• 必须发挥虽然了解如何

    You'll have to play to find out how though.


  • 虽然了解理论重要,但我们也应该它们付诸实施。

    While knowing theories is important, we should put them into practice.


  • 有时客户并不了解改变需求造成什么影响,或者虽然了解硬要改变需求。

    Sometimes customers do not understand the effects of changes, or understand them but request them anyway.


  • 有时候我们虽然了解外语(不够精通够用),但是没有自信外国人交流。

    Sometimes although we know the language (not very much but enough) we can’t find the confidence to share it with foreign people.


  • 抑郁症治疗机理虽然了解甚少,这种治疗方法虽然不够完美但是确实一项重大的进步。

    The underpinnings of depression are poorly understood and this therapy, although not perfect, offers numerous advantages.


  • 虽然了解版本控制bug跟踪持续集成份简历来说好极了,但别人一起工作收获大、更有意思

    While being exposed to version control, bug tracking, and continuous integration systems is great for a resume, working with other human beings is much more rewarding and fun.


  • 因此虽然了解天才人物生物特征非常令人兴趣,但良好家庭教养教育技巧研究真正具有长远的意义

    So although knowing more about the biology of genius is all very interesting, it is research into better parenting and educational techniques that will have lasting significance.


  • 虽然了解什么原因造就了老板这样只“怪物并不能使他/有所改变老板打交道时拥有更多创新性选择

    Knowing why an ogre is an ogre may not change her, but it will free you to think more creatively about your options for dealing with her.


  • 虽然了解如何测量阅读刻度单位,以及进行运算图表非常重要,雇主希望解释表格图表信息的含义。

    While it is important that you know how to measure and read scales, carry out calculations or draw a diagram, employers will also want you to interpret information from tables, graphs or charts.


  • 虽然了解,但我从来没有冒险到家里拜访他。

    I've never even ventured to call on him at his own home myself, though I know him so well.


  • 虽然现在很多茶文化有所了解,但中国人无疑了解本质

    Even though many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.


  • 许多人失业虽然极其痛苦某些方面改善了他们生活:他们变得不那么物质主义在财务上更加谨慎了,并且更加了解别人难处

    Many said that unemployment, while extremely painful, had improved them in some ways: they had become less materialistic and more financially prudent; they were more aware of the struggles of others.


  • 虽然得很慢,但大致了解这个故事梗意,这只狗一样,家人失散最终找到了回家的

    Though pages were turned slowly, I got the main idea of the story about a dog who, like mine, had been separated from his family and who finally found his way back home.


  • 他很了解这个故事,但仍需要把每个字都记在心里。

    Though he knew the story well, he still needed to keep all the words in mind.


  • 史密斯先生从未到过中国,但他对中国很了解

    Mr. Smith knows a lot about China although he has never been to our country.


  • 张骞没有完成他的工作,但他了解了西域36国的风土人情和文化。

    Although Zhang didn't finish his job, he learned a lot about the places, people, customs and cultures of the 36 kingdoms in the Western Regions.


  • 希望了解到,虽然持续集成开发项目中使用的优秀实践,但是如果能够避免某些模式,还享受到更多持续集成好处

    I hope you've seen that while Continuous Integration is a great practice to use in your development projects, you can enjoy more of its benefits by avoiding certain anti-patterns.


  • 虽然每个人都应该了解总体目标决定应该得到具体信息很重要,以及获得信息的途径频率

    Although everyone should understand the overall objectives, it is also important to decide who should receive specific information, why and how often.


  • 令人惊讶虽然我们通过五官了解这个世界,但对于不同来说,每个人依赖于其中的种感官要胜过其它四种

    The astonishing truth is that although we navigate the world through our five senses, each of us has one sense that we rely on more than the other four.


  • 虽然知道我们了解别人一个很好的开始

    Although knowing that we don't know other people is a great start.


  • 虽然不会媒体了解这些但近期甲烷确实全球变暖产生更大的影响。

    Though you wouldn't know it from listening to the media, methane has been contributing to global warming more recently.


  • 并不了解虽然认识已经时间了。

    I don't know him well though I've known him for a long time.


  • 虽然孔子故事并不了解还是这部电影。

    I went to see the film knowing very little of Confucius' personal story.


  • 虽然是个美国人,但是我中国了解很多,我喜欢中国

    Thought I am an American, I know quite a lot about China and I like Chinese tea very well.


  • 虽然我们完全了解开源对于更广泛经济影响以前一个漫长的过程,但是迄今为止几乎每个来说

    It's going to be a long time before we fully understand the implications of open source for the broader economy, but so far, it's been very good for just about everybody.


  • 虽然,恋爱双方需要时间了解、适应彼此狮子座双子座潜质经营一份长久幸福感情

    Though, it takes some time for people of these signs to understand each other, the Leo and Gemini have the potential to form an everlasting and successful relationships.


  • 哥哥长进,虽然他家了解不多,可是他的语气我看得出,他哥哥根本不理他父母生活,在外面无业流氓一样。

    His older brother is not motivated and I can learn from his statements that his brother leaves his parents alone and lives like a jobless hooligan.


  • 哥哥长进,虽然他家了解不多,可是他的语气我看得出,他哥哥根本不理他父母生活,在外面无业流氓一样。

    His older brother is not motivated and I can learn from his statements that his brother leaves his parents alone and lives like a jobless hooligan.


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