• 预期政府不会同意一条新建高速铁路提供国家补助意见

    The government is expected to reject the idea of state subsidy for a new high-speed railway.


  • 应该申请这些给予丰厚补助学校

    I may as well apply to these universities, which provide really good financial aid.


  • 中国不同地区低收入补助标准各不相同

    The standards for low-income subsidies in China vary in different regions.


  • 津贴是以减税形式还是针对性补助形式出现?

    Should the subsidies take the form of tax breaks or targeted grants?


  • 此外,由纳税者补助的联合体附近街道关闭

    In addition, streets adjacent to the taxpayer-subsidized complex will be closed.


  • 在受补助创立3个岗位中,1个直接归功于政策

    The creation of one out of three jobs that was awarded the credit then was attributed directly to the policy.


  • 他们享受免费英语、受补助膳食,还有免费的停车位

    They are entitled to free English lessons, subsidised meals and free parking.


  • 希望机构行驶调查权力标题补助权利,并明显改进

    He wants it to wield investigative powers and the right to make titles pay compensation and run corrections prominently.


  • 由于补助缩减燃料电力交通运输食物价格上升市场水平

    As subsidies shrink, the price of fuel, electricity, water, transport and food should rise to market levels.


  • 这些年轻人称为“夹层人”—他们买不起房子,但又具备接受补助资格

    These young people are nicknamed "sandwich layer" - they cannot afford to buy their own properties, but are not qualified to receive subsidies.


  • 众议院版本包含禁止堕胎使用联邦补助条款超越现行法律的。

    The House bill contains a provision forbidding the use of federal subsidies for any abortion services, a restriction that goes beyond current law.


  • 艺穗节不同经过策划补助国际艺术节,但凡钞票有余热情洋溢,尽可参与。

    Unlike the curated and subsidised International Festival, the Fringe is open to anyone with a little money and plenty of passion.


  • 工人一次帮助他们申请失业补助再培训补助会议上发现他们工作保住了

    The workers found out about their jobs being saved at a meeting to help them file for unemployment and retraining benefits.


  • 受惠阶层包括接受补助农民商贩,都不应该享有投票权,只有纳税人才享有投票权。

    The recipient classes--yes, including farmers and businesspeople who receive subsidies--should be disenfranchised, and the vote restricted to taxpayers.


  • 中央预算包括地方向中央上解收入数额中央地方返还或者给予补助数额。

    The central budget includes revenues turned over by the local governments to the central government and revenues refunded or subsidies granted by the central government to the local governments.


  • 补助的款项差不多是付给家庭主妇因为她们可能这笔钱用在于自己的家庭。

    The payments almost always go to women, as they are the most likely to spend the money on their families.


  • 妇女获得医疗保障方面面临很多障碍甚至包括那些了保险的可以获得医疗补助妇女。

    The Amnesty report spotlights numerous barriers women face in accessing care, even among those who are insured or qualify for Medicaid.


  • 各州发放补助大小并不失控医疗通胀挂钩而是更加稳定基本物价水平挂钩

    But the size of each state's handout would be tied not to runaway medical inflation, but to the much more sedate general price index.


  • 这样迫使各州为自己预算更加负责不是将大多数医疗补助的账单送到华盛顿报销

    This would force them to manage their budgets more responsibly than they have needed to when they have been able to send much of the tab to Washington.


  • 参加竞争西方资源公司经常声称中国公司国家补助的廉价资金第三市场上以高价打败他们

    Competing resource companies from the West often claim that Chinese companies outbid them in third markets, using cheap, state-subsidised funds.


  • 答案是肯定的:有失业补助工人们不没有失业补助的工人们那般绝望,也可能工作稍微有点挑剔。

    Yes: workers receiving unemployment benefits aren't quite as desperate as workers without benefits, and are likely to be slightly more choosy about accepting new jobs.


  • 如若合理化纳税人对学生补助的意见一团糟局面而蒙上阴霾,耻辱的,因为一个明智的意见。

    The mess could tarnish the idea of rationalising taxpayer support forstudents. That would be a shame, for it is a sensible one.


  • 规定在公约适用情况下,只有获得父母允许,且给予他们任何形式报酬补助情况下,领养才能进行。

    It states that these can only go ahead if the parents' consent, where applicable, has been obtained without any kind of payment or compensation.


  • 但是在140万失业人口几乎半数失业者失业时间超过六个月因此,这部分人群不再享有一月一日起开始施行补助补贴。

    But almost half of the 14m unemployed have been out of a job for six months or more, and so would no longer qualify for benefits under the rules that will apply from January 1st.


  • 剩余部分可能用于印度急速增加中产阶级提供大型购物中心住房——这里几乎不存在提供补助的正当理由,更不用说占用穷苦农民祖传土地的理由了。

    The rest might be used for shopping malls and housing for India's swelling middle classes-hardly justification for a subsidy, let alone for occupying the ancestral lands of poor farmers.


  • 许多农民不得不依靠补助维持基本的生活需要。

    Many farmers have to depend on subsidies to make a living wage.


  • 他们得到了笔用来支持研究特别补助

    They'd got a special grant to encourage research.


  • 眼下,补助少得可怜、职业前景渺茫的学生不容易。

    Being a student today with miserly grants and limited career prospects is difficult.


  • 眼下,补助少得可怜、职业前景渺茫的学生不容易。

    Being a student today with miserly grants and limited career prospects is difficult.


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