• 诺泰特的宏伟蓝图面临马德里方面强有力的阻挠。

    Mr Bernotat's grand plan is facing strong resistance in Madrid.


  • 服用了4胶囊

    I took four Tylenol capsules.


  • 20世纪80年代由于一些药盒内掺入了有毒物质强生迅速召回胶囊,这使成为危机管理的楷模。

    In the 1980s Johnson & Johnson's swift recall of Tylenol capsules, after some packs had been laced with poison, made it a model for crisis management.


  • 去年春天,女士博客题为“制造商感到失望”文章,说的就是强生公司大量召回婴幼儿药品的事情。

    In a post titled "Makers of Tylenol, I'm Disappointed in You" on a blog, Ms. Lam wrote about the huge recall of J.& J. infants' and children's medicines.


  • 1980年代由于部分药盒内掺入了有毒物质,强生迅速召回胶囊,这使成为危机管理的楷模。

    In the 1980s its swift recall of Tylenol capsules, after some packs had been laced with poison, made it a model for crisis management.


  • 所发生的一切几乎颠覆了强生公司1982年芝加哥发生氰化物注入药瓶事件树立的诚实谨慎形象。

    All this from the company almost revered for its honesty and caution when an unknown perpetrator laced Tylenol bottles with cyanide in Chicago in 1982.


  • 回忆道:“怎么看待埃米,我说‘也许他的女儿’。”

    "I asked her what about Noemi: 'Maybe she is your husband's daughter,'" Latella recalled.


  • 一些人反对杀菌剂使用因为他们担心这会使艾滋病毒形成抗药性

    Some opposed tenofovir’s use in a microbicide because they worried that it would encourage the emergence of such resistance.


  • 最近强生公司对于其他产品召回,给消费者带来的不便甚于给他们健康带来的危害

    The most recent recalls of Tylenol and other products have been more of an inconvenience to consumers than a serious health risk.


  • 去年春天女士特区大都市妈妈”博客中写题为制造商感到失望”的文章,说的就是强生公司大量召回婴幼儿药品事情。

    In a post last spring titledMakers of Tylenol, I’m Disappointed in You” on the blog DC Metro Moms, Ms. Lam wrote about the huge recall of J.& J. infants’ and children’s medicines.


  • 直到食品药品管理局调查,麦克尼尔公司召回数百万苯那君其他药品

    Only after the F. D. A. inspection did McNeil executives recall millions of bottles of Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and other pills.


  • 据说消费者甚至已开始投诉罗来兹超强闻到霉味了,公司依然没有扩大调查范围,没这些产品作为他们的检查对象。

    It said that even though consumers had also complained about a moldy smell in Rolaids and Extra-Strength Tylenol, the company had not widened its investigation to include those products.


  • 出于感激,国王底翁让斯从自己女儿任选一位作他妻子斯选择了普鲁丝妮

    Out of gratitude King Pandion offered Tereus either of his daughters in marriage and the Thracian king chose Procne as wife.


  • 以优雅球风,劲爆的身体而被经常拿来亨利做比较的卡斯·斯,上个星期以当前世界上吃香年轻前锋之一的身份签约国际米兰。

    Often compared to Thierry Henry due his graceful, athletic style of play, Castaignos last week committed his future to Inter Milan after emerging as one the world's most sought-after young strikers.


  • 芝加哥马克·曼德尔,一位父亲过去觉得强生名牌普通品牌的质量要高,所以他们常为小孩购买强生的布洛芬液。

    Mark Mandel, a father in Chicago, says his family previously bought infants’ Tylenol and Motrin drops on the assumption that the branded products were of better quality than generics.


  • 需要效药片”时,订阅者们同样也会告知

    When he "needed some Tylenol extra strength", they were told about that too.


  • 来自南非科学家使用这种含有凝胶年后妇女感染艾滋病的机率比使用安慰剂凝胶50%。

    Scientists from South Africa say that women using the gel, which contained the drug tenofovir, had a 50 percent lower infection rate after one year compared to women given a placebo gel.


  • 妮弗·洛佩兹全国性演员选拔中脱颖而出,平生头被推到了聚光灯下。导演格雷戈里·纳瓦的电影《塞莱娜》挑选演员,是部关于一位被害的歌唱家传记片

    Jennifer Lopez was first thrust into the spotlight when she won out in a nationwide search for an actress to play the lead role in Selena, director Gregory Nava's biopic about the slain Tejano singer.


  • 周六FDA告诫消费者停止使用婴幼儿液体布洛芬,,盐酸苯海拉明糖浆仙特明等药品,这些药品在周五范围责令召回

    On Saturday, the FDA urged consumers to stop using liquid Tylenol, Motrin, Benadryl and Zyrtec for children and infants after a broad recall late on Friday.


  • 去年十月麦克尼尔召回大量因为消费者气味问题再次进行投诉

    Last October, McNeil recalled yet another lot of Tylenol because consumers again complained of an odor, and the next month in an inspection report, the f.


  • ·福广泛使用人们担心出现HIV耐药菌株

    Tenofovir is widely used, and people are understandably concerned about the emergence of resistant strains of HIV.


  • 罗杰很难说是什么史上经典球员典范,不过有点后来十年左右成名的比·斯斯,绝对是一个现象职业道德的典范。

    Roger was not a classy player, but, like Nobby Stiles a decade or so later, he had a phenomenal work ethic.


  • 美国娱乐节目《今夜娱乐报道,美国高尔夫名将格·伍兹妻子艾琳·德格林之间的婚姻无可挽救,双方同意离婚。

    US celebrity gossip news "Entertainment Tonight" reports that US golf star Tiger Woods and wife Elin Nordegren have agreed to divorce.


  • 建议使用毒性小但效果相同的多夫定(AZT)·福(TDF)作为替代品

    Zidovudine (AZT) or Tenofovir (TDF) are recommended as less toxic and equally effective alternatives.


  • 非处方药品中的九种药品包括儿童他敏、关节炎止痛片,是麦克尼尔消费者医疗保健部门制造。

    Nine involved nonprescription medicines — from Children's Benadryl to Tylenol Arthritismade by its McNeil Consumer Healthcare unit.


  • 请求进行一些处理缓解疼痛(电子医疗记录正确处方),这个医生,可这个丝毫能缓解疼痛。

    I ask for pain relief medication (the correct prescription is in my electronic health record). The doctor prescribes two Tylenol tablets that did nothing for the pain.


  • 麦克伊和戈尔斯基都将解决消费者业务部面临质量问题方面担负一定职责。 质量问题导致强生召回大量止痛药Tylenol其他热门产品

    Each lieutenant will also take on some responsibility for fixing the quality problems in the consumer unit that have led to recalls of the painkiller Tylenol and other popular products.


  • 雅典通讯社记者哈里·(Harry Theofanous)说,的记忆中,这次危机过去二十年来最严重的。

    Athens News Agency journalist Harry Theofanous says he cannot recall a worse crisis in the past two-decades.


  • 雅典通讯社记者哈里·(Harry Theofanous)说,的记忆中,这次危机过去二十年来最严重的。

    Athens News Agency journalist Harry Theofanous says he cannot recall a worse crisis in the past two-decades.


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