• 行政官员诸如负责监督公司市场行销的菲尔·席勒;致力于设计英国人乔森·伊夫,都是密切合作多年组织中的一部分

    Executives such as Phil Schiller, who oversees the company's marketing, and Jonathan ive, a Briton whose domain is design, are part of a team that has worked closely together for many years.


  • 森·埃维(Jonathan “ Jony ”Ive),公司首席硬件设计周三iPad2发布会后,产品展示厅内,看到白色iPhone4敲击

    Jony Ive, the company's principal hardware designer, was seen tapping away on his white iPhone 4 in the product demonstration room after Wednesday's iPad 2 unveiling.


  • 当地设计研究公司MayaDesign担任首席执行长的麦克马,“制造一个面包做成机器人服务生。”

    'I wanted to try a robot waiter made of bread, ' says Mr. McManus, CEO of Maya Design, a local design and research firm.


  • 米歇尔·考夫曼设计公司总裁保罗·沃所说,我们继续看到,我们用来建造我们居住空间材料将发生深刻的转变

    According to Paul Warner, President of Michelle Kaufmann Designs, we'll continue to see a profound shift in the materials we use to build our living Spaces.


  • 朱利安·麦克唐最近法国梵奇时装选中成为他们艺术指导,又受英航之重新设计这家航空公司制服

    Designer Julien MacDonald, recently tapped as artistic director for the French fashion house of Givenchy, has been commissioned by the national carrier to revamp its staff uniforms.


  • 朴素的哥特德科风格”,伊恩·卡尔。 他是赫希贝德联合酒店顾问有限公司的首席设计之一,也是公司最终选定的和平饭店修复项目负责人。

    "It was a kind of austere Deco, " said Ian Carr, a principal at Hirsch Bedner Associates, the design company selected to lead the restoration project.


  • 我们试着用音量击打玻璃“(受力点)”,位于明尼苏达州奥通Viracon公司建筑设计经理麦凯恩解释说,“我们模型朝着普通大小来制作的。”

    "We try to hit the sweet spots in terms of volumes," explains Don McCann, architectural design manager at Viracon Inc. in Owatonna, Minn. "Our business model is geared toward the common sizes."


  • 1992年,凯利·坎贝尔美国北卡罗莱的罗利创建了软件开发公司InterfaceTechnologiesInc梦想设计轮美奂的技术改变世界

    In 1992 when Kelly Campbell started Interface Technologies Inc., a software development company in Raleigh, North Carolina, his dream was to change the world with beautifully designed technology.


  • 他们中包括·伊弗,这出生于伦敦的设计苹果公司工业设计高级总裁并且与乔布斯关系密切

    Jobs's absence.They include Jonathan Ive, a London-born designer who is Apple's senior vice President for industrial design and close to Mr.Jobs.


  • 约克斯吉特并不满足一名阿罗过滤公司安全系统技术员,为了发财,把提班气体秘密卖给巴拉格温武器设计赫米·奥德尔,奥德尔再将提班气体注入爆能枪能量夹。

    Not content as a security systems technician at A'roFilter, Yoxgit supplemented his income by secretly selling Tibanna gas to the Baragwin weapons designer Hermi Odle for infusion in blaster packs.


  • 最初乔布斯反对使用白色作为苹果公司所有产品基本最终设计·伊夫说服

    Steve Jobs was opposed to the idea of white products initially, but was convinced to use white as Apple's primary colour for its products by Apple's designer Sir Jony Ive.


  • 公司主要设计生产销售品牌手工布鞋

    Our company mainly design, produce and sell thousand accept the brand pure manual cloth shoes.


  • 根据美国高德咨询公司调查预计2015年底,25%的公司设计首席数字聘用相关人员。

    According to a study by Gartner, a predicted 25% of businesses will have created and filled the Chief Digital Officer title by 2015.


  • 新加坡珀拉公司执行董事安德里亚·伯:拉珀拉设计为了表现女人内在外在美。

    Andrea Bonardi Managing Director of la Perla in Singapore said that, la Perla is designed to show the inner and outer beauty of a woman.


  • 木屋一家研发设计,制作,施工建设销售管理于一体的建筑装饰公司

    Beijing Yanna Log House co., Ltd. is a professional real estate company that integrated research and development, build, sales and marketing, management and operation together.


  • 约翰·迈尔斯奥雅集团主要董事,该公司是一个全球设计业务顾问公司

    John Miles is a Main Board Director at Arup Group, a global firm of design and business consultants.


  • 一家集设计工程规划商业咨询为一体全球性公司世界各地客户提供多样化专业服务

    Arup is a global firm of designers, engineers, planners and business consultants, providing a diverse range of professional services to clients around the world.


  • 国际知名的巴斯夫公司鲁姆斯公司罗氏公司、德希尼布公司、克瓦公司鲁奇公司提供了各类模型设计制作,模型制作的服务方式和服务质量均赢得了各方的好评。

    It provided model design and fabrication for such world-prestigious companies as BASF, ABB Lummus, Roche, Technip, Kvaerner and Lurgi etc. and was highly praised by customers for its quality service.


  • 马集团一家世界级汽车工业能源工业市场设计制造精密金属零部件系统公司

    Linamar Corporation is a world-class designer and diversified manufacturer of precision metallic components and systems for the automotive industry, energy and mobile industrial market.


  • 基于工厂经验山东省冶金设计、力公司业主决定部分工艺流程和设备进行改进,以降低成本浪费

    Based on the Kwinana experience, SDM, Rio Tinto and the end user decided to modify some of the process and equipment to reduce cost and waste.


  • 基于工厂经验山东省冶金设计、力公司业主决定部分工艺流程和设备进行改进,以降低成本浪费

    Based on the Kwinana experience, SDM, Rio Tinto and the end user decided to modify some of the process and equipment to reduce cost and waste.


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