• 儿童肺动脉高血压当然一种确实存在疾病而且医生们描述,该药似乎有效同时患者可承受药物的作用。

    Childhood pulmonary arterial hypertension is certainly a real disease, and according to doctors the drug seems to be both effective and well-tolerated by patients.


  • 伯格曼写道:“抑制眼泪会增加压力而且导致压力加剧疾病比如高血压心脏病胃溃疡。”

    Bergman writes, "Suppressing tears increases stress levels, and contributes to diseases aggravated by stress, such as high blood pressure, heart problems, and peptic ulcers."


  • 过度肥胖妇女怀孕过程中将承担严重健康风险比如糖尿病高血压而且生产过程更加困难

    Women who are very overweight (obese) face the risk of serious health problems during pregnancy, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, and may have a more difficult birth.


  • 科学家发现伴侣一起睡觉半年以上女性生育的婴儿基本上不会体型而且她们之中先兆子痫(怀孕诱发高血压)的发病率也大大降低。

    Scientists found that women who had slept with a partner exclusively for at least six months had fewer undersized babies and a lower rate of pre-eclampsia - pregnancy induced high blood pressure.


  • 高血压心血系统的严重负担而且导致心脏病中风其他心血管疾病

    High blood pressure is a serious burden on the vascular system and is known to cause heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.


  • 他们指出以往人类行为研究已经表明社会关系孤立容易受到高血压睡眠失调的侵扰,而且他们伤口愈合的时间更长

    They note that previous research in humans has shown that socially isolated people suffer more from high blood pressure and sleep disorders and have longer wound-healing times.


  • 我们不但发现ACE2而且现在已经确认高血压治疗方面潜能。拉扎·迪戈博士总结道

    "Beyond our discovery of ACE2, we have now confirmed its potential as a target for the treatment of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases," concludes Dr. Lazartigues.


  • 报道说,美国大约有5000万患有高血压症,而且患病人数逐年上升趋势。

    Roughly 50 million people in the United States suffer from hypertension, and the number is increasing.


  • WakiPaton博士发现老鼠患上高血压后,不仅大脑JAM - 1水平而且骨骼肌的JAM - 1水平升高了。

    They found that in rats with high blood pressure JAM-1 levels were raised not only in the brain but also the kidney, spleen, lungs and skeletal muscle.


  • 研究发现富含蛋白质食物往往不会高血压而且能保持动脉处于比较健康的状态,大大降低心脏病发作中风风险

    People who eat lots of protein-rich food were found to have lower blood pressure and more healthy arteries, significantly lowering the risk of heart attack and stroke.


  • 而且由于经络作用防治感冒关节炎高血压神经衰弱眩晕失眠等

    And the action as a result of main and collateral channels, cold, arthritis, hypertensive to preventing and cure, neurasthenic, swimmy, insomnia.


  • 死者年龄60岁以上,而且患有高血压糖尿病肾功能疾病

    All the dead were over 60 years old, and were already suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and kidney problems.


  • 结论银杏叶片高血压患者不仅疗效降压作用稳定而且可显著提高患者的QOL

    CONCLUSION: Folium Ginkgo Tablets not only had good efficacy and stable pressure-relief effect on the hypertensive patients, but also significantly improved patients QOL.


  • 根据本人多年观察,长期普洱茶人没有食道癌肠梗阻胃痛胆结石胆囊炎高血压而且不会尿酸过高而引发通风

    Of my many years of long-term drinking tea did not esophageal, intestinal obstruction, stomach pain, gallstones, cholecystitis, hypertension, and it will not caused by excessive uric acid in air.


  • 而且更多进食肉类尤其是猪肉内脏增加高血压心脏病尿酸风险

    Having more meat especially pork and purtenance will increase the risks of being exposed to such invasions as hypertension, cardiopathy, high uric acid and etc.


  • 睡眠不足研究显示,睡眠不足危害身体健康可能导致高血压糖尿病肥胖而且看起来疲惫显老

    Lack of sleep. Too little sleep has proven to be detrimental for your health. Research links it to high blood pressure, diabetes, weight gain, and looking tired and older.


  • 而且多元回归分析研究中,年龄体重指数、腰比、收缩压心率高血压病病史均为CFPWV因素

    In multivariate regression analysis and research, age, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure and heart rate and the history of hypertension is CFPWV factors.


  • 结论硝苯地平控释片治疗老年高血压病人不仅降压效果确切,而且改善病人的IR

    CONCLUSION: To elderly patients with hypertension, nifedipine controlled release tablet can not only decease blood pressure but also improve IR.


  • 研究人员指出,目前研究发现对未患严重高血压作用而且对65以下患者作用并不明显

    The protective effect was found only in participants who were not severely hypertensive. No significant protective effect was found in patients below the age of 65, the researchers said.


  • 阻止胎盘输血不仅增加了各类新生儿疾病发病率,而且还是冠心病高血压多种疾病起始病因。

    Newborns without placental transfusion will not only be susceptible to a series of neonatal diseases, but also the original etiology of hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, etc.


  • 食盐不仅血压而且存在很多其他危险作用

    Salt is not only putting up blood pressure but is having a lot of other dangerous effects as well.


  • 现实绝大多数高血压患者需要服用五种药物而且很多药物需要每天多次服用保证疗效持续,但即使如此,一天之内只有大约一半时间能达到较好的疗效

    In fact, most patients with high blood pressure have to take three to five medicines, many of them multiple times a day, to be effective, and it's still only effective about half the time.


  • 高血压失眠等。体育锻炼不仅仅帮助我们减轻压力而且使我们得到满足。一身体好的人往往也是一个开心的人。

    Last but not least, Physical exercise for the purpose of reducing stress shouldn't be too violent and fierce. According to your physical body, to find some way to exercise you enjoy.


  • 高血压失眠等。体育锻炼不仅仅帮助我们减轻压力而且使我们得到满足。一身体好的人往往也是一个开心的人。

    Last but not least, Physical exercise for the purpose of reducing stress shouldn't be too violent and fierce. According to your physical body, to find some way to exercise you enjoy.


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