• 这份情愫延宕为人物性格的丰富拓展新的表现层面

    And the continuation of it opens up a new perspective of expression so as to enrich the varied dispositions of characters.


  • 思想层面矛盾艺术表现层面张力有机地融会在一起,共同营建托尔斯泰诗性启示的艺术魅力

    The contradictions on the level of ideology are organically incorporated into the tension on the level of artistic expression, building up the artistic appeal of Tolstoy's poetical revelation.


  • 实际表现层面车队在最近表现在Nico马来西亚比赛很棒,创下赛季最短进站之一的记录。

    On an operational level, the team has performed very well over the three RACES and did a good job during Nico's race in Malaysia to record one of the quickest pit stops of the season.


  • 国家层面来看过去10年政策干预帮助改变英国大学表现

    When viewed at the national level, the policy interventions of the past decade have helped transform the performance of UK universities.


  • 因此如果公司需要接受法律层面敏感任务例如做工作表现评估你之前从未过,不要努力应付

    So, if your company wants you to take on alegally sensitive task such as giving performance reviews, and you’venever done it before, don’t try to wing it.


  • 所有这些明显那些情景Sal迪恩的渴望升华了,语言层面到处都表现

    So, all of that is very palpable, and Sal's own desire for Dean is sublimated in those scenes, but it's everywhere at the level of the language.


  • 解决办法尽管这样可能涉及生产力表现的再关注时期之后至少国家层面我们的生产力增长是令人失望的。

    What solutions there are, though, are likely to involve a re-focusing on productivity performance after a period in which, at least at a national level, our productivity growth has been disappointing.


  • 工程师不再基本文件代码模块层面工作而是能够表现他们正在进行软件的商业价值的更高的抽象层面上工作。

    Engineers no longer work at the rudimentary level of files and code modules. Rather, they work at a higher level of abstraction to address the business value of the software they are proposing.


  • 知道我们从来没有那些现在联盟表现优异大个子失去希望但是比特却是另一个层面无能

    I know we never truly lose hope for tall guys who don't do well in the league right away, but Thabeet was another level of incompetent.


  • 称赞语义层面积极性肯定性表现主体客体所做正面肯定性评价

    The positivity and affirmation of the semantic level of complimentary expressions demonstrate the obverse and affirmative appraisal of the object by the subject.


  • 需要更多有力的证据表明援助活动国家层面经济表现之间因果联系

    More robust evidence is needed to demonstrate a causal link between aid operations and country level economic performance.


  • 英汉两个民族文化差异反映语言层面表现为语言差异。

    The cultural differences between English and Chinese nations, on linguistic level, reflect on their lexical differences.


  • 语言运用层面新闻语言的主观性主要表现在对词语锤炼句式选择积极修辞手法的运用等方面

    From the aspect of language use, the subjectivity of news language mainly shows on the pondering of expression, the choice of sentence pattern and the application of active rhetoric means etc.


  • 工序微观层面表现PD CA循环控制

    Shown as PDCA circulation controls on the micro aspect of every process.


  • 积极层面来看,国际货币基金组织表示中国印度巴西等新兴经济体表现良好,经济增长率高于2012年。

    On the plus side , the IMF says the emerging economies of China, India and Brazil are doing well with higher growth rates than in 2012.


  • 本书多个层面表现上乘

    The book works well on several levels.


  • 收入性别差异包括很多层面表现诸多领域。

    The difference of Gender by income still has been existed in much aspect and many demesnes.


  • 深化马克思和谐思想研究具有重大意义,主要表现三个方面日常社会生活层面学术的社会理论层面,决策社会规划层面

    It is in very significance to deepen Marx's idea of social harmony, which embody in three aspects as follows, the daily social life, the doctrinal social theory and the decision-making social plan.


  • 国家关系层面西方非西方之间文明冲突具体表现沙特阿拉伯美国之间的冲突

    The civilization conflicts between the West and non-West is reflected by the conflict between Saudi Arabia and America in the field of national relations.


  • 量刑证据证明对象、证明标准、证据能力规则层面表现不同定罪证据特质。

    Sentencing evidence is different from conviction evidence for its characteristics in object, standard of proof and rules of evidence.


  • 由于不同企业核心能力表现形态不一样,从核心能力本质层面识别核心能力的有其现实意义

    Because of the differences of the embodiments of core competencies in different firms, it is very significant to discern the core competency from the internal level of firm's overall system.


  • 本文分析学科文化概念现象学层面描述了德国学科文化的表现特征。

    This article analyzes the concepts of disciplinary culture and gives a phenomenological description of diverse disciplinary cultures.


  • 构图色彩内容人物表现手法等等因素,无不为表现一个主题精神层面东西服务。

    All the factors of a picture including composition, colors, content, characters, and the technique of expression_r contribute to the main theme and the core of spirit.


  • 接下来各个分段探讨语言各个不同层面表现幽默引人发笑或微笑的策略语言装置

    To be explored in the following subsections are the strategies and linguistic devices used at different linguistic levels to inject humor and to elicit smiles and laughter.


  • 本文列举了当代大学生道德失范主要表现心理层面进行了归因分析。

    This article presents the main behavior of Morality Violation existing among the contemporary college students and also gives an concrete analysis about it from the the mentality dimension.


  • 奈特吸纳了辛格教给一切音调技术层面,到演唱的表现领悟

    Snatam embraced everything that Singh taught her, from the technical aspects of the notes, to the ability to sing with presence and awareness.


  • 实践层面表现两委冲突问题现阶段表现非常尖锐

    In practice, the performance level for Cunliang Wei (Branch of the village and village) of the conflict at this stage was very sharp.


  • 实践层面表现两委冲突问题现阶段表现非常尖锐

    In practice, the performance level for Cunliang Wei (Branch of the village and village) of the conflict at this stage was very sharp.


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