• 先生非常注重意、音

    Xu pays much attention to the beauty of image, sound and form.


  • 诗歌翻译要求准确传达要求并不等于就要亦步亦趋直译

    Poetry translation requires accurate convey of form beauty, but the request of form beauty does not mean the footstep literal translation of the form of the original poem.


  • 一定城市规划指导思想下建设起来的带城市,城市特色鲜明而突出,综合而为如今的山地滨海城市特色城市保护中应当得到保护、展示再利用

    A band city is constructed with city plans, so the characteristic of city is the mainly aesthetics of mountain and coastal city, which should be protected, showed and reused.


  • 本文从宏观、微观句式安排三个角度许渊冲英译杜甫《登高》进行分析,指出、意意境之所在。

    This paper, based on analysis of the whole poet, delicate wording and sentence arrangements as well, intends to present its beauty in form, sound, sense and mood.


  • 产品综合、色材料而产生的。

    Beautiful products are integrated of beautiful color and beautiful materials.


  • 商标具有的特点,而这些学特征对于实现产品品牌销售至关重要。

    The trademark is characteristic of beautiful sound, shape and meaning, which is essential in sales of brand images.


  • 结合纺织CAD系统通过纺织品表达出来印花针织提花绣花图案的创作带来灵感源泉。

    Using CAD system, the beauty of fractals can be expressed by textile products. Fractal images will also offer inspiration for the designing of printing, knitting, jacquard and embroidery patterns.


  • 林徽因诗歌具有妖娆多姿建筑,达到诗情感有机结合

    With a fascinating architectural beauty, Lin 's poems perfectly combine poem' s form and emotions in an organic way.


  • 贝壳特有的色等自然工艺设计领域得以广泛运用

    With their unique natural beauty in veins, shapes and colours, shells are widely applied to the design field of industrial arts.


  • 认为诗歌翻译要点在于译文传达原文同时原文风格进行再创造。

    It holds that the main point of verse translation depends on versions to transmit the beauty in form, sound and sense and also reproduce the style of the original.


  • 诗行建筑其诗重要特色

    The architectural beauty of poetic line is an important feature of her poems' form.


  • 诗歌翻译需要“意”、“”,体现原作独特和内涵。

    The translation of poems needs preciseness in sense, beauty in sound, and accuracy in form to show the unique form and connotation of the original.


  • 第二部分深入探讨音乐诗歌关系音乐性诗歌中的作用以及音与诗歌中的其它两个重要因素-意的关系;

    The second part deals with the basic concepts such as the relationship between music and poetry, the function of musicality in poetry, and the trinity of sound, sense, and form in poetry;


  • 中国古典诗歌一体,更加加大翻译难度

    Meanwhile, Chinese classical poems bear beauty in meaning, sound and form, which increase the difficulty in translation even more.


  • 具有音、意多维中国古诗词运用传统语言手段之一。

    Chinese reduplicated words are bestowed with the beauty in sound, beauty in form, and the beauty in sense.


  • 摄影现在、神、个方面,而且六个方面往往相互交融的。

    The beauty of photography reflects in light, shadow, form, expression, meaning and interest, and the six aspects of photography is often intertwined.


  • 凯模镀锌工厂主要产品铁丝、镀锌丝、PVC丝、线U丝、调直丝等、产品销售到东南亚家。

    YKM galvanized wire factory mainly produce iron wire, galvanized wire, PVC wire, loop tie wire, U type wire, etc. Which export to many of countries such as Europe, America, South east Asia.


  • 龙井茶居全国名茶之首,“色绿郁、味甘、”四绝而著称于世,常年饮用提神、明目、利尿、降脂、减肥、抗癌防止衰老等保健功效。

    Ranking the first among the ten famous teas in China, Longjing "Dragon Well" tea is well-known for its green, fragrance, sweetness and pretty shape.


  • 潮湿、不通风环境下居住者油性皮肤及常使用保湿、化妆品者蠕感染率较高。

    Such factors as humidity, poor ventilation, fatty skin and abuse of moister-keeping and skin-purify cosmetics played a positive role in Demodicid infection.


  • 注重传神,注重人物面部刻画凝练雕刻语言表现高度意象

    Paying attention to form vividly, pay attention to depict, with concise characters facial expression sculpture language, highly imaginative beauty.


  • 简言之谚语一部融于一体的高度浓缩百科全书

    In short, proverbs have long been justifiably entitled a highly condensed encyclopedia, which is deep in meaning, pithy in form and pleasant in sound.


  • 语言具有一种特殊音乐因此诗歌翻译神、兼顾

    The language of poetry possesses a special sense of music. So both content and form should be paid attention to in translating poems.


  • 中国不仅瓷器发源地而且中国瓷器质优享誉世界。在泰国,人人皆知大量瓷器源于中国。

    China is not only the place that porcelain are originated from, but they also produced the world's most magnificent porcelain that are well-known throughout the world.


  • 抗皱、瘦身白、心灵保养为主兼具的专业女性护理品牌,让到外而绽放。

    This special nursing product for post-pregnant women has anti-wrinkle, slimming, body-shaping, beautifying and soothing functions, it can unleash the beauty from inside out.


  • 分析了铝(上海)铝业有限公司铝箔轧机控制手段作用能力

    The effect and ability of the shape control instrument on the aluminum foil rolling mill in Alcoa (Shanghai) co. Ltd.


  • 通常中国文字具有

    The Chinese characters are said to possess beauty in sense, sound and form.


  • 针对牙齿白剂釉质表面结构之影响,扫描式电子显微镜,结合影像分析进行维度分析,粗糙度(roughness)量化,再以接触角测试分析牙齿 表面的粗糙程度对于亲水性的影响;

    The etched depth profile of enamel surface was tested by SEM and digitized by image analysis to detect the roughness of enamel. And the fractal dimension could quantify the roughness.


  • 公司现有250雕刻技艺精湛才情横溢的玉雕技师团队玉器坚持货真、佳、、意深、工质量标准。

    We have well established a team with more than 250 skilled jade carving craftsmen. All the jade carvings are made from genuine high-quality raw jade materials and are well-shaped and processed.


  • 公司现有250雕刻技艺精湛才情横溢的玉雕技师团队玉器坚持货真、佳、、意深、工质量标准。

    We have well established a team with more than 250 skilled jade carving craftsmen. All the jade carvings are made from genuine high-quality raw jade materials and are well-shaped and processed.


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