• 本文论述使用模式标记出了交互包括关于用户操作讨论产生mashup响应

    When covering usage patterns in this article, interactions are labeled, and they include discussion on the user action and resulting mashup response.


  • 本文中,我们论述两种编写相同规则不同方式讨论选择每一种方式理由

    In this article, we covered two different ways of writing the same rule, and we discussed reasons for choosing either approach.


  • 其他地方它们进行过长篇论述了:句评论许多学者猜想《论李维》写在《君主论》之前由于《论李维第一卷讨论的也是同样的主题

    At length elsewhere: this remark has led many scholars to assume that the Discourses on Livy was begun before the Prince, since Book I of the Discourses on Livy deals with the same topic.


  • 本文论述31名英国设计受益人采访讨论的关于当下艺术设计教育问题。

    This article presents discussion of art and design education in interviews conducted with 31 UK design stakeholders.


  • 讨论了后续测试对3m模型中的复杂性技术支持开发水平因子修正方法,着重论述对开发水平因子修正。

    The modification method of complexity, technological support and development level parameter in the 3m is discussed with the modification of development level parameter emphasized on.


  • 本文主要论述自由讨论口语教学中的运用

    This thesis focuses on the application of brainstorming in teaching speaking.


  • 最后详尽地论述供应链中的循环库存安全库存,讨论降低供给水平同时又不增加成本基础上,如何降低循环库存和安全库存。

    Finally I study the cycle stocks and the safe stocks of the supply chain in details, and discuss how to reduce them in the preconditions of not lowering the supply level and increasing cost.


  • 旧金山美国科学促进会年度会议小组讨论会上,海勒论述干细胞研究

    Heller discussed his stem cell research during a panel discussion in San Francisco at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.


  • 在下开始讨论一些深入问题的时候了。开始关于标签历史论述

    In the next chapter, it's time to start talking about some of the more advanced stuff. I'll start with an overview of labels and history.


  • 通过问题讨论提出论述矿井通风系统模糊最优化问题

    Through the discussion of the two categories, the paper puts forward and expounds the fuzzy optimization of mine ventilation system.


  • 第二部分论述并发模式,针对不同呼叫流量负载采用了进程多线程线程池几种并发模式,讨论了它们性能

    Secondly, this thesis discusses the single process, multithread and thread poll concurrency modes to meet the certain performance requirement of different call traffics.


  • 第三部分集中讨论斯密如何论述具有多重自我能够使自己成为自己“无偏颇旁观者”,从而实现道德自律

    The third part of thesis argues mainly about Smith's explanation of moral autonomy. The multifold self can make a people become his own "impartial spectator".


  • 尼克松自己沉浸在晦涩哲学论述,这意味着准备讨论基础假说”(亨利·a·基辛格)。

    "Nixon confined himself to opaque philosophical statements that indicated he was not ready for a discussion of basic assumptions" (Henry A. Kissinger).


  • 本文论述聚合物溶液超声降解影响因素;对超声波降解机理超声降解动力学进行了讨论

    The effects of ultrasonic degradation of polymer in solution are reviewed in the paper. The mechanism and the kinetics of ultrasonic degradation of polymer in solution are introduced.


  • 笔者论述CHDI性质制备方法讨论CHDI型聚氨酯弹性体合成工艺性能

    The properties and synthetic methods of CHDI and the synthesis and performances of CHDI based polyurethane elastomers have been discussed.


  • 方法英文标题结构进行讨论论述

    Methods: The structure of English titles is discussed and expounded.


  • 本文简单介绍提出这种模型背景之后,着重论述了它的基本工作原理算法形式讨论客户程序服务器程序的基本设计方法

    After a brief introduction of the background, the paper focuses on the working principle of this model, and discusses the basic design method of client and server applications in a form of algorithm.


  • 文中讨论智能节点上位机设计,论述通道标定方法和系统的网络通信

    The smart nodes and supervisor software are analyzed, furthermore, the calibration method of signal detection channel properties and network communication are discussed.


  • 详细论述种无人直升机天线跟踪系统的设计及其实现,讨论了其跟踪精度可靠性、跟踪模式以及针对直升机的特殊问题采取的方案。

    The accuracy, reliability and tracking mode of an antenna tracking system are discussed, and specific problems associated with its application to the helicopter are solved.


  • 本文讨论旅游商品基本概念论述旅游商品开发重要意义

    The paper discussed the basic concept of tourism commodity, expounded the significance of tourism commodity exploitation.


  • 论述精梳落棉工艺讨论了落棉数量落棉质量的控制及关系

    In this paper, the process influence of comb noil, the relationship of noil quantity and quality are discussed.


  • 文章论述物理学基本思想理念讨论相应人文观念启示

    This article discusses the basic ideas of physics and philosophy, and discussed the concept of the corresponding human enlightenment.


  • 本文集中论述讨论活动区结构形成及其功能调控问题。

    This review will discuss the structure, the formation, and the functional regulation of active zones.


  • 本文论述数学分类讨论原则步骤,并从六个方面阐述高中数学哪些内容需要分类讨论以及怎样分类讨论

    In this essay the principles and steps of maths classified discussion are expounded on which contents in senior maths are needed to discuss and how to make the classified discussion from six aspects.


  • 本文挑出认知因素中几个继续教育有较大影响的因子展开讨论论述动机兴趣情绪意志科技人员接受继续教育的间接影响。

    The article expounds the indirect influence of non-cognitive factors, such as motive, interest, feeling and will on scientist and technician's further education.


  • 本文挑出认知因素中几个继续教育有较大影响的因子展开讨论论述动机兴趣情绪意志科技人员接受继续教育的间接影响。

    The article expounds the indirect influence of non-cognitive factors, such as motive, interest, feeling and will on scientist and technician's further education.


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