• 欧洲美国旅游业失利的情况下,由于国内需求的拉动,2009年中国旅游业实现总收入1.2万亿元,增长9%。

    While the tourism industry lost ground in Europe and the United States, China's tourism sector posted a nine percent jump in revenue in 2009, to 1.2 trillion yuan, thanks to domestic demand.


  • 小查尔斯查理)盖特长期从事旅行旅游业高级管理工作,目前环球旅行新闻杂志出版人,环球旅行新闻杂志是服务美国旅游业领先出版物

    Charles (Charlie) Gatt, Jr. is a long standing executive in the travel and tourism industry. He is presently the publisher of Travel World News Magazine, a leading trade publication serving the U.


  • 雪上加霜美国经济衰退已经开始波及旅游业;旅馆经营商估计今年3月份开始旅游旺季去年冷清许多。

    In addition, the US recession is already hurting the tourism sector; hoteliers project that this year's high season, which runs until early March, will end up being weaker than last year's.


  • 古铁雷斯旅游业美国来说一个重要产业因为美国旅游业方面是顺差

    Gutierrez said tourism is an important business for the United States because the United States has a tourism surplus.


  • 疲软美元高价促使美国自已就近度假从而推进国内旅游业

    The weak dollar and high oil prices also encourage Americans to take their holidays nearer home, providing a further boost for domestic tourism.


  • 美国欧洲市场上充斥着大宗并购随着在线旅游业第三个十年的到来,笔者认为亚洲企业将崛起,成为被收购的目标和潜在买家。

    The first two decades of online travel were filled with merge and acquisition activity within and between the US and Europe.


  • 毛伊美国夏威夷州夏威夷西北部岛屿该州的第二大岛经济主要建立蔗糖菠萝旅游业基础上。

    An island of Hawaii northwest of Hawaii island. It is the second-largest island in the state, with an economy based chiefly on sugar cane, pineapples, and tourism.


  • 2007年,几乎美国各个休闲旅游业就业都有所增长甚至是那些由于房地产业低迷而受损的地区比如亚利桑纳州、加州以及佛罗里达州

    Nearly every state showed gains in leisure and hospitality employment in 2007, even places battered by the housing bust(4) such as Arizona, California and Florida.


  • 巴黎——巴黎正在依赖的美国游客,二是一项允许更多商店周日营业法律,该法律旨在提升深受全球金融危机切肤之痛旅游业收入

    Paris - Paris is counting on American tourists - and a new law allowing more stores to open on Sundays - to boost tourism revenues pinched by the global financial downturn.


  • 国外游客尽管受欢迎,但美国乡村旅游业冲击很小,对加拿大的影响则小。

    International visitors, although welcomed, will have very little impact on how rural tourism in the USA and to a lesser extent, Canada, develops.


  • ,2000年2009年间,美国全球旅游业比例下降三分之一,导致美国损失数百亿美元收入数十万就业机会

    She says that from 2000 to 2009, America's share of global tourism fell by almost a third, costing the country hundreds of billions of dollars in lost revenue and hundreds of thousands of jobs.


  • 美国工业时代经济正在服务型经济转变观光旅游业直接间接地提供美国国民劳动力七分之一的工作机会。

    In the us, the industrial age economy is in transition to a service economy, and travel and tourism is responsible for one in every seven workers in the us civilian workforce, directly or indirectly.


  • 发现靠近美国东岸石油移动越过大西洋可能破坏欧洲渔业旅游业

    Already spotted close to the east coast of the USA, the oil will move over the Atlantic and could destroy the fishing and tourism of Europe.


  • 旅游业英国重要经济部门之一旅游收入仅次于美国西班牙法国意大利位居世界第五位。

    Tourism is Britain's most important economic sector, tourism revenue after the United States, Spain, France and Italy, ranked fifth in the world.


  • 简单旅游业所需工具使目的地美国旅行者不可抗拒的。

    Simple Tourism has the tools you need to make your destination irresistible for American travelers.


  • 美国俄勒冈州中部城市,位于尤金以东斯喀特山麓的东部伐木旅游业重要经济支柱。人口20,4'9

    A city of central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range east of Eugene. Lumbering and tourism are important to its economy. Population, 20, 4 '9.


  • 本德美国俄勒冈州中部城市,位于尤金以东喀斯特山脉东部伐木旅游业重要经济支柱。

    Bend: a city of central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range east of Eugene. Lumbering and tourism are important to its economy.


  • 旅游业发达经济主要来源来自美国本土、东亚西欧游客300万(1983年)。

    Tourism is the main source of economic state, from the native American, Asia, Western Europe and other places in the visitors can reach more than 300 million (1983).


  • 接受该国80%出口美国陷入衰退,油价大跌流感爆发旅游业损失惨重,似乎就差爆发蝗灾了

    The US, which takes 80 per cent of its exports, was in recession. The oil price slumped. An outbreak of swine flu devastated tourism. All that seemed to be missing was a plague of locusts.


  • 接受该国80%出口美国陷入衰退,油价大跌流感爆发旅游业损失惨重,似乎就差爆发蝗灾了

    The US, which takes 80 per cent of its exports, was in recession. The oil price slumped. An outbreak of swine flu devastated tourism. All that seemed to be missing was a plague of locusts.


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