• 我会同意社会媒体已经离开房间事物变得实际上不可能

    I'll agree that social media has made it virtually impossible to leave the house looking anything less than put together.


  • 没有轻易离开

    He didn't make it easy for me to leave.


  • 要是离开房间,她暴跳如雷、吵闹不休的。

    She will flounce and argue when asked to leave the room.


  • 这些航班特定目的美国人离开险区

    The express purpose of the flights was to get Americans out of the danger zone.


  • 见鬼去吧,离开这里

    To hell with this, I'm getting out of here.


  • 厌烦的是这个陌生人没有离开

    To her annoyance the stranger did not go away.


  • 声音宝宝勇气他们敢于离开这个地方一个他们来说理想

    Her voice helps give the babies the courage they need to leave the area and go some place that's a more desirable home for them.


  • 忘记克莱尔离开最后分钟里一直唱呼吸”?

    Who could forget the haunting notes of Sia's "Breathe Me" playing throughout the final six minutes as Claire drove away?


  • 侦探不要离开这座城镇。

    The detective asked me not to leave the town.


  • 重要的是如果人群看起来感觉不舒服那就离开

    Most importantly, if the crowd seems too big and makes you feel uncomfortable, just leave.


  • 高兴是因为知道我们回家了,有些难过因为我得离开爷爷奶奶

    I am glad because I know we're going home, but it makes me sad too because I have to leave nanna and poppa.


  • 为什么离开了,却牛排继续煎着,麦芽啤酒继续流着,结果把糟蹋了?

    Why did you leave the steak to fry, and the ale to run, and then spoil all the meal?


  • 是否应该离开留下来

    I asked him if I should go away and he made me stay.


  • 悄悄离开没有发觉

    She slipped away without him being aware of it.


  • 离开这是我这么做的。如果认错的话我会很高兴。

    I left, but you told me to. I'd appreciate it if you'd cop to that.


  • 请求离开

    She begged that she be allowed to go.


  • 请求离开

    She begged that she should be allowed to go.


  • 发动机一直开着因为可能需要快速离开

    I kept the engine running because it might be necessary to leave fast.


  • 只有极端情况下孩子离开父母

    Children will be removed from their parents only in extreme circumstances.


  • 离开这一事实更加担心他可能发动内战

    The fact that he is gone has given more weight to fears that he may try to launch a civil war.


  • 自从上次离开这里以来,这座小镇已经变得不出来了。

    The town has changed beyond recognition since I was last here.


  • 尊贵的神态示意离开

    She dismissed him with a regal gesture.


  • 他们乘客车厢火车头离开

    They uncoupled the passenger cars from the train engine.


  • 每次离开灿烂微笑一个小小的挥手好像是为了相信我们处于一个很好的状态

    Each time I kept him away from us by giving him a sunny smile or a little wave, as if to assure him we were in a good state.


  • 麦吉没有找到合适工作离开时间思考自己经营什么样公司

    McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run.


  • 讨人喜欢相处了一夜之后还是想离开

    She was pleasant, but after one night with her I wanted her to leave.


  • 随时都可以护士离开房间告诉她我一个人着。

    I can always send the nurse out of the room and say that I want to be by myself.


  • 汤姆建议嗤之以鼻离开感到很失落

    Tom sniffed at my suggestion and walked away, which made me feel upset.


  • 打算离开这个地方因为现在这里开始变得我感觉有意思了。

    I shall not leave the place, for it now begins to be amusing here.


  • 有没有为什么停下来然后离开大路

    Did he say why he stopped and then turned his horse off the road?


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