• 已经因为自己选举中的不活跃表现受到了谴责。

    He has already been blamed for his party's lacklustre performance during the election campaign.


  • 逐渐看成阻碍自己走向未来的绊脚石

    He came to be seen as a drag on his own party's prospects.


  • 如果选民只是根据各自宣传政策来决定自己的选择,那么巴马可能稳操胜券

    If voters just made up their minds according to each party's stated policies, Mr. Obama would probably be a shoo-in.


  • 已经承认自己民主州长提名竞选中失败

    She has conceded defeat in her bid for the Democratic Party's nomination for governor.


  • 只有英国独立觉察到了自己机会支持那些请求深思熟虑方式使用绿地的人。

    Only UKIP, sensing its chance, has sided with those pleading for a more considered approach to using green land.


  • 反对自己涂鸦艺术家我们我们自己的。

    The opposition has their own graffitists, and we have ours.


  • 既然两都对自己立场正确性欢迎程度深信不疑,他们可以商定各自保留不同意见,根本分歧带到2012年竞选活动中。

    Equally convinced of the rightness – and the popularity – of their respective positions, the parties can agree to disagree, and take their fundamental differences into the election campaigns for 2012.


  • Steele自己胜利形容林肯所在前进的又大步”。

    Mr Steele described his victory asone more bold step that the party of Lincoln has taken”.


  • 取得这胜利部分原因人们肯定一个年来领导着自己赞颂顽强坚持平静谦逊

    His victory was in part a tribute to the dogged persistence and quiet moderation of a man who has led his party for eight years.


  • 或许ECR一个保守自己召集控制组织并且在他们支持卡明斯基成为其头目

    Perhaps; but the ECR is a group that the Tories have themselves convened and control-and of which, with their support, Mr Kaminski is now head.


  • 恢复公众对于自己能力的信任共和面对艰难任务也是最重要的。

    Regaining their reputation for competence is the most difficult task Republicans face. It is also the most important.


  • 然而媒体报道喜欢聚焦报道保守对于自己未来内部讨论尤其是他们能否与进步共同打造一个更紧密联盟

    However, media coverage has tended to focus on the internal debate in the Conservative Party about its future, and in particular whether it should forge a closer alliance with Progress.


  • 但是共和要求我们实际上自己健康甚至生命一个业已证明失败方法去冒险,这一点只是错误一部分。

    But the fact that Republicans are demanding that we literally stake our health, even our lives, on an already failed approach is only part of what's wrong here.


  • 但这不是一些懒惰专家所认为那样卡梅隆没有什么自己政策

    That is not to say, as some lazy pundits do, that Mr Cameron's Tories have few or no policies.


  • 但这个英国不好的意思:就在最近很多自民支持者感到自己临时联盟妥协,并且方式近人意。

    The very word has an unhappy ring in Britain: just now, lots of Lib Dem voters feel compromised by coalition with the Tories, and not in a good way.


  • 而且共和声称自己,以至于没时间参加本周白宫举行的两会议

    And they decided they were too busy for a bipartisan meeting with the White House this week.


  • 这些结果基于共和自己选出的几千名活动分子投票,不足以做为参考

    But these results, based on a few thousand votes by self-selecting activists, are not much of a guide.


  • 如果选民只是根据各自宣传的政策来决定自己的选择,那么巴马一定稳操胜券

    If voters made up their minds according to each party’s stated policies, Mr Obama would probably be a shoo-in.


  • 共和已经开始审视自己,审问为什么将要进行大选预期遭遇重大打击

    The Republican Party has already begun an inquest into what it expects will be a heavy defeat at the polls this week.


  • 失败更多共和议员决定不再自己选举未来如此紧密的绑定布什身上。

    But if it fails, more Republican lawmakers will decide that they can no longer bind their electoral fortunes so closely to Mr Bush.


  • 英国独立自己气候怀疑论引以为豪,并称撤消2008气候变化法案拿走学校里阿尔·戈尔的宣传气候变化的光碟允许风力涡轮机海上作业

    UKIP is proud of its own climate scepticism, and says it would repeal the 2008 climate Change Act, remove al Gore DVDs from schools, allow wind turbines only offshore, and so on.


  • 同时他们抛弃最初决定,抛弃穆沙拉夫的决定,判定究竟哪些东西自己有利

    And they will be looking past that initial decision, past the Musharraf decision, to decide what is good for them as parties.


  • 由于受到歇斯底里博主们福克斯新闻大嘴怂恿共和将斗争的矛头对准了自己

    Egged on by a hysterical blogosphere and the ravings of Fox News blowhards, the Republican Party has turned upon itself.


  • 不断寻找合法性自己塑造对抗日本霸权的精神支柱。

    The party has always sought to assert its legitimacy by representing itself as a bulwark against Japanese hegemony.


  • 自己重塑市场预见社会环境问题保守自己定位于一个破坏的经济体清醒管理者

    After rebranding themselves as a party that could see beyond the market to social and environmental concerns, the Tories have had to re-rebrand themselves as sober stewards of a ruined economy.


  • 统一俄罗斯选举自己的领导人过程似乎是顺序颠倒

    United Russia selected its new leader in a bit of reverse order.


  • 统一俄罗斯选举自己的领导人过程似乎是顺序颠倒

    United Russia selected its new leader in a bit of reverse order.


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