• 特认为美国现在更大危险通货紧缩:“失业者重新回到工作岗位各种资源充分利用过程是非常缓慢的。”

    In the US, Hunt sees deflation as the greater risk currently. "Employing those who are out of work and fully utilizing our resources will be a slow process," he says.


  • 直到全球信贷紧缩僵局真正打破目前紧张经济气候将会持续

    And until the tight global credit logjam really can be broken up, the currently tense economic climate will remain.


  • 墨菲一段文字讨论了通货紧缩,如果没有付出极大的热情和精力,几乎不可能发现这个掩盖的真相

    Murphy also includes in this chapter a very useful section on deflation, a subject nearly impossible to find treated without breathless hysteria.


  • 这种紧缩有可能一次朝相反方向旋转大幅财政旋转抵消

    This retrenchment was offset, and made possible, by a dramatic fiscal swing in the opposite direction.


  • 半数预算缩减来自一次性政策机构表示今年赤字不能一场温和衰退(原译紧缩)或者银行支持所解释

    Half of next year's budget tightening comes from one-off measures, says the agency, and this year's red ink cannot be explained away by a mild recession or support for Banks.


  • 现在施加建议紧缩政策将会直接打击当前困境破坏人们数十年来教授的信仰期望

    The austerity now being imposed or recommended inflicts direct hardship and assaults beliefs and expectations that have been nurtured for decades.


  • 2008年2009年,消费者贷款坏账其他冲击淹没的外国银行紧缩信贷

    In 2008 and 2009 foreign Banks, burned by bad consumer loans and shaken by events elsewhere, withdrew credit.


  • 金融更加紧缩所造成损失过分夸大了

    The damage done by tighter finance can be overstated.


  • 数百万住房银行收回、信贷继续紧缩加上恶化经济状况导致市场充斥着大量未售出房屋

    Millions of home foreclosures combined with a continuing credit squeeze and a deteriorating economy have led to a glut of unsold houses on the market.


  • 事实上,正如OECDIMF所一致同意那样,2011年,通货膨胀率今年更低一些,在大多数国家将会远远低于2%这样一个认为能够好的应对通货紧缩水平线

    In fact, inflation in 2011 will be lower than this year, the OECD and IMF agree. In most countries it will be well below 2%, a level thought to provide about the right buffer against deflation.


  • 自从日本1999年进入通货紧缩时期,日本银行一直以来就坚决反对设定通货膨胀目标,一方面不想评估,另外也担心如果没有完成目标,给自己带来尴尬的局面。

    Since the start of Japan’s deflationary era in 1999, the BoJ has stoutly resisted calls to set an inflation target against which it can be judged—and by which it can be embarrassed if it misses.


  • 2005年,原本已经紧缩成为合格学徒计划供应商有关规则再次严格起来要求每个资助的项目必须拥有至少50名受培训者

    In 2005 the already stringent rules for becoming an accredited provider of apprenticeships were tightened further, with a requirement that any subsidised programme must have at least 50 trainees.


  • 央行淡化通货紧缩威胁,这种威胁在今年早些时候强调过。

    The central bank played down the threat from deflation, a threat it had emphasised earlier this year.


  • 硬着陆定义强有力的货币财政紧缩政策,旨在遏制通货膨胀——即便增长代价也在所不惜。”

    It defines a hard landing as a strong monetary and fiscal tightening, designed to curb inflation even at some cost to growth.


  • 葡萄牙西班牙说服本周宣布进一步紧缩财政措施

    Portugal and Spain were persuaded to announce extra fiscal belt-tightening this week.


  • 大多数国家通货膨胀率低于2%,一个认为能够抵御通货紧缩提供恰到好处保护水平

    In most countries it will be well below 2%, a level thought to provide about the right buffer against deflation.


  • 工资紧缩一种无所不在的巨大危险这种危险现在没有认可

    Wage deflation is a huge danger everywhere and this is not being recognised.


  • 未来历史学家吃惊于2010年春天吓破胆政策精英者做出疯狂紧缩计划

    Future historians will marvel at the austerity madness that gripped policy elites in the spring of 2010.


  • 第三金融体系尤其是传统商业银行遭到严重损害因此信贷紧缩不会容易缓解

    Third, the financial system (specifically, traditional commercial banks) is severely damaged, and the credit crunch will thus not ease very fast.


  • 很少提到好消息的产生大部分是由于通胀导致的——一个广受欢迎循环现象,而需求学派当做通货紧缩大加批判。

    That rarely mentioned good news, in turn, is largely due to lower inflation-a welcome cyclical phenomenon demand-siders often decry as deflation.


  • 但是自从去年11月起,NaotoKan成为日本新任财务部长后,发布了同僚们自豪称之为通货紧缩公告”的告示,强烈要求日本银行加强“不断下降价格”之间的斗争。

    But in November Naoto Kan, who has since become Japan's finance minister, made what aides proudly call his "deflation declaration", urging the BoJ to redouble its efforts to combat falling prices.


  • Woon预算紧缩以“测试学习”的态度机会,新的营销举措可以一个小规模推出只有他们证明有效时扩大。

    Woon says tight budgets are a good time for the "test and learn" approach, where new marketing initiatives can be rolled out on a small scale and expanded only when they prove to be effective.


  • 如果布什的减税计划2010年底同意终止,美国面临严厉紧缩

    The squeeze could become suffocating if George Bush’s tax cuts are allowed to expire at the end of 2010.[2]


  • 通货紧缩以邻为壑货币贬值双重威胁今年已经全球议事日程

    The twin threats of deflation and beggar-thy-neighbor currency devaluation have been on the global agenda this year in a way perhaps not seen since 1944, when world leaders met in Bretton Woods, n.h..


  • 通货紧缩以邻为壑货币贬值双重威胁今年已经全球议事日程

    The twin threats of deflation and beggar-thy-neighbor currency devaluation have been on the global agenda this year in a way perhaps not seen since 1944, when world leaders met in Bretton Woods, n.h..


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