• 对于那些努力维护自己权利国家人民来说,建造巨大强大的大坝已经成为阿齐王朝的象征但这没有帮助他们。

    It doesn't help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achi evement for nations and people striving to assert themselves.


  • 对于那些努力维护自己权利国家人民来说,建造巨大强大的大坝已经成为阿齐王朝的象征但这没有帮助他们。

    It doesn't help that building a big, powerful dam has become a symbol of achi evement for nations and people striving to assert themselves.


  • 对于自己权利无知无害权利

    Ignorance of one's right does not prejudice the right.


  • 一味强调自己权利不一定道理

    A person who only ever asserts their rights isn't necessarily always in the right.


  • 这部电影反映了人民争取自己权利的斗争。

    This film is about people's fight for right.


  • 凡是自己权利受到别人侵犯的,都可以法院起诉

    Any person whose rights have been infringed upon may bring a suit to the court.


  • 能够证明自己权利贝都因可以得到一半土地或者补偿

    Bedouin who can prove entitlement will receive half their land, or compensation.


  • 看到每个人都变得如此强大开始要求自己权利真是神奇了。

    It was amazing how everyone was so empowered and now asking for their rights.


  • 这个过程中妇女团体争取自己权利的努力起到重要作用

    In this process, the woman associations' striving for the their rights play a vital role.


  • 希望农民工代表能够找到保护他们自己权利这样他们处境越来越好啊!

    Hopefully, the condition of migrant workers will be better and better as deputies and their representatives will seek to protect the legal rights for them.


  • 的所有权也许属于其他个体自己权利义务像个自然人一样。

    It may be owned by other individuals but it has its own rights and responsibilities as if it were a person.


  • 结果是为自己权利奋斗美国人民置于极度不公平的不能令人满意的地位

    As a result, the American people - struggling in their own right - were placed in a deeply unfair and unsatisfying position.


  • 换言之重听并非仅仅是较少一些耳聋表现而是有着自己权利主张的残疾群体。

    Hard of hearing, in other words, is not some lesser manifestation of "deaf", but a disability entity in its own right.


  • 美国自由观念中,人们对自己权利行使,因他们的服务弱者同情而显得高尚。

    In America's ideal of freedom, the exercise of rights is ennobled by service, and mercy, and a heart for the weak.


  • 自己权利自由行使固然实现利益保障义务自觉遵守也意味着保证自己利益的实现

    The right to freely exercise their own course to achieve the interests of security, conscientiously abide by the obligations of means to ensure the realization of their interests.


  • 依据《投诉诉愿》,公民有权侵犯自己权利利益的行为进行投诉并就遭受侵犯权利和利益要求赔偿

    Under the Law on Complaint and Petition, citizens are entitled to submit complaints to stop encroachment upon their rights and interests or seek compensation for the encroached rights and interests.


  • 程序自己权利范围内尽力挽回客人的信心,按照跟进程序处理客人投诉,确保对方称心如意。

    N. process to do everything in your power to never lose a guest. Follow guest response procedures to ensure that the guest is delighted.


  • 保障措施滥用现象督促我们运用法律武器维护自己权利同时也提供了一个重新审视WTO有关保障措施的立法的契机。

    Abuses of safeguard measures press us to maintain our right with legal arms, and in the meantime provide an opportunity to review the WTO legislation concerning safeguard measures.


  • 司法具有公正性中立性权威性人们维护自己权利最后一道防线如果人们丧失了对司法的信心,其后果不堪设想。

    Justice is possessed of impartiality, neutrality, authority. It is the last defensive line to protect individual rights. The result is too dreadful if people lose confidence in justice.


  • 尽管这个潜在观念帮助家庭背景不好青年,但真正想法为了品牌自己权利的基础上变成一项成功生意Boyle说。

    Although the underlying concept will be to help disadvantaged youngsters, the idea is for the brand to become a successful business in its own right, said Boyle.


  • 因此要求你们——想一想办法,你们不仅能够世界范围内帮助走向条道路捍卫自己权利真正保护他们以及他们权力

    So I would ask you to please think of ways you can be there for everyone who is making this journey to defend not only human rights globally, but to truly defend themselves and their rights.


  • 他们甘愿自己权利斗争到底

    They were prepared to fight to the bitter end for their rights.


  • 必须维护自己权利

    You must stand up for your rights.


  • 出庭行使了自己保持沉默权利

    When she appeared in court she exercised her right to remain silent.


  • 法律保障他们享受自己权利

    Laws protect the enjoyment of their rights.


  • 我们声称富人保留自己金钱权利——忽略了这样观点我们大家都生存一个社会里,这个社会收益

    We claim that the rich have the right to keep their moneywhich misses the point that all of us live in and benefit from being part of a larger society.


  • 现在我们他人需要欲望所左右时候了,是我们被剥夺做出自己选择权利的时候了。

    It's time in which we are directed by the needs and desires of others, and denied the right to make our own choices.


  • 现在我们他人需要欲望所左右时候了,是我们被剥夺做出自己选择权利的时候了。

    It's time in which we are directed by the needs and desires of others, and denied the right to make our own choices.


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