• 美国制造商有助于解释美国中国巨大贸易赤字,这个数字去年减少是因为美国经济衰退,减少购买中国商品

    American manufacturers say this helps explain the huge U. S. trade gap with China, which shrank last year because Americans bought fewer Chinese goods during the recession.


  • Celcom用户享受40%折扣购买自天地通特区的所有售价263零吉的门票销售当天被一抢而空,这样的盛况就发生周前的成功时代广场会上

    All tickets at Celcom Zone, priced at RM263, with a 40 per cent discount for Celcom users, were snapped up on the first day the tickets were sold two weeks ago at Berjaya Times Square.


  • 目前艺术品市场低迷1989年底日本停止购买印象派作品以来严重的一次。

    The current downturn in the art market is the worst since the Japanese stopped buying Impressionists at the end of 1989.


  • 1934年以来,该基金已经投入了超过5亿美元,用于购买500多万英亩的栖息地。

    Since 1934, better than half a billion dollars has gone into that Fund to purchase more than 5 million acres of habitat.


  • 而且没有任何证据显示以后继续购买出售公司的股票。

    No evidence has emerged that he continued to buy or sell after that point.


  • 此后成为购买画作的最大股东1996起他已拥有科尔·纳吉画廊买下所有画作出售付给画廊佣金

    From that year on he was the majority partner in buying drawings; from 1996 he also owned all the paintings that were bought, paying Colnaghi a commission on those sold.


  • 这位28岁的商人2000年2月开始因特网上蚂蚁,,很多网上购买愿意店里摆弄摆弄蚂蚁。

    The 28-year-old has been selling ants on the internet since February 2000. He said most people prefer to come to his shop to handle the ants before buying them on line.


  • 福特美洲业务负责人曾警告分析师去年第三季度以来由于消费者避免大件购买美国汽车市场一直低靡

    The chief of Ford's Americas unit also warned analysts the U.S. auto market had "flat-lined" since last year's third quarter as consumers avoided making big purchases.


  • 尽管苹果并未透露周末消费者购买iPad2数量但分析师预计周五首款iPad 2上市销售,苹果销售了100万iPad 2。

    Although Apple did not disclose the number of iPad 2 devices customers purchased over the weekend, analysts estimated that the company had sold 1 million units since it first went on sale on Friday.


  • 金融危机开始以来日本不断利用金融产品作为附属担保整个经济系统注入资金但是之前从未购买资产

    Since the financial crisis Japan has continued to accept financial instruments as collateral in order to pump money into the system, but has not bought the assets.


  • 大部分股票继承祖上,其先祖只是简单购买钦佩公司股票那些几十年前与其做过生意的公司的股票。

    Most of their stocks were inherited from an ancestor who simply bought stock in the companies he admired and did business with a couple of generations ago.


  • 上一年律师们威胁发起“不公平欺诈”的集团诉讼,除非迪斯尼同意针对2004年以后购买音像制品全额退款

    Last year, lawyers threatened a class-action lawsuit for unfair and deceptive practices unless Disney agreed to refund the full purchase price to all who bought the videos since 2004.


  • 十年前美国房屋购买接受了错误保证:按全国水平上二战后房屋价格不会下跌的反复强调事实现在商业房地产价格下跌了。

    Earlier this decade American homebuyers took false assurance from the oft-quoted fact that house prices had not fallen, at the national level, since the second world war; well, they have now.


  • 例如购买需要输入个人识别码,而且一旦输入错误钱包锁。

    For instance, a PIN is necessary for every purchase, and if it is input incorrectly five times, the wallet disables.


  • 事实上,两房所面临的问题已经潜在房屋购买带来了麻烦:抵押贷款率今年早些时候开始急剧上升。

    Indeed, their financial troubles have already caused problems for would-be home buyers: mortgage rates are up sharply since earlier this year.


  • 前提几乎没有通货膨胀;鉴于当前美国通胀率为3.8%,1900年以来平均通胀率是3.1%,投资者购买国债风险了。

    But that depends on negligible inflation; and given that the current American rate is 3.8% and that the average rate since 1900 has been 3.1%, this is a big risk for investors to take.


  • 习惯改变摩根·斯坦利称国债购买(金融业购买除外)1992年起便一直为零

    This will be a big change of habit: according to Morgan Stanley, America's net Treasury-bond purchases, outside those by the finance industry, have been zero since 1992.


  • 如果发生错误代价会非常高,因此,要了解SSLPEER工作原理使用签名证书测试过滤,然后再从商业CA那里购买永久证书。

    Mistakes can be costly, so understand how SSLPEER works, and test your filtering using self-signed certificates before purchasing permanent certificates from a commercial ca.


  • 2003年起调涨最低工资将民众购买提升至1979年以来最高水准

    He also raised the minimum wage by two-and-a-half times since 2003, taking its purchasing power to its highest level since 1979.


  • 1913年以来美联储已经美元购买损失了95%。

    The Fed has already overseen a 95% loss in the dollar's purchasing power since 1913.


  • 2009年全球产出大约减少了1%还(基于平价购买力不变的情况下)——1945年以来全球经济产出第一切实减少

    In 2009 world output probably shrank by more than 1% (on a purchasing-power-parity basis) -the first time since 1945 that the global economy actually got smaller.


  • 卡斯特罗特别提到古巴2000以来先后中国购买130万彩色电视机质量很好,希望继续进口100万台。

    Castro especially mentioned that since the year 2000 Cuba has purchased 1.3 million color TV sets from China which are of high quality and he hopes to import another 1 million.


  • 有能力购买维护住房

    Ability to purchase and maintain a home through home ownership.


  • 2000年以来,美国人购买轿车数量首次超过卡车乘用型SUV,其中轿车2008年市场占有量50.8%,而2007年这一数字为46.3%。

    For the first time since 2000, Americans bought more cars than trucks and suvs-passenger cars accounted for 50.8% of total U.S. sales in 2008, vs. 46.3% in 2007.


  • 值得注意的是,去年12月,日本超过中国,成为美国国债最大海外持有者而且去年5月以来,日本的月度购买一直在增加

    Significantly, Japan overtook China as the biggest foreign holder of US Treasuries in December, and its monthly purchases have been consistently rising since May.


  • 而且,6月份,用于房屋购买抵押贷款审批量高于预期,达到12万件。这个数字也超过了2000年以来的平均水平10.7万件。

    Mortgage approvals for house purchase were a higher-than-expected 120, 000 in June, well above the average monthly level of 107, 000 since the start of 2000.


  • 而且,6月份,用于房屋购买抵押贷款审批量高于预期,达到12万件。这个数字也超过了2000年以来的平均水平10.7万件。

    Mortgage approvals for house purchase were a higher-than-expected 120, 000 in June, well above the average monthly level of 107, 000 since the start of 2000.


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