• 自己行为的解释很难信服。

    She gave me an unlikely explanation for her behaviour.


  • 律师明白自己行为后果准备坐牢

    Her lawyer said she understood the consequences of her actions and was prepared to go to jail.


  • 此生做错误决定,”杰克,同时霍默·辛普森式的“Doh表示自己行为愚蠢

    "It was the most stupid decision of my whole life," said Jack as he let out a Homer Simpson-style "Doh" to illustrate the folly of his actions.


  • 很多士兵自己行为说谎

    Many of the soldiers lied about their actions.


  • 他们了解自己行为所产生长期后果能力有限

    They also have a limited ability to understand the long-term consequences of their behaviour.


  • 人们定下新年决心只有改变自己行为决心也许只能见效一时

    When setting a resolution, simply deciding to change your behavior may work for a while.


  • 比如假如了解自己行为环境影响人们便会改变行为

    For example, if you know more about the impact your behaviour has on the environment, people will change their behaviour.


  • 只是我们自己进行调节、控制冲动引导自己行为方式

    It's one of the ways we monitor ourselves, control impulses and guide actions.


  • 只是我们自己进行调节、控制冲动引导自己行为方式

    It's one of the ways we monitor ourselves, control impulses and guide actions. '.


  • 从概念上以及逻辑上来说自己行为选择应该最高水平层次的平衡。

    Conceptually and logically, your choice about which action to take should be aligned with the commitments you have identified at the highest levels and cascade from there down the hierarchy.


  • 这个方案许多长处包括交付纳税人资金,由管理层股东承担自己行为成本

    This plan has many advantages, including that management and shareholders bear the costs for their actions before taxpayer funds are committed.


  • 发现自己行为动机的推测的的那个瞬间,你必然需要另一个更加客观解释

    The moment you realize that your intuition about your own behavior might be wrong it is clear that you need another, more objective input.


  • 那些自己行为道歉并且承担责任的人那些着找借口或者否认他们犯过错的人多了

    People are much better off to apologize and take responsibility for their actions than try and make excuses or deny they've made a mistake.


  • 那时,马来人把肯定自己行为制度化,认为过度富有华裔(槟榔屿主要人口组成为华裔)很不利

    That was when the Malay majority institutionalised affirmative action for themselves, to the disadvantage of ethnic Chinese (a majority in Penang), who were perceived to have got unduly rich.


  • 但是如果自残者容许伤害自己同时心理后果包括自己行为感到羞耻以及害怕被社会拒绝

    But there are psychological consequences as well, including feeling shame about the behavior and fearing social rejection if the self-injurers do admit to hurting themselves.


  • 即使已经自己行为感到羞愧并且觉得对此负责,而别人因为自我宽恕而认为我根本对此事负责么?

    Will others think I am not holding myself accountable if I act as if I deserve self forgiveness even if I have done things to be ashamed of and should be held accountable for?


  • 他们仍然回头根据接受的基于规则训练验证自己行为的正确性;这个阶段他们已经学着相信自己判断了

    They will still refer back to their rule-based training to verify their actions, but by this stage they are learning to trust their own judgement.


  • 大多数时候我们知道自己自己——我们了解自己行为背后真相,我们为了替自己辩解而故意看不见真相。

    Most of the time we know when we're lying to ourselves - we see the truth behind our own actions and we excuse or justify that truth away.


  • 精神病,不能自己行为负责

    He is mentally ill and cannot be held responsible for his actions.


  • 没有自己行为作出任何解释

    He did not offer any explanation for his behaviour.


  • 他们容忍自己儿子行为,而换作别的任何人,他们才不会容忍。

    They had put up with behaviour from their son which they would not have tolerated from anyone else.


  • 观点孩子应对自己行为负责。

    He takes the view that children are responsible for their own actions.


  • 我们每个人都必须自己行为负责

    Each of us must take responsibility for our own actions.


  • 通过说服自己确实促进和平进一步使自己行为合理化

    He further rationalized his activity by convincing himself that he was actually promoting peace.


  • 试图逃避应为自己行为承担所有责任。

    She is trying to evade all responsibility for her behaviour.


  • 议论焦点是否应对自己行为负责

    What is at issue is whether she was responsible for her actions.


  • 我们有自知之明,就越控制自己情感行为

    The more self-knowledge we have, the more control we can exert over our feelings and behaviour.


  • 无法理解自己行为

    He couldn't understand his act.


  • 拖延症患者喜欢借口自己行为辩解。

    Procrastinators like to find excuses to justify their behavior.


  • 我们必须坦诚自己行为避免找借口

    We must be honest about our actions and avoid excuses.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定