• 这些印迹显示那些儿童追逐牲精力充沛泥地上蹦蹦跳跳

    The impressions revealed that as the children followed the herd, they were bubbling over with energy, skipping and jumping across the muddy terrain.


  • 进一步理论分析表明只有存在幺正变换对称有一个守恒定律

    Further theoretical analysis indicates that there is a conversation law only when unitary transformation symmetry group exist.


  • 现在当那些悬崖上富豪们看到片更小也更远的风车群时应该不会还有那么强烈的视觉冲击了。

    The somewhat smaller, more-distant installation should reduce the visual impact.


  • 2011年8月23日利比亚的黎波里利比亚探测穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲在阿齐齐亚的建筑群时建筑着火

    A structure burns as Libyans explore the grounds of Col. Moammar Gadhafi's Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli, Libya, Aug. 23, 2011.


  • 参观者进入紫薇花园雕塑群时他们周围如同一个石头地形景观上生长发芽树木一样的800多个竖立的包围。

    As visitors enter the sculpture to the Myrtle tree Garden, they are surrounded by more than 800 fins which sprout up like trees in a topographical landscape of stones and water.


  • 名警察辖区内巡逻发现男孩子在街上瞎转。

    A policeman was patrolling his regular beat, when he saw a group of boys milling about the street.


  • 午餐饮酒的人中间了过去。

    She pushed her way through a herd of lunchtime drinkers.


  • 过拐角小孩相撞。

    He ran around the corner, cannoning into a group of kids.


  • 告诉表现出无助行为学生说,缺乏努力导致他们数学错误他们学会了在问题变得棘手继续尝试

    When I told a group of school children who displayed helpless behavior that a lack of effort led to their mistakes in math, they learned to keep trying when the problems got tough.


  • 迪蒂看到一小登山者尖声道:“海蒂做了什么?”

    When Deta saw the little party of climbers she cried out shrilly, "Heidi, what have you done?"


  • 故事结束他们自负虚荣英雄

    They were a vain and boastful company of heroes when the tale was done.


  • 旁边浮,你看到条鱼都同样速度游动

    When you go snorkeling by a school of fish, you will see every single one of those fish swimming along at the same speed.


  • 上个月人猿星球崛起首次公众放映兴奋动物保护者聚集好莱坞大道上

    When "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" was first shown to the public last month, a group of excited animal activists gathered on Hollywood Boulevard.


  • 当局华州的男子取回落下的一只野鸡,一猎犬追击

    A pack of hunting dogs shot an Iowa man as he went to retrieve a fallen pheasant, authorities said.


  • 盖子揭开蟑螂的气息扑面而来

    When the lid of the nest box on an ant colony is raised, a whiff of dead cockroach wafts by.


  • 国际货币走私犯转移英国遇到困难,但他得到了帮助,生他们可以解决问题”——当然有偿的前提下。

    One international currency smuggler who was having trouble getting money out of Britain was offered help by a group of men who said they were in a position to "fix thing"— for a fee of course.


  • 提倡这种方法,黛博拉·戈登引用了一些实验,在这些实验中,对蚁构成干预扰乱了工蚁的活动

    In advocating this approach, Deborah Gordon cites experiments in which intervention in a colony's makeup perturbed worker activity.


  • 在讨论国家政治另一个学生:“觉得做不了那么,我印象是大多数认为人做不了那么多。”

    Another, discussing national politics, said, "I feel like one person can't do that much, and I get the impression most people don't think a group of people can do that much."


  • 天早上,当萨姆经过一学生,他对他们微笑。

    One morning, while Sam was walking by a group of students, he smiled at them.


  • 你不能用某一体的语言与他们交谈,这一点尤其正确。

    This is especially true if you can't speak to the members of the group in their language.


  • 调查生物学发现的事迹,我也开始有别的发现。我发现产出研究成果的是一通常才华横溢、偶尔半疯半癫的科学家。

    In looking into the stories of biological discovery, I also began to find something else, a collection of scientists, usually brilliant occasionally half-mad, who made the discoveries.


  • 周,当一消防队员看到一位坐着轮椅的老妇人十分艰难地想要到达她家门口,他们决定用周末的间为她修建一条走道。

    When a group of firefighters saw an elderly woman in a wheelchair trying very hard to get to her door last week, they decided to spend their weekend building a walkway for her.


  • 汽车行经村庄看到了

    I saw a flock of sheep when the car passed through a village.


  • 结盟你们命运交织了

    When you are Allies with a group of people, your fates are intertwined.


  • 然后,当 C++ 用户第二再次申请能够不用再进行在图表核查添加用户更新图表的工作了。

    Then, the following week, when the C++ Group calls, you can eliminate the need for checking out the schema, adding the group and upgrading the schema.


  • 随着的推移,引入技术用户可能不再一度十分有用的系统所惑。

    Over time, a user community may become disenchanted with a once useful system as newer technologies are introduced.


  • 事实上对待人类其他同类表现出的温善和蔼对待其他属里的动物表现的谨慎敌视形成了鲜明的对比

    Indeed, the outgoing affability of most dogs towards humans and other dogs is in sharp contrast to the mix of fear and aggression with which wolves react to animals from other packs.


  • 精神饱满冲浪海豚前方波浪中嬉戏。

    As he waded into the surf, a pod of dolphins played in the waves just ahead of him.


  • 精神饱满冲浪海豚前方波浪中嬉戏。

    As he waded into the surf, a pod of dolphins played in the waves just ahead of him.


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