• 因为人们抱怨规则简化了。

    Complaints have led to (a) simplification of the rules.


  • 人人都赞成法庭程序简化

    Everyone favours the simplification of court procedures.


  • 税收制度已经历过多次简化

    A number of simplifications have been made to the taxation system.


  • 我们目的简化复杂社会保险体系

    Our aim is to simplify the complex social security system.


  • 申请表格现已简化

    The application forms have now been simplified.


  • 如果复杂大脑运作机制简化一系列电脉冲,那么这种观点就讲得了。

    This perspective makes sense if you simplify the workings of a complex brain, reducing it to an array of electrical pulses.


  • 听闻过、也曾很多交谈过,他们描述了大自然是如何简化他们生活的。

    I've heard from and talked to many people who described how Mother Nature simplified their lives for them.


  • 显然很多方法可以跟踪求职情况,而且努力简化你的求职过程将会有所得的。

    Clearly, there are plenty of ways to keeping track of your job search, and making the effort to simplify your job search will pay off.


  • 显然很多方法可以跟踪求职情况,而且努力简化你的求职过程将会有所得的。

    Clearly, there are plenty of ways to keep track of your job search, and making the effort to simplify your job search will pay off.


  • 通过这样一种方式简化生活幸福创造了时间并且减少生活中的压力混乱

    By simplifying your life in this way, you create time for your happiness, and you reduce the stress and chaos in your life.


  • 尽管这个边界用于定义表示用户区域多边形,但简化使用数据

    Although the bounding box is a polygon defining the area represented for the user, I simplify and use one point of this data.


  • 知道是谁带到滴滴答答定时器奇观世界中,无尽方面简化合理化生活了。

    I am not sure who got me to the wonders of Tick Tock Timer, but it has simplified and saved my life in countless ways.


  • 模型显然非常简化的,即只用树上的一个分支表示整个语言体系,不能公平对待语言中的所有变体

    But it is obviously very simplified, having a whole language represented by just one branch on a tree doesn't really do justice to all the variations within that language.


  • 虽然我们从未经历那样灾难性损失但吉布斯确实在我们决定简化程序之前进行了一次简短的密切通话

    Though we've never had a catastrophic loss such as that, Gibbs and I did have a close call shortly before we decided to simplify.


  • 对于那些没有任何FFP 中获得最高等级人来说,加入联盟可能一种简化累积飞行里程收入的方式。

    For those who haven't made the top grade in any FFP, alliances might be a way of simplifying the earning of frequent flyer miles.


  • 任何一各种保险公司各类表格交道的医生试图了解保险条款声明病患知道这种简化就意味着省钱

    Any doctor who has wrestled with multiple forms from different insurers, or patients who have tried to understand their own parade of statements, know that simplification ought to save money.


  • 这种方法著名工具——包括简化工作员工进行培训,让他们更聪明地工作而不是更困难地工作——确实产生效果

    The well-known tools of this approachincluding simplifying jobs and retraining employees to work smarter, not harderdo produce results.


  • 有益心脏健康饮食的时候,可以考虑一下短期解决办法,简单明了的方法简化生活这会今后日子里受益良多。

    When it comes to eating smart for your heart, thinking about short-term fixes and simplify life with a straightforward approach that will serve you well for years to come.


  • 不幸,一些科学新闻过度简化概括他们主题材料以至于模糊了传达基本信息或者糟糕的是,传达明显错误的信息。

    Unfortunately, pieces of science journalism can also oversimplify and generalize their subject material to the point that the basic information conveyed is obscured or at worst, obviously wrong.


  • 这种方法旨在简化通常投诉程序

    The approach was intended to short-circuit normal complaints procedures.


  • 宇宙结构可能简化一个物理问题

    The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics.


  • 美国加拿大可能达成协议简化跨国工作程序。

    The United States and Canada may enter into an agreement that would allow easier access to jobs across the border.


  • 尽管计划获得一致赞同,但并不说明为迎合大众而做了刻意简化

    Although the plan received unanimous approval, this does not mean that it represents the lowest common denominator.


  • 国政府简化了许多汉字,因此更多的人可以学习认识(汉字)。

    The Chinese government simplified many characters so that more people could learn to read.


  • 粪便臭味并非宇宙不可简化事实

    The stink of poop is not an irreducible fact about the universe.


  • 对于大家而言,限时的重新验证简化管理

    A time-determined revalidation would ease administration for everybody.


  • 任何一项艰巨的任务简化步骤后,看起来更容易一些

    Any huge task seems easier when reduced to baby steps.


  • 我们过去一直惊讶选举旋风当中,简化论者会所有复杂琐碎问题都会呼天抢地吵闹一番。

    We are long past being surprised when complicated and nuanced problems are, amid an electoral whirlwind, turned into reductionist rallying cries.


  • 40岁以后的人生并非一帆风顺我们女性杂志好莱坞屏幕上看到简化描述要丰富多。

    Life past 40 is far from smooth sailing, but it's so much more than the reductive depictions we see in women's magazines and on the Hollywood big screen.


  • 30所有东西提高30厘米左右那么为什么建造一座可以漂浮房子简化这项工作呢?

    You would have to raise everything about 30 centimeters once every 30 years, so why not make the job easier by making houses that can float.


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