• 桂林以山水著称

    Guilin is known throughout the world for its scenery.


  • 日本人一向以爱著称现在,从土耳其引进的一种鱼日本又新的用途,它们能为日本人的健康做出贡献。

    The Japanese are known for eating more fish than any other nation in the world -- now fish may have a chance to get their own back.


  • 过去:小说侦探夏洛克·福尔摩斯运用逻辑推理能力破获悬案著称

    Then: The fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes, is famous for using his powers of logic and reasoning to solve difficult cases.


  • 20早期大戏一次展出75头北极熊著称

    One early 20th-century big-top act featured 75 polar bears at once.


  • 马赛最大的港口里昂则以纺织工业著称

    Marseilles is a chief port and Lyon is an industrial center famous for its textiles.


  • 巴黎乔治酒店上海半岛酒店,从著名的和平咖啡馆到各地的赫布匈美食坊,罗雄先生以融合古典和现代风格的能力而著称

    From the George V in Paris to the Peninsula inShanghai,from the famed Café de la Paix to JoëlRobuchon restaurants around theworld,Mr.


  • 过去小说中侦探夏洛克•福尔摩斯运用逻辑推理能力破获悬案而著称

    Then: : The fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes, is famous for using his powers of logic and reasoning to solve difficult cases.


  • 系列产品精湛工艺优良的品质典雅风格完善服务著称

    Series of products to the superb technology, excellent quality, elegant style and quality of services in that world.


  • 莎剧生动曲折情节著称构思壮阔,内容丰富采用线索结构,将各种戏剧因素自然结合

    Shakespeare's plot twists and turns in a lively known world, the idea of vast, rich in content and structure of the use of more clues to the natural combination of various factors in play.


  • 山海掩映,阳光璀璨,素以欧洲文明摇篮丰富历史遗迹而著称清新空气宜人的气候闻名于

    Shanhai, sunshine is bright, the cradle of European civilization, is famous for its rich historical relics, the fresh air, pleasant climate and is famous for.


  • 重要文物古迹芮城永乐不但建筑别致而且有着精美元代巨幅壁画,以精湛艺术魅力著称

    Key cultural relics have Ruicheng Yongle Palace, its architecture is not only unique, but the Yuan Dynasty has a huge beautiful murals, the artistic charm of its superb world known.


  • 一定是以一个优秀的舞蹈家著称的。

    She must be well known as an excellent dancer.


  • 《岁寒堂诗话浪诗话》是宋代蔚为大观诗话中的杰出代表著作以其卓越理论价值著称

    As the outstanding writings of Song Dynasty, "Sui Han Tang Shi Hua" and "Cang Lang Shi Hua" have excellence and famous theory value.


  • 漓江,是中国锦绣河山颗明珠,是桂林风光精华早已闻名遐迩著称。 。

    Lijiang gis a land of China's splendid scenery in guilin, pearl essence, is already liaoyang, known to the world.


  • 钱穆现代儒家著名学者,史学成就著称文学修养也相当深厚

    Qian Mu is a well-known expert in modern new Confucianism. Although famous for his historical achievements, he possesses profound literary knowledge.


  • 悉尼歌剧院1956年起头制作,自1973年建成以来,一直以造型新鲜、丰姿婥约著称

    Sydney Opera House began construction in 1956, built in 1973, has been a clean, graceful known world.


  • 王维山水田园诗以闲适恬淡空灵静寂的艺术风格著称

    The Wangwei, s pastoral poetry is elusive, comfortably, indifferent to fame or gain artistic style but is celebrated worldwide.


  • 伦敦塔在詹姆斯时代(1603至1625年统治英国)以前,曾偶尔用作英国国王王后王宫如今所监狱刑场最为著称

    It was occasionally used as a Royal Palace for the Kings and Queens of England until the time of James I (who reigned from 1603 to 1625) but is the best known as a prison and execution place.


  • 斗兽场建筑史上堪称典范杰作奇迹庞大雄伟壮观著称

    The collousem may be is the masterpiece and the miracle and the model in the history of architecture, be well-known all the world for huge, grand, the magnificent sight.


  • 中国茶文化古老而悠久的历史著称中国茶文化源头孕育于三峡地区

    The tea culture in China has been famous for its long history in the world. And the tea culture in China has bred along Three-Gorges region.


  • 元代绘画是以“表意著称这种表意性前提下,不能忽视“写实性”对元代绘画的影响

    Paintings of the Yuan Dynasty are famous for "expression of subjectivity", but in consideration of this term, the impact of "expression of objectivity" in these paintings could not be omitted.


  • 擅长诗文通晓音律精于书画成就著称

    She is good at poetry, thoroughly understands the temperament, is skilled in the calligraphy and painting, but is actually celebrated worldwide by the word achievement.


  • 大仲马自学成才,一生各种著作达300卷之多主要以小说剧作著称

    Dumas self-taught, and his various books written by as many as 300 volumes, mainly novels and plays, known to the world.


  • 成都泡菜产量大、品种多选料精酿造工艺著称

    Chengdu pickled vegetable is famous in the world for its gross production, various kinds, special select and new craft.


  • 项目腿法为主而著称辅以灵活手法

    This event is worldwide famous for leg techniques and assisted with flexible hand techniques.


  • 最早两个烹调中心中国(公元前5起)罗马后者粗犷而奢侈著称

    Two early centres of gastronomy were China (from the 5th century BC) and Rome, the latter noted for the excess and ostentation of its banquets.


  • 最早两个烹调中心中国(公元前5起)罗马后者粗犷而奢侈著称

    Two early centres of gastronomy were China (from the 5th century BC) and Rome, the latter noted for the excess and ostentation of its banquets.


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