• 例如,协议规定所有公司贷款的风险权重均为100%,贷给富裕西方国家银行的贷款的风险权重为20%。

    For example, all loans to companies were assigned a weighting of 100%, but loans to Banks in rich Western countries had a risk weighting of just 20%.


  • 马西,现年71岁,1998年起担任美国银行董事会成员,任职期间路易斯所有交易了赞成票许多股东是投票反对的。

    Massey, 71, has been a member of the Bank of America board since 1998 and during that time approved all of the Lewis deals that many shareholders were protesting by their votes.


  • 所有以前错误决定造成的银行死帐抵债资产仍然记录在案,理所当然的要偿还。

    But all the bad loans and toxic assets from poor decisions in the past are still on their books, he said, and reckoning will come due eventually.


  • 银行不得不为重利润自主的私人所有寻找相关风险证明。

    Banks will have to look relatively risk-proof before they can be passed back into private ownership at a profit.


  • 此次金融风暴所有其它金融风暴最后都别无二致银行资产繁荣借出太多现在(和不幸纳税人一起)他们正在为此付出代价

    In the end, this financial catastrophe has been like every other; Banks lent too much money during a property boom and now (together with the unfortunate taxpayers) they are paying the penalty.


  • 其它所有银行受到巴塞尔1a协议监管1a协议包含了巴塞尔协议II一点条款,但保留了杠杠比率

    All other Banks will be regulated by Basel 1a, which contains a few elements of Basel 2, but retains the leverage ratio.


  • 所有加拿大主要银行去年10月到今年1的这一季度有盈利市场状况那时却是糟糕的。

    All of Canada's main Banks were profitable in the quarter ending January 31st, when market conditions were at their worst.


  • 再回过头来看上文中的银行示例我们可以直接访问所有帐户并且找到属于指定客户的记录,不必管其帐户属于哪个部门区域

    Looking back at our bank example above, we could access all the accounts directly and find which ones belong to a specific customer regardless of which branch or region the account belongs to.


  • 一次,蒙古设置了68%的采矿暴利取消之前使所有银行因为害怕纷纷离去

    At one point Mongolia instituted a 68 percent windfall profits tax on mining, since revoked, which scared all the Banks away.


  • 所有这些都是因为地方银行仍然国内贷款的主力,现在银行贷款没有证券化。

    And because local Banks still account for almost all domestic lending, there is no securitisation of bank loans.


  • 布朗在20集团峰会上发表演讲时表示银行成功丰厚利益少数人分享,失败的沉重负担由“我们所有承担”,不能接受的。

    Addressing the G20 summit, Brown said it was not acceptable that banking success was reaped by the few but failure was "borne by all of us".


  • 如果这些金融工具开拓一个新的市场具有实际操作性,并且只受到很小威胁,那么所有瑞士银行其能达到新的规定要求又能不伤害自己业务充满信心看起来也是合情合理的。

    If a bit daunted by the practicalities of creating a new market for these instruments, both Swiss firms seem reasonably confident of meeting the new rules without crippling their businesses.


  • 随时间的过去有越来越多人们贷款不是现金来买车时候现在所有汽车必须上涨价格,因为汽车销售商必须将银行手续费生意整个成本之中。

    As more and more purchase vehicles with loans rather than cash over time, now all vehicles must cost more as the car dealer must add the bank fees to the overall cost of doing business.


  • 所有购买设立包装销售万亿美金贷款抵押相关的银行可以这样:就如同伊卡洛斯一样,永远不知道太阳会化为灰飞烟灭那样害怕

    Of the Banks that bought, created, packaged and sold trillions of dollars in mortgage-related securities, it says: "Like Icarus, they never feared flying ever closer to the sun."


  • 任何情况下汇票支票仅限于为履行之目的接受。买方承担所有银行手续费和交易成本

    Bills of exchange and checks shall, at all times, be accepted only on account of performance. All bank charges and exchange costs are borne by the Buyer.


  • 应当负责连接花旗网上银行发生的所有电话费用。您应当负责任何准入服务提供者设定的任何费用收费

    You are responsible for all telephone charges incurred in connecting Citibank Online. You are also responsible for any fees and charges imposed by any Access Service Provider.


  • 所有单据签章费用贴现利率()、银行费用佣金以及由于不符单据产生的银行费用供应商承担

    All bills, stamps, discount interest (if any) and all bank charges and commisions and all bank charges for any description whatsoever shall be for the suppliers account.


  • 所有单据签章费用、贴现利率) 、银行费用佣金以及由于不符单据产生的银行费用供应商承担。

    All bills , stamps , discount interest ( if any ) and all bank charges and commisions and all bank charges for any description whatsoeer shall be for the suppliers account.


  • 防止道德风险少数违法分子以严厉教训任由银行破产要求所有承担代价无疑荒谬。

    Teaching a few offenders a lesson in order to prevent moral hazard—by letting banks fail, say—is idiotic if the costs are imposed on everyone.


  • 美国计划设立银行规模上限同时取消所有交易,就是在对解决因为太不能倒闭问题呼声做出的回应。

    America's proposal to cap Banks' size and ban proprietary trading has fortified those calling for radical measures to tackle the "too big to fail" problem.


  • 顾客同意支付所有合理征集费用包括回收协议所规定的顾客发卡银行负债发生的相关诉讼费代理费。

    Customer agrees to pay all reasonable costs of collection including attorney 's fees and court courts incurred in connection with collecting Customer' s indebtedness to Issuer hereunder.


  • 国际贸易结算中,银行占有提单享有只是担保权益取得货物的所有

    The bank possessing the bills only own the security interests while not procure the ownership in the goods in the international accounting.


  • 国际贸易结算中,银行占有提单享有只是担保权益取得货物的所有

    The bank possessing the bills only own the security interests while not procure the ownership in the goods in the international accounting.


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