• 他们喜欢科技食物联系起来。”癌症细胞生物学访问学者尼古拉·热

    "They don't like to associate technology with food," said Nicholas Genovese, a visiting scholar in cancer cell biology.


  • 但是我们今天很多自认为天然产品是以类似的方式生产的。”热

    "But there are a lot of products that we eat today that are considered natural that are produced in a similar manner," Genovese said.


  • 田纳西大学就是处于这种困境一个例子

    The University of Tennessee in Knoxville offers one example of this dilemma.


  • 尔希·艾勒是内布拉加州北部小镇莫的领导,但她的工作远不止于此。

    Elsie Eiler is the head of Monowi, a tiny town in northern Nebraska, and that isn't her only job.


  • 催眠画面来源于卢奇·的“恐怖诅咒”。

    Its hypnotic images are drawn from such sado-masochistic films as Luchino Visconti's "The Damned."


  • 病房许多病人最近的一位病人是他的过去无关的尔·布利上校

    There are many patients in the ward and his latest include Colonel Norville Bliss who has dissociated from his past.


  • x现年75丹顿已经退休,住田纳西州尔市。除了事故原因不同,他还一口气给我们列出了好几条其他不同之处。

    Now 75 and retired in Knoxville, Tennessee, Denton reels off the other differences.


  • 说:“我们这么多种警告看到确实起到了积极作用。”

    "What we see with these sorts of warnings is that it does increase motivation," Sweanor says.


  • 由于没有授权几乎所有清洁技术领域难以引起投资者兴趣,”杰出风险投资家维诺德·科预计。

    "Almost all areas of clean technology will get a little less investor interest because there is no mandate," predicts Vinod Khosla, a prominent venture capitalist.


  • 的下一本书行动蓝图值得创建未来》,同时也在《风尚》田纳西周尔前卫报》专栏

    His follow-up book is Blueprint for Action: a Future Worth Creating, and he writes regular columns for Esquire and the Knoxville News Sentinel.


  • 他们依靠两人一体组合在一起这个组合中卡洛艾丁科奋勇争先,一度士郡造成极大威胁

    They hinged on the one-two combination with which Carlos Tevez and Edin Dzeko condemned a brave and at one point menacing Notts County to the sword.


  • 股票减少今年早期损失,是杜邦公司美国第三化学公司声称计划丹尼·克一起建立一个试验工厂,用来制造第二生物燃料之后。

    Novozymes stock pared its loss earlier this year after DuPont co., the third-largest U.S. chemical company, said it planned to build a pilot plant with Danisco to make second - generation biofuel.


  • 本季西哈姆虽然出人意料地阿根廷世界杯二将切拉卡洛·,并且全力以赴,却连续没有进球了比赛。

    West Ham have struggled this season despite the surprise signing of Argentine World Cup duo Mascherano and Carlos Tevez, losing their last seven games and failing to score in any of them.


  • 新婚夫妇卡丽娜安顿•布克哈手牵着手乌里扬克州首府大街上。

    Newly-weds Karina and Anton Bukhanovsky walked hand in hand down the main street of the regional capital of Ulyanovsk.


  • 这个研究表明,“在明白决定已作出,其实的意识已作出了决定。”来自夏洛特·尔,弗吉尼亚大学社会心理学雷恩·诺斯

    The study shows that "your mind may decide before you know that it did," says Brian Nosek, a social psychologist at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.


  • 那天夜里,米基·坎特、布鲁·林赛、詹姆·保罗。贝加拉乔治迪法普洛、还有希拉里曼彻天天汽车旅馆一个房间里开会。

    That night Mickey Kantor, Bruce Lindsey, James Carville, Paul Begala, George Stephanopoulos, Hillary, and I met in one of our rooms at the Days Inn Motel in Manchester.


  • 然而赫罗德告诉纽约讯记者,赞并没有溶解里,所以相信特拉其实一点药都没喝进去。

    However, Herold told New York station WABC that the Xanax didn't dissolve in the tea, and she doesn't believe Travis had any of the drug in his system.


  • 好好地洗个泡泡或是热水澡,这可是克莉丝汀。肯充电秘诀

    Take a long hot bath - with lots of bubbles - or soak in a hot tub. That's what Kristin Chenoweth does to recharge.


  • 格拉·尔考虑买入今年早些时候抛售股票。

    Graesberg is considering buying Novozymes shares after selling off earlier this year.


  • 弗洛伊兹科接收来自附近朗格勒、格瑞特克拉克镇区的暑期学校学生由于预算方面的原因这些镇区的暑期学校课程不得不全部取消。

    Floyds Knobs has accepted summer school students from nearby Langsville, Salem, and Greater Clark, all of which have had to cut summer school altogether for budgetary reasons.


  • 夏洛特地处于华盛顿亚特兰大州之间看上去不过是一个怡人中等大小城市,就里士满福克这几个城市一样。

    It seems just one of several pleasant, medium-sized cities—such as Knoxville, Richmond and Norfolkbetween Washington, DC, and Atlanta.


  • 维诺克利特餐厅,一名叫格瑞德·凯夫的就餐者,“在家从不做饭如果在外面吃饭好多钱的话,我就希望别人。”

    At the Vinoklet, diner Grey Schafer says, “I don’t cook at home, and if I’m going to pay good money, I want someone to do the cooking for me.”


  • 在了·之间某个地方了。当时儿子,“我想我的鞋子车窗外去了。”

    I lost it somewhere between Reno and Las Vegas when my son said, "I think my shoe fell out the window."


  • 其中催眠的画面是从丽丽拉纳 卡扎尼“午夜守门人卢奇·的“恐怖诅咒”一类虐待电影中得来。

    Its hypnotic images are drawn from such sado-masochistic films as Lililana Cazani's"The Night Porter" and Luchino Visconti's "The Damned."


  • 事实上,1964年发生纽约皇后区街头袭击凯蒂·吉(KittyGenovese)案件,也存在过折磨谋杀

    Indeed, there was the torture and murder of Kitty Genovese in Queens, New York, in a 1964 street attack.


  • 成为劫案关键疑犯不能阻止罗密欧·蒙蒂·利亚romeoMontillano实现成为一名加利福尼亚州丘拉塔市警官的梦想

    Being a key suspect in a robbery wasn't going to stop Romeo Montillano from realizing his dream of becoming a Chula Vista, California, police officer.


  • 2011年9月5日,意大利佩鲁贾法庭,上诉案听证会过程中阿曼达·律师达拉·多瓦交谈

    Sept. 5, 2011: Amanda Knox talks to herlawyer Carlo dalla Vedova during a hearing of her appeals case at the Perugiacourt, Italy.


  • 阿根廷VS墨西哥:其中之一就是糟糕的判罚---阿根廷3-1胜墨西哥的比赛中,阿根廷前锋的首例进球一个越位球。 裁判特凡艾罗尔迪他却漏过了。

    Argentina vs. Mexico: One of the worst calls -- a missed offside by Stefano Ayroldi on Argentine Carlos Tevez's first goal in a 3-1 win.


  • 很小的时候,我去往田纳西州看望祖母,当时我惊叹自然赋予人类这份礼物,太神奇了!

    When I was very young, I would visit my grandmother in Knoxville Tennessee and wonder at all of the gifts nature had bestowed on us.


  • 很小的时候,我去往田纳西州看望祖母,当时我惊叹自然赋予人类这份礼物,太神奇了!

    When I was very young, I would visit my grandmother in Knoxville Tennessee and wonder at all of the gifts nature had bestowed on us.


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