years ago.


  • 赫托遗址发现石制工具代表相当精良的制作工艺它们10万年更原始更近代时期工具相比,没有太多不同之处。

    The stone tools found at Herto represent a fairly sophisticated technologybut they are not that much different from tools 100, 000 years older or, for that matter, 100, 000 years younger.


  • 因为这些人工制品附近经过碳定年确定公元9000年左右遗迹里找到的制品如此相似斯密特他的伙伴们估计歌贝克力山顶遗址这个遗迹出自同一个时期的。

    And because those artifacts closely resemble others from nearby sites previously carbon-dated to about 9000 B.C., Schmidt and co-workers estimate that Gobekli Tepe's stone structures are the same age.


  • “如果这样说,甚至可以一个公元6世纪挪威村庄遗址发现能证明所谓大卫时代的放射性碳证据!”

    "You can find evidence in radiocarbon for David being a villager in Norway in the sixth century A.D.!


  • 图31.2010年2月2日,阿富汗喀布尔处声名狼藉的贩毒窝点,一名男子准备毁坏俄罗斯文化中心遗址吸食海洛因。

    A man prepares to smoke heroin in the destroyed former Russian Cultural Center, a notorious drug den on February 02, 2010 in Kabul, Afghanistan.


  • 马丘·比丘(老人峰)哥伦比亚印加石头遗址,它高耸于秘鲁安第斯山山巅。

    Machu Picchu or Old peak is the name given to the stone ruins of a pre-Columbian Incan city perched high atop the Andean peaks of Peru.


  • 这个农耕文明遗址中,考古人员发现了3000农具

    In this farming culture site, the archaeologists discovered farm tools from 3000 years ago.


  • 证明海湾地区人类栖息地有力证据来自名为“吉备。法雅1号”的考古遗址考古队波斯湾盆地发现的。

    The most definitive evidence of these human camps in the Gulf comes from a new archaeological site called Jebel Faya 1 within the Gulf basin that was discovered four years ago.


  • 遗址年代跨越5000年新石器时代中晚期1700年魏晋时代。

    The dates of the sites investigated range from Neolithic times, ca. 5000 BP, to the Wei and Jin dynasties around 1700 BP.


  • 部落第三代传承蜀人部落,成都平原发现大约公元3000 ~ 4000年遗址大多属于鱼凫时代

    And the Yu fu is the third generation of ancient Shu, the relic which had a history of 3000-4000years in Cheng Du Plain was belong to Yufu's time.


  • 根据中国西北部喇家遗址出土面条遗存, 面条历史追溯到4000

    The earliest noodles have been dated to 4000 years ago, based on the discovery of remains at Lajia in north western China.


  • 这个破损的龟壳出土洛阳墓葬遗址可能在数千就被用于占卜仪式

    A broken tortoise shell found at the Luoyang excavation site was likely used for psychic practices thousands of years ago.


  • 有些东西是从古城遗址发掘出来的。陈列博物馆数千男女穿的东西。这些城市已深深埋地下,上面覆盖了许多尺厚尘土。

    Some of the things which have been dug up in places where old cities once stood, and put in the museum, were being worn or used by men and women many thousands of years ago.


  • 奥克尼群岛卡拉布雷,可以看到石器时代一个村落遗址,该村落大约是公元3100年建造的。

    The remains of a Stone age village built about 3100 BC can be seen at Skara Brae in the Orkneys.


  • 奥克尼群岛卡拉布雷,可以看到石器时代一个村落遗址,该村落大约是公元3100年建造的。

    The remains of a Stone age village built about 3100 BC can be seen at Skara Brae in the Orkneys.


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