• 大巴车隶属唐山交通运输集团最大荷载53车祸发生包括司机在内车内共有55人

    The coach, belonging to the Tangshan Traffic and Transportation Group, has a maximum loading capacity of 53 people while 55, including the driver, were aboard when the accident happened.


  • 若已测出荷载数千万磅重,那么高层建筑设计中就没有多少可以进行极其复杂的构思余地了。

    With loads measured in tens of thousands kips, there is little room in the design of high-rise buildings for excessively complex thoughts.


  • 为了得出研究结果,研究小组设定了一列载客120人列车(载客荷载1200人的10%)载客1200人的列车(满载)。

    For the purposes of the study, the team set low occupancy as 120 passengers (10% of the capacity of the longest trains), and the high as 1200 passengers (a full train).


  • 性能试验应包括渐进式装卸锚杆验证锚杆有足够能力抵抗试验荷载确认自由长度估算锚杆永久变形

    Performance tests consist of incremental loading and unloading of anchors to verify sufficient capacity to resist the test load verify the free length and evaluate the permanent set of the anchor.


  • 所以,不论是地基钻探方法基础类型选择、基础埋深确定、荷载作用力计算以及地基承载力基础问题无不有关。

    So all the problems such as drilling method, foundation types, depth of foundation, load reaction and relationship of foundation bear force and its sedimentation are all connected with the water.


  • 试验采用混凝土强度等级C25主要变化参数初始荷载加载历史CFRP加固、纵配筋锚固措施

    Concrete intensive grade is C25, the main variable parameters such as initial load and load history, CFRP amount, reinforcement ratio, anchor measure was adopted.


  • 介绍了井筒装备水平荷载方法系统及其装置

    It also deals with the measuring method, measuring system and devices used in connection with horizontal loads acting on the shaft equipment.


  • 位移未知,根据平衡条件建立了竖向荷载作用下端部固定的空腹桁架节点转角节间迭代计算公式固端弯矩计算方法。

    Iterative formulas of nodal rotational Angle and lateral deflection of truss panel and fixed-moment in end-fixing Vierendeel truss subjected to vertical loads are presented in this paper.


  • 加筋土荷载膨胀试验,取三种不同加筋试样进行试验求膨胀率。

    During the swelling capacity test of the reinforced soils under load, three different reinforcement ratio samples are tested in order to reduce their expansion of the soils.


  • 本文以现场码头门机荷载运行情况调查资料依据,确定了荷载最大值分布随机过程模型,并对该荷载进行概率统计分析

    A random process probabilistic model of the loading maximum value distribution is determined based on the data of actual measurment and investigated operation situation for gantry crane on wharf.


  • 本文通过对饱和矿砂振动排水试验试样周期荷载体积变化

    This paper presents the drained test of saturated tailing sand in dynamic simple shear apparatus by measuring volume change of the sample under cyclic loading.


  • 讨论了桥梁工业厂房大型公共建筑较多采用单层移动荷载作用下影响计算方法

    The calculation method for the influence quantity is discussed for single-layer multi-span frames under moving load, which are wildly used in Bridges, industrial and public buildings.


  • 比对节点抗震性能有利可以提高节点的荷载抗剪承载力减小节点中梁粘结滑移

    Axial compressive ratio is advantageous to seismic behavior of staggered joints. It can improve joints first crashing loads, shear resistance capacity and reduce the sliding displacement of beam bars.


  • 本文通过身内埋设测元件试桩资料分析荷载传递机理承载性状,以及施工工艺对其影响和作用。

    The paper analyzed the load transfer behavior and bearing capacity characterstics of pile based on the in-site test data of five instrumented piles.


  • 分析桥梁伸缩装置伸缩基本影响因素包括地震荷载和风荷载,国内外伸缩装置伸缩计算公式方法

    Analysis the basic factor of influencing quantity of expansion joint, including the seismic load and wind load, the calculating formula and measure of expansion amount.


  • 计算出了双重荷载作用位移应力区的深度最大拉应力

    The displacements, the depth of tensile stress zone and the maximum value of tensile stress under the complex load were calculated.


  • 基础利用FLAC3D软件上部荷载引起地面沉降水平位移进行模拟计算。

    After the upper work completed, by the use of FLAC3D to make a simulation and analysis to land subsidence and the horizontal shift quantity caused by the topside load.


  • 试验结果表明,不同纤维品种对于梁结构在均布荷载承载力增强作用,体积掺相同的情况下相差不大。

    The following conclusions can also be drawn according to the tests: Given the same contents but different types of steel fiber, the enhancement of shear capacity of beams shows little difference.


  • 屈服荷载极限荷载均随纵向钢筋配筋增加而增大,随筋配筋的增大增大。

    Coupling beams' yielding load and limit load also was enhanced when more diagonally reinforcement was included.


  • 借助弯曲荷载-挠度全曲线,分析了纤维类型韧性指数和初裂荷载影响。结果表明,钢纤维混凝土抗弯初裂强度、极限强度和弯曲韧性随纤维掺的增大而提高。

    Through the load-deflection curves of SFRC, the effects of fiber kinds and fiber content on the first-crack strength and the flexural toughness of SFRC were contrasted with those of concrete.


  • 文中还用光数据原理确定了弹性应力阶段洞室围岩各种荷载作用最终成果,避免了模型由于同时加载困难所带来的单独施加荷载所造成的繁琐测和计算。

    Using the principle of photoelastic data superposition, the author defined the net effects of stress in wall rocks of the cave under all kinds of load. This avoided the trouble


  • 基础荷载作用的地基变形连续数码相片记录,然后用数字照相变形技术分析得到地基的变形场和地基的破坏

    Sequential images of the deformation field under a model footing were digitally recorded. The DPDM technique was used to achieve the incremental displacement field and the slip failure surface.


  • 基础荷载作用的地基变形连续数码相片记录,然后用数字照相变形技术分析得到地基的变形场和地基的破坏

    Sequential images of the deformation field under a model footing were digitally recorded. The DPDM technique was used to achieve the incremental displacement field and the slip failure surface.


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