• 韩国国家情报局官员表示:“世界正在进行一场经济战争因此我们正在努力阻止技术外泄使我们的国家成为一个经济超级强国。”

    "The world is engaged in an economic war so we are trying hard to prevent technology outflows to make our country an economic superpower," says an NIS official.


  • 顺便说一句,除了1812年英美战争外,避免强国进行愚蠢争执美国能够上升超级大国地位聪明的决策之一

    By the way, with the exception of the War of 1812, avoiding stupid quarrels with powerful countries was one of the smartest things that the United States did in its rise to superpower status.


  • 两个能够全面战争互相威胁超级强国,同时在技术工业上也是先进国家,并非出于偶然。

    It is not by accident that the two most powerful nations, capable of threatening each other with total war, are also the most advanced technologically and industrially.


  • 难得•里根侥幸1983年军营爆炸匆匆忙忙逃离黎巴嫩声称种说法厌恶战争伤亡美国这个超级大国的阿基里斯

    The alacrity with which Ronald Reagan scuttled from Lebanon after the marine barracks bombing in 1983 confirmed this belief that America's aversion to casualties was the superpower's Achilles heel.


  • 几十年来,五角大楼自己径直以超级大国战争为背景做好准备因为好吧那些交战美国知道如何准备。

    For decades, the Pentagon prepped itself for a straightforward set of superpower wars because... well, those were the battles the us knew how to prepare for.


  • 美国中国可能路上套索战争美军基地现在环绕世界上最新超级大国战争不仅噩梦般的前景

    Thee United States and China may well be on the road to war - and with a noose of US bases now encircling the world's newest superpower, nuclear war is not only imaginable but a nightmarish prospect.


  • 目前这个历史特殊时期惟有一个超级大国仰仗其无与伦比战争机器规模,独享自己的方式来解决世界事物的特权。

    In this particular juncture of present history, only one super power proclaims the sole right of solving the world ills in its own manners depending on unprecedented size of war machine.


  • 归根结底他们好像唯一有钱家伙们他们国家也是唯一一个过去五十没有卷入过战争主要超级大国

    After all, they seem to be the only guys with any money, and their country is also the only major Super Power who hasn't been involved in a war in the past 50 years.


  • 超级大作兄弟连系列2战争艺术了,集合了海陆空大方作战,精品推荐

    Le Chi Super Series 2 Band of Brothers masterpiece of art to war, and this is a generous collection of large land, sea and air operations, recommended products.


  • 美国中国可能战争美国基地现在绞索环绕世界新的超级大国战争不仅可能的而且一个可怕前景

    Thee United States and China may well be on the road to war - and with a noose of US bases now encircling the world's newest superpower, nuclear war is not only imaginable but a nightmarish prospect.


  • 建造超级武器得最佳时机通常战争陷入僵持状态得时候,当然Nod神殿电脑Computer对抗能力使其祂情况下非常实用

    The best time to build a superweapon is usually in a stalemate, though the Temple of Nod's Master Computer Countermeasures ability can make it useful in other situations.


  • 建造超级武器得最佳时机通常战争陷入僵持状态得时候,当然Nod神殿电脑Computer对抗能力使其祂情况下非常实用

    The best time to build a superweapon is usually in a stalemate, though the Temple of Nod's Master Computer Countermeasures ability can make it useful in other situations.


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