• 加入黄瓜洋葱口味盐调味,再加入藜麦和香菜。

    Add the cucumber and onion, and season to your taste with salt, and add the quinoa and cilantro.


  • 谷物包括藜麦绿色水稻能够降低心脏病风险

    Grains, including oats, quinoa and wild rice, lower the risk of heart disease.


  • 玻利维亚干旱高山平原,种植已有数千历史,它现在被误认谷物实际这是一种植物甜菜菠菜之类作物相近。

    Quinoa, domesticated thousands of years ago on Bolivia's arid high mountain plains and now often misrepresented as a grain, is actually a chenopod, related to species like beets and spinach.


  • 他们宣称含的蛋白质氨基酸配比恰到好处,就维持生命的营养而言,植物动物王国里几乎无与匹敌

    With an exceptional balance of protein and amino acids, quinoa, they declared, is virtually unrivaled in the plant or animal kingdom for its life-sustaining nutrients.


  • 年轻一代中的许多人都已藜麦而去

    But she says many in the younger generation have moved away from it.


  • 素食主义者一定多种谷类食品比如面包意大利通心粉墨西哥面饼糙米,小藜麦

    Vegetarians should be sure to eat a variety of whole grains such as whole wheat bread, pasta and tortillas, brown rice, bulgur, and quinoa.


  • 对于素食者来说,也许已经知道豆类能填饱肚子的。

    For vegetarians, quinoa and beans are very filling, but you already knew that.


  • 不过尽管玻利维亚人以藜麦食已有数个世纪,但多年来安第斯山区之外仍然是稀罕之物,直到最近,才进驻保健食物商店,才有研究者对其展开研究

    But while Bolivians have lived off it for centuries, quinoa remained little more than a curiosity outside the Andes for years, found in health food shops and studied by researchers — until recently.


  • 所说如今不断上涨价格激发了城市居民播种收货季节返乡务农。

    Now, he said, rising quinoa prices have also encouraged city dwellers to return to their plots in the countryside during planting and harvest seasons.


  • 同时谷物仓里寻找新的谷物米粒状面食、藜麦粗面粉、苜蓿等等

    Also, look in your grain isle for new grains like orzo, quinoa, couscous, barley, alfalfa and others.


  • 过去担心谷物大豆处理过食品水果营养药,我是否该藜麦、粗切苋菜、奇雅子、硬

    I used to worry about not eating grains, or soy, or processed foods, or fruits, or chemicals.Should I eat quinoa or steel-cut oats or amaranth or chia seeds or bulgur wheat or buckwheat?


  • 过去担心谷物大豆、处理过的食品、水果营养药,我是否该吃些藜麦、粗切燕苋菜、奇雅子、硬或荞

    I used to worry about not eating grains, or soy, or processed foods, or fruits, or chemicals. Should I eat quinoa or steel-cut oats or amaranth or chia seeds or bulgur wheat or buckwheat?


  • 跑步者一般把意大利面当做主食,其实还有其他一些健康可口碳水化合物例如:粗粮、米饭藜麦

    Pasta often becomes a staple of a runner's diet, but there are lots of other healthful and interesting carb choices for runners, such as couscous, rice or quinoa.


  • 不论价格如何上涨有些玻利维亚人仍旧坚持食用藜麦

    Some here cling to eating quinoa despite its rising price.


  • 很喜欢藜麦再也买不起了,”50奥尔托市街头摊贩Micaela Huan ca感慨道,是一座贫民数量较首都巴斯更多的城市

    "I adore quinoa, but I can't afford it anymore," said Micaela Huanca, 50, a street vendor in el Alto, a city of slums above the capital, la Paz.


  • 这儿超市里,1000克一藜麦售价要2英镑多一点,大约相当于4.85美元,对应地,同样重量面条价格是1.20美元,一袋精米价格是1美元。

    At supermarkets here, a 1,000-gram bag of quinoa, just over two pounds, costs the equivalent of $4.85, compared with $1.20 for a bag of noodles the same weight and $1 for a bag of white rice.


  • 根据该国农业部的统计,随着价格过去5年里近乎涨了三倍玻利维亚这种主食消费同期却下跌了34%。

    While quinoa prices have almost tripled over the past five years, Bolivia's consumption of the staple fell 34 percent over the same period, according to the country's agricultural ministry.


  • 没到现在价格之前人们阿根廷智利谋生,”Miguel Choque Llanos说道,他是国家藜麦生产者协会商务总监

    "Before quinoa was at the price it is now, people went to Argentina and Chile to work," said Miguel Choque Llanos, commercial director of the National Association of quinoa Producers.


  • 作为代替他们开始购买烹调其它藜麦这样富含健康矿物质和蛋白质的食物

    Instead, they are buying and cooking with other foods that are not as rich in healthy minerals and proteins.


  • 可以选择蛋白质食物肌肉奶酪沙拉三明治而且其他添加像牛油果藜麦

    You can choose proteins like chicken, shrimp, cheese, and falafel, as well as other throw-ins like avocado and quinoa.


  • 藜麦安第斯山脉一种传统粮食作物

    Quinoa is a traditional food crop in the Andes Mountains.


  • 所以倒入这个锅里,其中一杯藜麦

    So I've got two cups of water into the pot, and one cup of Quinoa.


  • 藜麦国际营养学家们称为营养黄金”、“超级谷物”、“未来食品”。

    Quinoa is also the international nutritionists called "Nutrition Gold" and "supercorp", "the future of food".


  • 元素作为一种健康营养藜麦饮料巧妙地体现出身体增加能量生活更加健康”的完美寓意

    Quinoa elements, as a healthy and nutritious quinoa beverages, cleverly reflects "for the body to increase energy, make life more healthy" perfect meaning.


  • 经常食用诸如片粥糙米玉米粗粮的志愿者似乎避开了所有疾病尤其是心脏疾病

    However those who ate the most whole grains, such as porridge, brown rice, corn and quinoa seemed protected from many illnesses and particularly heart disease.


  • 将目标设至少摄入10纤维15蛋白质比如芝麻生姜藜麦毛豆沙拉,再搭配一小酸奶奶酪莓。

    Aim for at least 10 grams of fiber and 15 grams of protein, like a bowl of this sesame ginger quinoa edamame salad enjoyed with a small serving of yogurt or cheese and blueberries.


  • 很多种类

    There are many kinds of quinoa.


  • 藜麦面包面粉市场上比较流行产品,可以通过网购保健品购买,这些产品的最大特点是高品质蛋白质,不含质。

    Quinoa breads and flours are the most popular products and are marketed directly to the consumer over the Internet and through health food stores for their gluten-free, high-protein qualities.


  • 藜麦面包面粉市场上比较流行产品,可以通过网购保健品购买,这些产品的最大特点是高品质蛋白质,不含质。

    Quinoa breads and flours are the most popular products and are marketed directly to the consumer over the Internet and through health food stores for their gluten-free, high-protein qualities.


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