• 这些国家奠基者中,有很多就是科学家他们有意地收集数据论证假设理论构建方法运用国家建设中。

    Many of the founding fathers were scientists who deliberately adapted the method of data gathering, hypothesis testing and theory formation to their nation building.


  • 整个论证都是基于一个错误假设

    The whole argument rests on a false assumption.


  • 也许这个论证假设同一性,即a等于B的时候,总是等于B,无论情况如何

    Maybe the argument goes wrong by assuming that identitywhen a is equal to b, it's always equal to b, no matter what.


  • 实用主义论证没有触及地位,因为归根结底还是认为我们无法抗拒且不可避免假设未来过去效仿

    The Pragmatic justification does not touch Hume's position because Hume himself after all says we irresistibly, inevitably, assume the future will resemble the past.


  • Simon(1947)认定组织研究如此频繁做出安排存在有效假设恶劣的循环论证

    Simon (1947) concludes that the assumption so often made in organizational studies, that an arrangement is effective because it exists, is a circular argument of the worst sort.


  • 现在这个论证要依靠假设假设大作品教授方式假设它们体现了某些想法原则

    Now the argument depends, of course, on supposing that the way in which the great works are taught is as though they embody certain ideas of principles.


  • 循环论证:把有待证实关键性假设当作已经成立,前提结论实质上一回事。

    The fallacy of circular argument: It occurs when the premises presume, openly or covertly, the very conclusion that is to be demonstrated.


  • 论证建立有问题假设上。

    Your argument is based on a set of questionable assumptions.


  • 我们需要更多控制性实验论证这个假设作用机理

    But, he says, more controlled experiments are needed to confirm the proposed mechanism.


  • 首先这个论证式给予这样一个假设之上,即观看电视台----主要是公共电视台----视觉艺术节目人数不断增加造成该市艺术博物馆参观人数的比例上升。

    To begin with, the argument depends on the assumption that increased exposure to the visual arts on television, mainly public television, has caused a similar increase in local are-museum attendance.


  • 说明篇文章,检查论证过程中陈述/陈述假设

    Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument.


  • 论证过程中,着重于是否有值得质疑假设前提,是否有引用证据不能证明原结论的。

    Be sure to consider what, if any, questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and, if evidence is cited, how well it supports the conclusion.


  • 本文运用实证解释性方法通过问卷调查和个案研究作者提出两个假设进行了论证

    This dissertation applies both interpretive and positivist approaches to testify the two hypotheses proposed by author through questionnaire and case study.


  • 研究结果充分论证上述假设存在

    Research results have fully demonstrated existence of the above assumptions.


  • 历史现实梳理的同时,对书口语言陈述方式提出大胆假设结合实际工艺进行论证

    While carding the history and the reality, this article raises bold hypothesis and proves it by integrating the actual process.


  • 据此,反事实假设复句可以揭示事物因果联系论证某个命题表明说话者主观态度和情感。

    So anti-reality compound sentence can reveal cause and effect relation among sentences, demonstrate certain proposition and indicate speaker's objective attitude and emotion.


  • 这些作业将会鼓励提出问题、在合理性有所冲突的基础上考虑假设定义进行分析论证

    These assignments will encourage you to ask questions, to consider the assumptions and definitions that underlie a conflict, to analyze and argue.


  • 本文应用弹性理论扭转时“刚性平面假设进行了论证,为“刚性平面假设提供理论依据深化概念

    "Hypothes of rigid plane", as round shaft distorts, is expounded and proved by use of the elastic theory, thus providing the hypothesis with a theoretical basis and deepened concepts.


  • 依据实际测量数据,论证平面交叉口绿灯转红灯车流堵塞的推进速度满足分布假设,其拟合优度高于泊松分布假设

    It is showed that a shock wave speed distribution in red light period at a plane intersection satisfies a normal assumption, as well as Poisson assumption.


  • 采用分段活塞运动过程冲击内部气体动力过程分解详细阐述和论证冲击器仿真计算假设条件

    Segmentation method using decomposition the movement of the piston and the inner gas dynamic process of the impactor, and it detail and demonstrate simulation assumptions of the impactor.


  • 在探究的步骤中有:提出问题、猜想与假设制定计划设计实验、进行实验与收集证据分析论证、评价、交流合作

    Including asking questions, conjecture and assumptions, the planning and design of experiments, testing and evidence collection, analysis and verification, evaluation, exchanges and cooperation.


  • 假设彻底支配了新的思考论证建立权力知识关系结构

    This assumption mandates radically new ways of conceiving, legitimating, and building structures of power and knowledge, include communication thoughts.


  • 为了比较线性模型优度一个高,本文提出对两个模型的拟合优度进行假设检验方法对该方法原理进行了论证

    To compare the goodness of fit of two linear models, a method of hypothetic test has been proposed in this paper. The principle of the methods is proved theoretically.


  • 围绕两个基本假设本文论证分析以下几个重要观点

    Based on these two basic assumptions, the thesis verify and analysis the following important points of view.


  • 然而无论是标准缸中之脑假设还是普特南式的缸中之脑假设不是自我反驳的,普特南论证错误的,普特南式的怀疑主义解答不成立的。

    However, neither the normal brain-in-a-vat nor the Putnamian brain-in-a-vat is self-refuting, so Putnam's arguments are wrong and Putnamian answering skepticism is unsuccessful.


  • 什么论证可以出让董事会支持发放债券,同时假设他们发放债券的话有什么问题

    What arguments could you make to the board in support of issuing equity to fund growth? What problems, if any, might the firm encounter if it issued equity?


  • 什么论证可以出让董事会支持发放债券,同时假设他们发放债券的话有什么问题

    What arguments could you make to the board in support of issuing equity to fund growth? What problems, if any, might the firm encounter if it issued equity?


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