• 密度为害持续时间水稻挥发物活性具有明显影响

    Nilaparvata lugens density and continuously feeding time obviously influenced the activity of volatiles emitted from rice plants attractive to the parasitoid.


  • 随着病毒附着人体时间增加螺旋体感染几率也随之提升(24小时0%,48小时12%,72小时79%,96小时则高达94%。)幼作用人体约需30小时,成仅需10小时,幼约是成2倍。

    The probability of transmission of Lyme disease spirochetes increases the longer an infected tick is attached 0% at 24 hours, 12% at 48 hours, 79% at.


  • 加拿大挪威科学家都已经发现来自渔场其他寄生感染经过的红,导致红鲑的生存机率下降

    Studies by local and Norwegian scientists have found that sea lice and other parasites from the fish farms can infect the passing sockeye, reducing their chance of survival.


  • 除了跳蚤有效,还可否杀寄生

    Activity against parasites other than fleas and ticks?


  • 、介壳偶尔也会看上多肉,造成麻烦而且很难去除

    Mites, scale, and white fly are occasionally attracted to succulents, pose a more serious problem, and are difficult to eradicate.


  • 鉴定结果发现这些具有明显抑制作用

    Insect bioassay results showed that these homozygous lines had significant inhibition to brown planthopper.


  • 挪威苏格兰鲑鱼养殖场全球最大两个鲑鱼出口国侵袭,海是千百年来鲑鱼血液皮肤生活寄生

    Salmon farms in Norway and Scotland, two of the world's largest exporters, have been decimated by sea lice, a parasite that has feasted on the blood and skin of salmon for millennia.


  • 目的调查珠海口岸地区鼠体表寄生蚤、革螨、蜱、吸种群组成

    Objective To investigate species composition of gamasid mites, chigger mites and flea on the rodent in Zhuhai Port.


  • 灵敏度分析显示温度影响褐飞种群数量动态的关键因素,其次为初始迁入量、天敌水稻生育期。

    The sensitivity analysis showed that the temperature was the most important factor, the other key factors included initial population size, natural enemy and rice development stage.


  • 在人工气候不同温度测定眼角颊木各个态及全世代的发育起点温度有效积温

    The developmental zero and effective accumulated temperature for individual development of Cornegenapsylla sinica were measured by the experiment under constant temperature in the climatic chamber.


  • 报道了龙眼角颊木各个世代发育起点温度有效积温,并实际发生情况作了初步验证。

    This paper dealt with the developmental temperature and effective accumulated temperature of different stage and whole generation of Longan psyllid.


  • 对于防治宠物身上的跳蚤、寄生有些精油具有不错疗效

    Some essential oils have good effect on fleas, ticks or other parasites, for example, mint, lemon, sandalwood, eucalyptus, geranium, citronella grass, etc.


  • 寄生于真兽类哺乳动物体表专性吸血寄生,广布于世界各地。

    Sucking lice are exclusively hematophagous ectoparasites of eutherian (placental) mammals, and are worldwide distribution.


  • 采用GJ89陷阱检测器钢板物种分布组成及主要害和螨类不同储藏期各部位分布进行了调查研究。

    GJ89 type probe traps were used to monitor stored grain insects species, distribution in different storage periods in the steel silo.


  • 发明一种农药组合物。本发明的组合物组分a螨脲,组分B之一种

    The invention relates to a pesticide composite, which has a component a and a component B, wherein the component a is lufenuron and the component B is selected from one of chlorfenapyr and fipronil.


  • 表明褐飞致害性变异的,水稻品种特性转化的诱因

    It is suggested that virulence of rice brown planthopper was variable and the character of variety resistant or susceptible to insect was the exterior factor of virulent shift.


  • 1990年以后以前表现抗杂交稻变得高感

    After 1990, previously BPH-resistant hybrid rice became highly susceptible to BPH.


  • 由于品种机制及其遗传背景差异褐飞不同的抗品种上致害性转化进程速率亦不同。

    The course and rate of the shift of virulence differed from different resistant varieties as a result of their diversities in both resistant mechanism and genetic background.


  • 比较研究了当年采田间种群上一年室内越冬繁殖种群对不同抗品种的致害性差异。

    The virulence characteristics of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal, from paddy field population and greenhouse population collected in late rice field last year was compared.


  • 麦田量扩增水稻迁移重要时期也是防治重点时期之一

    The first generation of SBPH in wheat fields is the important period when the population enlarge and disperse to rice fields, and one of key periods for controlling it.


  • 浙江广西褐飞IR26云南源则产在TN1上。

    Most eggs of Zhejiang and Guangxi population laid on IR26 and the Yunnan population, however, laid about 50% eggs on TN1.


  • 灵敏度分析显示温度影响褐飞种群数量动态的关键因素,其次为初始迁入量、天敌水稻生育期

    The sensitivity analysis showed that the temperature was the most important factor, the other key factors included initial population size, natural enemy and rice development stage. Post variation...


  • 灵敏度分析显示温度影响褐飞种群数量动态的关键因素,其次为初始迁入量、天敌水稻生育期

    The sensitivity analysis showed that the temperature was the most important factor, the other key factors included initial population size, natural enemy and rice development stage. Post variation...


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