• 所有这些交互都发生自己的交易对象上,对象实际上这个世界接口一个您的J2ME设备进行控制的对象。

    All this interaction occurs with your own transaction object, an object that is really your interface to this worldan object you control from your J2ME device.


  • 只有内核可以直接SPU进行通信因此需要硬件接口抽象系统调用设备驱动程序

    Only the kernel can directly communicate with an SPU and therefore needs to abstract the hardware interface into system calls or device drivers.


  • MIDI控制器合成器通过电线相连接利用异步串行接口可以不同设备传送命令

    MIDI controllers and synthesizers are connected using cables that allow the commands to be sent between devices using an asynchronous serial interface.


  • 协议下面另外一个无关接口层,它将协议具有很多各种不同功能硬件设备连接在一起。

    Below the protocols layer is another agnostic interface layer that connects protocols to a variety of hardware device drivers with varying capabilities.


  • 每个设备接口需要管理设备连接通过定制设备协议进行交互,提供一个规范化的、面向外部API

    Each device interface needs to manage the connection to the device, interface through the custom device protocol, and present a normalized, outward-facing API.


  • 然后另外一个协议无关提供各个设备驱动程序通信的通用接口,最下面是设备驱动程序本身

    Next is another agnostic layer that permits a common interface to and from the individual device drivers that are available, followed at the end by the individual device drivers themselves.


  • 至少一个逻辑接口这个物理设备链接,比如en0et0逻辑接口配置IP地址

    Then, at least one logical interface will be linked to this physical device, such as en0 or et0, on which the IP address will be configured.


  • W3C草案提出的GeolocationAPI是个访问位置信息经纬度高层接口接口实现设备紧密相关

    The Geolocation API, as proposed in the W3C draft, is a high-level interface to location information, such as latitude and longitude, associated with the device hosting the implementation.


  • 交换机接口交换机系统网络中的其它设备交换数据并相互作用部分交换机系统中至关重要的作用。

    The interface of three-layer switch is the component that exchange data between switch and other devices in network it play a key role in switch system.


  • 最近内核引入一种新的应用程序编程接口NAPI),该接口允许驱动程序设备无关dev)进行交互。

    Recently, a new application program interface (NAPI) was introduced into the kernel to allow drivers to interface with the device agnostic layer (dev).


  • 自动装配系统实现微型功能器件接口器件微流控芯片装配关键设备

    Automatic microassembly system is the key equipment to realize the assembly of miniature function device and interface device.


  • VadoHD的视频规格依然只有720p,并且没有光学变焦功能,只支持数字变焦设备通过USB接口外界连接。

    The camera still shoots at 720p with a fixed optical zoom (but 2X digital) lens and attaches directly through its own USB connector.


  • 考虑一种拥有内置CSRBluetooth芯片组手持设备使用UART接口系统的连接。

    Consider a handheld with a built-in CSR Bluetooth chipset interfaced to the system using a UART interface.


  • 目前绝大多数USB接口设备是以明文的形式进行数据存取传输这就不可避免的带来安全隐患

    At present, most USB interface equipments store and transmit data in plaintext form, unavoidable potential safety menace has been brought.


  • 用户接口设备(HID)配置文件描述了如何使用蓝牙链接HID类设备通信

    The human interface device (HID) profile describes how to communicate with a HID class device using a Bluetooth link.


  • 控制主控制典型并联系统计量控制设备,也是并联系统用电设施之间接口

    Master control a control section in a typical paralleling system that provides total system metering and the interface point between the paralleling system and the facility.


  • 通用串行总线外围设备计算机进行连接新型接口,是计算机外设连接技术重大变革

    USB, namely Universal Serial Bus, is a novel interface connecting computer and peripheral equipments and is a great innovation in the connecting techniques of the peripheral equipments of computers.


  • 变电站综合自动化设备接口,具备数据通讯,实现遥测遥控功能

    It may connect with interface of the transformer substation synthesis automatic equipment, and it has more function: the data communicating, telemetering, remote control.


  • 控制接口能够进行设备上位位机的通讯,能够控制激光输出模式功率调节温度控制。

    The Control interface can communicate between the PC and the under device, . controling the laser output mode, conditioning power, and controling temperature.


  • 这些设备必须通过接口电路计算机联接

    These equipments must be connected to the computer through interfacing circuits.


  • 测试实验室测试多次后,我们将问题定位于外界接口另一设备相互作用

    After visiting the field several times and running multiple tests in the lab, we attributed the failures to interactions with another piece of equipment at the outside-world interface.


  • 设备计算机接口设备具有存储器寻址能力数据传送能力

    An interface between devices and a computer that has memory addressing potential and data transferring ability.


  • 网络接口单元NIU控制计算机通信网络进行交互一种接口设备

    Network interface unit (NIU) is an interface device between the control computer and the communication network.


  • 分析出系统协议USB总线设备配置交互过程以及设备驱动程序设备对应接口匹配过程。

    To analyse the configuration process between OS protocol driver and USB bus device and the matching process between driver and the correspond device function interface.


  • 介绍12串行DACMAX538电池检测设备中的应用给出了串行DAC80C196CPU接口电路及其C语言实现。

    The application of 12 serial DAC MAX538s in lithium battery measure; the interface circuit and its Clanguage program of serial DAC and 80C196CPU.


  • 串行通讯接口各种带串行接口设备进行双向通讯,组成网络控制系统

    It may with serial communication interface, can carry out both - way communication between it and every device with serial interface, and constitute network control system.


  • 通过现有材料设备接口相连接,可以管状链板输送机螺旋输送机等配合使用。

    These bulk bag unloaders can be integrated with tubular drag conveyors, or flexible screw conveyors or can be designed to interface with existing bulk material handling equipment.


  • 通过现有材料设备接口相连接,可以管状链板输送机螺旋输送机等配合使用。

    These bulk bag unloaders can be integrated with tubular drag conveyors, or flexible screw conveyors or can be designed to interface with existing bulk material handling equipment.


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