• 法国调查法官权力有所控制

    France has already curbed its investigating judges' powers.


  • 公诉人可能就[调查法官的]裁决提起上诉延滞任何诉讼程序

    The prosecutor may appeal against the decision, which would delay any proceedings.


  • 利益于乌特鲁镇案件,调查法官很快组织更大办公部门队组的形式办案

    Thanks to the Outreau inquiry, they will soon be grouped together in bigger offices, and work in teams.


  • 所以如果调查法官要是希拉克任职期间的所作所为负责,他们的最后一次机会

    So if the investigating judges are ever to hold Mr Chirac to account for what went on during his watch, this is their last chance.


  • 拉迪奇出庭贝尔格莱德特别法庭调查法官决定是否引渡海牙国际战争法庭

    Ratko mladic has appeared at a special court in Belgrade where an investigative judge will decide whether to extradite him to the international war crimes tribunal in the Hague.


  • 然而正如委员会指出这种工作方式仍然结合了调查法官功能”,就其本身而言,其运作“根本上模棱两可的”。

    Yet, as the commission points out, the job still "combines the functions of a judge with those of an investigator" and as such operates with "fundamental ambiguity".


  • 般担忧同样昭示萨尔科齐废除预审调查法官计划的不安,这一职务收集证据询问证人以及决定指控嫌疑人上具有广泛权利

    Such worries also explain the unease over Mr Sarkozy's plan to abolish investigating judges, who have sweeping powers to collect evidence, question witnesses and decide to send suspects for trial.


  • 般担忧同样昭示萨尔科齐废除预审调查法官计划的不安,这一职务收集证据询问证人以及决定指控嫌疑人上具有广泛权利

    Such worries also explain the unease over Mr Sarkozy 's plan to abolish investigating judges, who have sweeping powers to collect evidence, question witnesses and decide to send suspects for trial.


  • 我们知道如果证明此事,我们未来律师生涯盛开玫瑰花瓣一样;我们同时意识到如果我们调查法官却一无所获,我们的未来玩完了。

    We knew our future as lawyers would blossom like the petals on a rose if we could prove this, but we also realized that our future could perish if we went after the judges and failed.


  • 法官暂时取消此项禁令,等待一次全面调查

    A judge has suspended the ban pending a full inquiry.


  • 是因为要求阿根廷法官当时西班牙内战爆发的1936开始调查,一直1977年,即佛朗哥去世年。

    This is because it asks the Argentinian judges to investigate the period from 1936, when the Spanish civil war broke out, to 1977, two years after Franco died.


  • 主持庭审美国法官调查表明他们中的绝大多数人大力支持陪审团制度

    And surveys of American judges who preside over trials indicate their overwhelming and enthusiastic support for the jury system.


  • 周五法官决定法航是否应该接受调查

    On Friday, the judge will decide whether Air France should also face investigation.


  • 虽然加尔松法官停止调查,将此案下达至下级法院,但行动再度激起了过去的仇恨

    Although Judge garzon stopped his inquiry, passing the case down to lower courts, his action rekindled ancient hatreds.


  • 2009年,飞机坠入大西洋飞机制造商空客公司被控过失杀人,法国一名法官下令此事展开调查

    A judge in France has placed the aircraft manufacturer Airbus under investigation on charges of involuntary manslaughter over the case of a plane which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean in June 2009.


  • 根据伊拉克法律,在决定是否审判要经过法官调查

    Under Iraq's legal system a judge investigates an allegation before recommending whether to order a trial.


  • 86%的人希望丑闻进行公开调查英国可能不喜欢政客但是对于法官负责进行的彻底调查他们仍然相信

    Fully 86% wanted a public inquiry into the scandal: the British may dislike politicians, but they still have faith in a probe led by a judge.


  • 同样法官正在调查阿连德先生死因尽管目击者阿连德的家人长久以来坚持认为自杀的。

    The same judge is investigating the death of Mr Allende, although an eyewitness and the former President's family have long maintained that he committed suicide.


  • 以此为,即使诺基亚苹果公司调查最终判决也不一定与行政法官最初判决完全相同,了解一点十分重要

    With that example in mind, it's important to consider that even in the Nokia vs. Apple investigation the final decision need not be identical to the ALJ's initial determination.


  • 一个议会调查后来强调:年轻经验不足法官确实不能单独工作

    A parliamentary inquiry later underlined the need for young, inexperienced judges not to work alone.


  • 然而随后便有消息爆出,称实际上人脉关系四通八达的说客能力指派高级法官,而这些法官不会受到辞退威胁,更不会受到调查

    But when it transpired that a well-connected lobbyist had been able, in effect, to appoint senior judges, few of those named had to resign and no investigation ensued.


  • 法国法官决定是否克里斯蒂娜·拉加德展开调查,届时,拉加德正处在竞选国际货币基金组织总裁的关键时刻。

    French judges will decide whether to launch an inquiry that would bring Christine Lagarde under scrutiny at a time when she is lobbying for the IMF's top job.


  • 陪审团拒绝起诉尔特先生之后,联邦调查邮件欺诈罪名逮捕了库尔特先生,20监禁,在今年才被一位法官释放。

    After a grand jury refused to indict Mr Kurtz, the bureau then pursued him with a mail-fraud charge carrying a sentence of up to 20 years, which a judge dismissed this year.


  • 阿西愤怒驱使克服了的耻辱感,位地方法官讲述了整个事件这位法官下令调查对她进行医学体检

    Assiya, driven by fury that overcame her shame, told her full story to the magistrate, who ordered a medical exam and an investigation.


  • 阿西愤怒驱使克服了的耻辱感,位地方法官讲述了整个事件这位法官下令调查对她进行医学体检

    Assiya, driven by fury that overcame her shame, told her full story to the magistrate, who ordered a medical exam and an investigation.


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