• 巴珊橡树,用象牙镶嵌基提海岛的黄杨木为坐(或作舱板)。

    Of the oaks of Bashan have they made thine oars; the company of the Ashurites have made thy benches of ivory, brought out of the isles of Chittim.


  • 年纪只有个月是个闪闪发光的巨婴20,可储藏985626加仑燃油

    The ship was only four months old, a shiny, hulking infant with 20 decks and a fuel capacity of 985,626 gallons.


  • 收拾盏后,就莫不摊开了,把身体钻进那个预先卷一筒又湿的硬棉被里去休息。

    When the bowls had been cleared away, theboatmen who felt cold or tired out spread their bedding on the deck and burrowed into theirstiff, clammy quilts which they had laid out like tubing.


  • 假如设计地不好,使得货物底部空间不足以进行空气循环,那么,这些货物放置舱板上。

    The product should be loaded on pallets or floor racks when space for air circulation under the load is inadequate due to floor design.


  • 结束他们农场生意后,他们夫妇开始艰辛的努力克雷首先独自离家到加勒比海为一条双帆船体重铺舱板

    Selling off their businesses as well as the family's farm, the couple started their endeavor with Craig leaving first to begin replanking the hull of a ketch in the Caribbean.


  • 一些帆船制造商通过驾驶船体设计安装舷外解决内外之间争论

    Some sailboat builders have resolved the debate between inboards and outboards by designing the cockpit and hull with a hole in which outboard is mounted.


  • 可以船壳壁、墙壁临时出入孔以便施工,应通过焊接对其进行适当封闭对其进行检验

    Temporary access openings may be provided on shells, bulkheads, decks, walls, etc. for convenience of works and to be closed in place by welding and inspected.


  • 拉斯韦特完成安装后次日鲍恩古德再执行太空行走任务,开始空间站左侧太阳能电池端的6个电池(每个375重)更换任务。

    The day after the Rassvet installation, Captain Bowen and Mr. Good will stage a spacewalk to begin replacing six 375-pound batteries in the station’s far left set of solar arrays.


  • 里面天花线路驾驶仪表盘也都已经安装完毕

    Inside the aircraft cabin, circuit systems on the ceiling and dashboard in the flight deck have been installed.


  • 相反他们驾驶仪表表明空速高度飞行角度关键信息以及燃料氧气供应他们的眼睛

    Instead, they had their eyes glued to the cockpit instrument panel, which showed key information such as airspeed, altitude, Angle of flight, and fuel and oxygen supply.


  • 不可到达区域造成船的左右安装方便吊装推进器

    Inaccessible areas will be constructed as void Spaces. Eye pads will be provided on port and starboard for lifting rudder and propeller.


  • 卧室餐厅壁和天花能够易于保持清洁应使用耐久无毒的浅色涂料装饰

    The bulkhead surfaces and deckheads in sleeping rooms and mess rooms should be capable of being easily kept clean and light in colour with a durable, non-toxic finish.


  • 驾驶顶端放置太阳能

    The top side of the cockpit will be covered with solar panels.


  • 集装箱基座安装衬

    Pads will be arranged on the tank top for the container seatings.


  • 适用层甲平台纵横壁、围壁、平直

    It is suitable to inner bottom plate, all decks, platform plate , longitudinal and transverse bulkhead, trunk bulkhead and jointed plate of straight shell plate.


  • 在自升平台船体这种结构更是大面积的得到应用,壁、机械甲等都梁组合结构。

    Especially, there are many stiffened plates in the hull of jack-up platform, for example the main deck, bulkhead, tank top and bottom plating.


  • 航天服系统采用多孔升华主要工作模式进行了讨论。

    Some operation modes of the porous plate water sublimator used in an EVA space suit thermal control system are discussed.


  • 指出了液同心双层圆柱优良耐压新型结构型式

    Double concentric cylindrical shell with solid floor and added longitudinals on the pressure tank shell is a very good structural form of new pressure tank.


  • 书店拱形天花长长的书架、雪白的装饰,犹如一个太空

    The archy ceilings, the long book shelves and the white decorations have made this store into a capsule.


  • 醋酸腐蚀性,两边,在货物条通道

    The acetic acid is corrosive. Please put them in both sides of No. 5 deck, leaving a passage between the hatch coaming and the cargo.


  • 海船压载使用海水压载,引起船体腐蚀焊缝处会产生漏水

    The use of sea water in ballast water tank of sea-going ships causes the corrosion of ship hull plates and the water leak from the corroded holes at welding seams.


  • 3船用双色玻璃液位计适用舰船其它工业设备柜内介质的液位进行测量

    ULB-3 type marine flat type glass level gauge is used to measure level of the tank in ship and other industrial instrument .


  • 可以月球探险车里,在登月洗澡墙壁天花贴满闪闪星星和各种神秘星球。

    You can sleep in a moon buggy, bathe in a lunar capsule, and the walls and ceilings are covered in twinkling stars and planets.


  • 可以月球探险车里,在登月洗澡墙壁天花贴满闪闪星星和各种神秘星球。

    You can sleep in a moon buggy, bathe in a lunar capsule, and the walls and ceilings are covered in twinkling stars and planets.


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