• 特别大规模网络环境下,优点超过它在路由开销方面表现。

    We want to point out that SAANIMRA has many more advantages than its routing overhead's disadvantages in large scale networks.


  • 完全集中式完全分布式信任模型存在路由开销太大、内存不足计算能力有限问题。

    Fully distributed trust models are also not suitable because they have limited computing capacity and memory and so on.


  • 仿真结果表明径技术都显著减少协议路由开销,且IDSR-2路由开销更小

    Simulation results show that both IDSR-1 and IDSR-2 can reduce routing overheads significantly. And the routing overheads of IDSR-2 are smaller than IDSR-1's.


  • 路由协议的设计需要多个设计目标间作合理折衷包括路由开销路由可靠性、实现简单性

    Reasonable tradeoffs must be made among the design objectives, including routing overhead, reliability, simplicity, and so on.


  • NS2仿真结果表明改进后算法能够节约节点剩余能量降低路由开销延长网络最大生存时间

    The NS2 simulation results show that the improved algorithm can save the energy of nodes and reduce routing overhead and prolong the maximal living time of network.


  • 通过模拟试验发现传统方法相比,该方案可以减少路由带来的时延一定程度减少了路由开销

    Simulations results indicate that the improvement in less delay and routing overhead while compared with the traditional method to some extent.


  • ZRP一种分级路由协议通过设置最佳的区域半径很好的控制路由开销缩短寻路时延提高效率

    ZRP is a hierarchical routing protocol, which can control the router spending, cut the delay and improve the efficiency, while setting the best radius.


  • 仿真结果表明odvcl协议路由发现频率平均端对端延迟发包路由开销性能上优于AODV协议。

    The simulation results demonstrate that ODVCL improves many advantages compared to the AODV protocol, such as route discovery frequency, end-to-end delay, packet delivery fraction and routing load.


  • 仿真实验表明MQAR协议保持较高报文传输率的情况下,有效地减少路径建立时间修复时间,大大降低了路由开销

    The simulation results show that MQAR protocol can effectively reduce route establishing time, route recovery time and routing overload as well, and the packet delivery ratio remains high.


  • 现在互联网络应用大多使用路由协议数据采用单路径方式进行传递,由于数据沿着条路径传输,路由开销网络延迟较大,在负载较大的时候容易引起拥塞

    Currently, Internet routing protocol is single path routing, data transmits along a single path, this will bring large routing overhead and the network delay, and also will cost congestion easily.


  • 因此这种情况,失误增多其中B3表示无论本地远程路由接口腐化路径开销或有效载荷。

    Thus, a condition in which B3 errors increase only indicates that either the local or remote router interface corrupts the path overhead or payload.


  • 仿真结果显示路由协议平均分组递交路由协议开销等方面优于传统路由协议。

    The simulation results indicate that the performances of the protocol in packet delivery ratio and routing overhead are better than the conventional routing protocol.


  • 协议数据发送端到端延迟路由控制开销节省功耗等方面都具有较好的性能

    This protocol has good performance on data delivering, end-to-end delay, routing overhead and energy consuming.


  • AODV一种按需路由协议具有控制负载耗电量以及带宽开销低等优点。

    AODV is an on-demand routing protocol with low control of load, low power consumption and low bandwidth overhead.


  • 协议计算开销低,并在暴露通信的节点身份信息情况下完成路由任务

    The new protocols nicely fulfill the routing task without disclosing the real identities of participaty nodes without the high overhead.


  • 然后根据通信实时性等要求,设计局部路由优化方案方案减少报文传输时间可能导致绑定更新开销增加

    Then according the timeliness, a kind of local route optimization scheme is designed. Although it can reduce the time of transmission, yet the cost of binding increase.


  • 但是P2 P网络较强的波动性及引起的DHT迁移,造成维护路由信息需要很大网络开销

    However, the relative high churn rate for P2P networks makes DHT shifted. It generates considerable network traffic for routing information maintenance overhead.


  • 文章结合一种新的军用网络结构针对其子网提出了基于动态源路由(dsr)协议优化措施保证较高报文传输成功率较小的网络开销、较高的网络吞吐量较小端到端时延

    Aimed at a new structure of military network, optimized measures for DSR protocol are brought forward to pledge high massage transmission rate, low cost, high throughput and little end-to-end delay.


  • 检查穿过路由连接器所有可行路由路径然后选择具有最低开销路由路径。

    Examine all possible routing paths across routing group connectors and select the routing path that has the least total cost.


  • 仿真结果表明:与传统LEO卫星网络路由算法相比,该算法具有较低计算复杂度,生成的组播路由具有较小的开销

    Simulations show that the computing complexity and the tree cost are lower than the traditional multicast routing algorithm for LEO satellite networks.


  • 仿真实验表明,CMQR协议在保持交付的情况下,具有较低路由建立时间协议开销

    The simulation results show that CMQR protocol can effectively reduce route establishing time and routing overload, but the packet delivery ratio remains high.


  • 成功解决数以10万计路由项的更新、复杂rpr拓扑震荡成本硬件存贮空间CPU开销问题

    It succeeded to resolve the updating of tens of thousands of routing table, the shaking of complex RPR topology database, high cost of hardware storage space and the spending problem of CPU.


  • 只有路径中断节点才重新进行路由寻找从而减少路由寻找次数,降低路由控制开销

    Only when the two links broken, the source nodes restart to find new routings. So it decreases the number of routing seeking to reduce routing overhead.


  • 仿真结果表明,相对ODMRP协议,基于簇按需组播路由协议ODCMRP可以有效地减少数据负载控制开销,因而能更好地适应组播规模的扩展需要。

    The simulation result has shown that ODCMRP have more excellent performance than basic ODMRP on the aspects of packet overhead and forwarding efficiency when the size of multicast group grows up.


  • 大规模无线传感器网络中,网络路由算法、数据融合问题往往会变得复杂,算法开销很大

    In larger scale wireless sensor networks, both the routing and data fusion are always the very complicate problems, so the overhead of the algorithms becomes very large.


  • 组的聚合使得网络组播数量减少路由器需要维持播转发状态传递控制信息带来的控制开销大大降低

    With multicast tree aggregation, fewer trees are maintained which amounts to reduce both the number of forwarding states in routers and the overhead induced by control messages.


  • 硬件开销增加系统的设计成本实现复杂度,并会降低路由硬件的转发速度

    Although multicast can be implemented in either software or hardware, adding hardware support for it will increase cost and complexity, possibly slowing down the routing speed.


  • 蔓延路由概率路由提供较高的报文投递,较小的投递延迟但是开销很大

    Epidemic routing and Probabilistic routing can provide higher delivery probability and reducing delays, they cost too much network traffics.


  • 蔓延路由概率路由提供较高的报文投递,较小的投递延迟但是开销很大

    Epidemic routing and Probabilistic routing can provide higher delivery probability and reducing delays, they cost too much network traffics.


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