• 直到最近受伤大脑获得大脑认知能力起源最好信息来源

    Until recently, damaged brains were the best source of information about the origins of normal cognitive function.


  • 这个宽泛苍白关于自我小说尼采所说,那的内在还有外在起源还是来源动力的兼和。

    This general pale fiction of the ego as Nietzsche calls it has internal as well as external origins insofar as it also derives from the plurality of the drives.


  • 孔子学说起源这样个议题,即人类定义来源跨越几个世纪的亲属关系网络

    Confucianism begins from the proposition that human beings are defined by kinship networks that span the centuries.


  • 信息起源何处——来源某人的朋友试图销售某种产品公司公共卫生机构——正变得越来越关键”,

    "Where the information is originating from - whether it comes from one's friends, companies trying to sell a product or public health agencies - becomes that much more critical", he says.


  • 有些理论怀疑生命是否真的起源于地球,他们认为生命并非诞生于地球,而是来源一个遥远世界或是某颗陨落到地球的彗星小行星的内部。

    Some question whether life began on Earth at all, asserting instead that it came from a distant world or the heart of a fallen comet or asteroid.


  • Cytori公司将它们成为脂肪来源干细胞再生干细胞有时候也称之为脂肪来源起源细胞

    Cytori calls them adipose-derived stem cells, or adipose-derived stem and regenerative cells, and sometimes adipose-derived progenitor cells.


  • 英语中的单词可能来源德语,也可能起源拉丁语

    The words in English will have to be classified as German origin or Latin based on the origin.


  • 然而医学研究者们表示这些细胞可能基因水平解释疾病起源而且将来可能成为组织更换来源,其可以用来替换从脊髓损伤糖尿病等疾病中的任何病变组织。

    Medical researchers, however, say the cells may reveal the genetic origins of ailments and someday serve as sources of replacement tissues in everything from spinal cord injury to diabetes.


  • 论文从五个方面加以讨论:第一讨论研究起源必要性意义语料来源,在此基础上提出了本文的写作目的文章结构

    Chapter one offers the origin of the study as well as necessity and significance of the study, and the origin of the corpus, thus showing the objectives and organization of the thesis.


  • 来源角度分析,喜马拉雅鸭亚种为当地起源类型,鸭茅亚种为外来归化可能性较大。

    Thinking about the origin, it can be sure that subspecies himalayensis belong to natural origin ecotype, but subspecies glomerata was likely to belong to naturalization species.


  • 第一叙述法律英语起源以便读者熟悉法律英语的来源

    Chapter 1 relates the origin of legal English in order to make readers familiar with the source of legal English.


  • 花岗岩类的成分既受构造背景控制又与岩浆来源起源演化过程有关

    Granitoid composition is controlled by tectonic Settings, magma sources, initiation and evolution processes.


  • 现代服装设计起源及其理论研究来源西方成为主流的设计文化并且传播世界各地

    The origin and theoretical studies of modern fashion design have come from the West, they become the mainstream design culture and spread around the world.


  • 这个节日起源虽然不是清楚,但是有人认为来源1940中期这个城市孩子们之间食物大战吧

    The origins of the event are unclear although it is thought to have its roots in a food fight between childhood friends in the mid-1940s in the city.


  • 斯:关于“愚人节来源各种不同说法有些认为起源法国

    Lish:There are different versions as to the origin of April Fool's Day. Some people think it first started in France.


  • 这个形容词意思不值得信任的”质量很差”。没人能说出它确切来源不过可能起源新泽西贫民窟

    Nobody is quite sure where this adjective – used to describe something that is "untrustworthy" or of "poor quality" – originated, but one possible candidate is the ghettos of New Jersey.


  • 火山岩岩浆起源成熟度较高地壳位置,成岩物质来源地壳,为部分熔融作用的产物。

    The volcanic magmas were derived from the middle crust with a high maturity through partial melting of crustal material.


  • 火山岩岩浆起源诺尔特地区地壳位置,成岩物质来源地壳。

    The magma was derived from the middle crust and the material of volcanic rocks originated from the crust.


  • 每日电讯得知,伯尼否认了这些谣言,坚持认为他们肯定起源一个恶意的资料来源

    To the Daily Telegraph, Ecclestone also denied the rumours, insisting they must have originated "from a malicious source".


  • 资料综合脂肪组织来源干细胞同样起源胚层的骨髓基质细胞不仅具有非常相似生物学特性而且在细胞表面标志的表达方面非常相近

    DATA SYNTHESIS: There was similar bionomics of adipose tissue-derived stem cells and bone mesenchymal cells, and the cell-surface marker spectrum was also very similar.


  • 仁爱正义起源情感两者的情感来源不同价值依据不同、促进社会利益方式不同。

    Both benevolence and justice come of sensibilities, but the origin of their sensibilities, the basis of their value and the mode of promoting social benefit are different.


  • 通过《组织学胚胎学》人体生命起源生长发育认识与文献《嘎牙山哈雅》中记载的进行比较分析两者都认为生命来源于父母所授。

    The theory of four elements and skandhas is the core of traditional Dai medicine, which has been used to explain the process of human life both growth and old.


  • 通过《组织学胚胎学》人体生命起源生长发育认识与文献《嘎牙山哈雅》中记载的进行比较分析两者都认为生命来源于父母所授。

    The theory of four elements and skandhas is the core of traditional Dai medicine, which has been used to explain the process of human life both growth and old.


- 来自原声例句

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