• 大家一直看见它们,很有可能把它们做完

    This keeps them visible and makes it more likely that they will get done.


  • 大家充满了疑问,大家作出努力都获得了什么呢?

    This left many wondering what all their hard work had accomplished.


  • 另外一种变种就是the 4e ' s ”或者其他类似的相同字母开始每个观点这让大家不得不去使用同义词词典。

    Another variant on the same thing is "the 4 e's" or something similar, where you make every point begin with the same letter. This really forces the thesaurus usage.


  • 好,因为大家有所准备。你在告知他们你将采取下一步行动。

    It's good because you're preparing other people. You're informing them that you're going to be moving forward.


  • 知道大家是否知道很可能不是其中一种那么大家指出一些事实

    I don't know if you can see, probably not, what's written on here, so let me point out to you a few things.


  • 成了一顿丰盛团圆饭,饥饿他们胃口大开大家狼吞虎咽,不可理喻。顿饭仿佛等了好几个世纪,如此丰盛,刻骨铭心几乎成了生活神圣庆典

    This was the great reunion, and everybody gorged themselves silly, and appetite came into its own; the long-awaited meal became a feast to remember and an almost sacred celebration of life.


  • 有如平易近人个性,更加喜欢她,因为大家知道奥普拉完全是靠白手起家,开始自己事业时候没有得到任何特别的帮助

    And, like so many of her common touches, it makes people love her even more, because they know that she wasn’t given anything to begin with.


  • 我们大家离开

    We got to get everyone out of here!


  • 惊讶人们已经首席执行官一个头衔放到了神坛之上意味着可以得到大家更多友善亲近

    A. Ithink the fact that people put the C.E.O. on such a high pedestal. Youget more credit than you deserve for being friendly and approachable.


  • 大家注意到件事情发出声音觉得希望,假如人们声音足够响亮的话,那么平装封面也有所改变

    I was hopeful that people would notice and speak up and that if they were loud enough that there'd be a change for the paperback edition. People spoke up sooner and louder than I dreamed.


  • 现在,想为你们首歌,一首之歌,我知道大家都心有种爱,我祈祷你们不会熄灭

    I know you share this love. I pray that you will never let it die.


  • 年轻喂小孩的时候,大家都会离开房间我很不自然,也我感觉孤单

    I was young and self-conscious, and everyone would leave the room when I breast-fed. I was lonely, "Byrd says." see.


  • 认为太男人了,John知道的,他们仅仅是认为比起用来,更应该直接运行程序,但是确实是调试代码的非常价值的工具里给大家演示下吧

    I guess it's not macho enough, John, to just, you know, you know, go off and do things by hand, you ought to just run them, but it's a valuable tool to get into, so let me do that here.


  • 我们大家致富访谈如是说。 访谈时身处一栋层楼房,楼房他七十年代入住,比起村民们偏好的更豪华房屋,相对朴素

    We wanted people to get rich, " Wu said during an interview in the two-story house he's lived in since the 1970s, a modest home compared to the larger, lavish ones his villagers prefer.


  • 表示:“人有点难以接受,因为开始方法行不通但是认为大家不得不作为探索的领域之一,简单了。”

    It’s a hard sell, because atfirst it’s obvious it won’t work, ” he said. “But my hope is that this is so simple they will have to put it in their portfolio to explore.”


  • 国家阁楼有着宽敞明亮走廊Miller到达保存诸多昆虫标本巨大房间时,暂停了一会儿,大家观察眼前的景物。

    The "nation's attic" has wide, well-lit corridors, and when Miller reaches the giant room storing much of the pinned insect collection, he pauses to let the sight sink in.


  • 大家解释不是测试的问题,而是设计需要改进(把测试个送信打死),这让受益良多。

    It really helps me explain to people that it's not the test's fault, your design needs some more. (Don't shoot the messenger.)


  • 不想为了以外的其他人奋战呢!和他有关大家团结一心。是我遇过最好总教头

    Never want to play for anybody else. There's just something about him, man. He brings everybody together. Best manager I ever played for.


  • 当然很高兴因为感觉国家现在强大了,而且大家非常喜欢中国

    Of course I like it, because it makes me feel like my country is more powerful now and because everyone is into Chinese style.


  • 这让公司获得了如今地位,并且得到了大家认可尊重

    He has worked his way up in his present company to a position of responsibility and respect.


  • 希望可以激发大家想象力孩子们能看到背后隐藏科学

    I hope this just sparks imagination and that kids see the science behind it.


  • 到了一定年龄譬如大学毕业大家觉得必须走上社会份工作我觉得挺有意思的。

    It's funny that when people reach a certain age, such as after graduating college, they assume it's time to go out and get a job.


  • 大家起手来共同创造美丽的家园吧!

    Lett us join hands together to create a beautiful home!


  • 讨厌做广告葡萄干唱歌跳舞大家就会去吃它们了。

    Joon: It's sick. The commercial people they make them sing and dance so people will eat them.


  • 很多无限感慨因为大家记不得国家队待遇多少年前的事了。

    It makes a lot of people are infinite feelings, because we all remember in the national team have such treatment, is how many years ago.


  • 身处一个大家子里,身边有四个小孩管,已经了,所以能有机会定定心心下来想念赛场

    I've got a big family, four kids to chase around, that keeps you busy enough, I've not really had the chance to sit down and miss the playing side.


  • 他们感觉好像他们属于同一个大家

    It makes them feel as if they are all part of the same big family.


  • 他们感觉好像他们属于同一个大家

    It makes them feel as if they are all part of the same big family.


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