• 实验室大多数热身拉伸运动不会超过30

    Outside the lab, he says, most people are unlikely to hold a warm-up stretch for longer than about 30 seconds.


  • 很多跑步者加速阶段都不能做好热身准备,”来自俄勒冈比弗顿耐克体育俱乐部教练锻炼心理学家Sean Coster

    "Most runners start speed sessions with an inadequate warmup, " says Sean Coster, a coach and exercise physiologist for the Nike Bowerman Athletic Club in Beaverton, Oregon.


  • 弗格森:“鲁尼赛季前的热身中表现很棒,目前体能很好,从来坐不住,他无穷无尽能量,他是球队的一笔巨大财富,有趣的是要看看他与维尔贝克怎么搭档,目前他们做得不错,但是显然小豌豆回来了,我将面临选择的难题,因为他打入过很多进球,并且贝巴在赛季前也展示了比较不错的状态。”

    "Rooney’s been flying in pre-season," said the boss. "His fitness is terrific, he has that restless energy, he never stands still.


  • 马拉多纳3月3日阿根廷慕尼黑举行世界杯热身中1 - 0小胜德国的赛后,梅西交谈两个小时,探讨了许多问题

    Maradona said that after Argentina's World Cup warm-up against Germany in Munich on 3 March, a 1-0 win, he spent two hours with Messi talking about many issues.


  • 健身专家提醒大部分人没有进行热身放松运动只有38%调查者他们通常在运动前后完成热身整理运动。

    The warning from fitness experts to warm up and cool down had failed to reach the masses with only 38 per cent of survey respondents saying they regularly completed pre and post sport regimes.


  • 爵爷,“你有日程满满的比赛打,结果忽然被知道叫什么名字国家举行热身赛所打乱,根本就是所有人眼中钉肉中刺。”

    You have all these fixtures and you have the intrusion of a friendly international game in some unknown country, so that is a definite thorn in everyone's flesh.


  • 本周一,邓加巴西队与新加坡队热身赛开始接受记者采访,“对于巴西队而言,赢得奥运奖牌有点难度因为我们备战时间不够充裕。”

    "To win (an) Olympic medal is a bit harder because we don't have much time to prepare," he told reporters in Singapore ahead of an exhibition match here Monday.


  • 我会你们一起10到15分钟热身然后我们休息一下,”

    "I'll do a warm-up with you for 10, 15 minutes, and then we'll take a rest," he said.


  • 正在赛季前热身计划一个细节都是,并且助手们一起准备每位球员的训练计划,”穆里尼奥切尔西电视台

    "I am planning the pre-season, every detail, meeting with my assistants to prepare the training sessions so everybody knows what they have to do," Mourinho told Chelsea TV.


  • 第一热身时使用鱼跃

    He said he would be the first person to dive during the warm-up.


  • 作者之一的杂志副编辑强调患者开始耐力锻炼之前要进行5-10分钟热身

    The authors of an accompanying editorial highlight the fact that patients underwent a 510-minute warm-up before commencing endurance exercise.


  • 因此我们下降作业他们我们(具体i)在不得不一些热身运动所以他们告诉,做一些空调容易伸展

    So we went down to the workout room and they said we (or more specific I) had to do some warm-up exercises, so they told me to do some conditioning and easy stretching.


  • 没有任何话,我仅仅是半场之后告诉立即热身因为我知道我们需要一个了长时间热身(的队员)。

    I didn't say anything to him, I just told him to warm up straight after half-time because I knew we needed a long warm-up.


  • 进入考场正确地预备热身但是不是评委做完临时抱佛脚最后练习

    Warm up properly before going into the room, but by no means make the auditioning committee wait for you while you try to get in a little last-minute practicing.


  • 小王昨天水手比赛,第八想要伸展一下热身时,突然感到背部酸痛不过现在好多了。

    Wang left Tuesday's start against Seattle in the eighth inning after struggling to get loose, but after applying a heating pad to his back yesterday he said he felt better .


  • 没有热身情况下直接上场了,也许这就是感觉有点不对劲原因。”穆帅

    "He didn't warm up because he had to come on the pitch immediately so maybe because of that he felt something in his hamstring," said Mourinho.


  • 我们糟糕热身最好回应”,

    'That is the perfect reaction to our bad pre-season,' he said.


  • 正在热身时,我就觉得他们有点疲惫了,”回忆

    "As I was warming up, I felt that they got a little bit tired," he reflected.


  • 也许前进行热身伸展运动,可是假如你想举重的话,还是比及锻炼肌肉伸展之后再进行,”Tyne建议

    "You might want to warm-up and stretch before a run, but if you are lifting weights wait until after the workout to stretch your muscles," Tyne suggests.


  • :“高兴自己攻入季热身第二粒进球希望我能延续这样的状态。”

    'I was delighted to get my second goal of the tour, and hopefully I can continue in this vein,' he said.


  • 丹麦主帅奥尔森透露不会特纳参加阿尔堡进行塞内加尔热身赛,因为他不会阿森纳前锋健康冒险

    Denmark coach Morten Olsen has revealed he will not be taking a risk on the fitness of Arsenal striker Nicklas Bendtner for the game against Senegal in Aalborg.


  • 施工联合体就这种情况给出了一些暗示周二英格兰世界杯热身会安排特拉福德足总杯决赛则是卡迪夫

    Multiplex gave some hint as to the circumstances that led to Tuesday's announcement that England's pre-World Cup warm-up matches would be held at Old Trafford and the FA Cup final in Cardiff.


  • 施工联合体就这种情况给出了一些暗示周二英格兰世界杯热身会安排特拉福德足总杯决赛则是卡迪夫

    Multiplex gave some hint as to the circumstances that led to Tuesday's announcement that England's pre-World Cup warm-up matches would be held at Old Trafford and the FA Cup final in Cardiff.


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