• 第二中,大幅删减了该作品

    He heavily expurgated the work in its second edition.


  • 第二第三个标准是,这部作品是否带有创作者印记即使是在反复观看之后是否仍能引起观众兴趣

    Does the work bear its creator's imprint, and does it draw viewers' interest even after repeated viewings, Newhall's second and third criteria?


  • 第二评测科幻作品剧情标准要看是否错误假设未来完全科技塑造

    The second test for evaluating a sci-fi scenario is whether it makes the mistake of assuming that technology alone shapes the future.


  • 2005年,迪斯尼制作了第二作品,即小鸡动画续集

    The second Disneyadaptation in 2005, occurs as a computer animated sequel to Chicken Little.


  • 是纽约作曲家沃里宁作品第二纽约市歌剧院举行世界首演

    This would mark New Yorker Wuorinen's second world premiere at City Opera.


  • 第二的比较赏析,可以写两位诗人的作品可以对一首诗歌其他类型文本或图片进行比较赏析。

    the second will ask you to write about two or more poems, or poems perhaps by two authors, or perhaps a poem and some other kind of text or image.


  • OED引了跟福尔摩斯有关的第二条例证,出现1900(第一条引用时间后年)阿伦·厄普沃德(AllenUpward)早期山寨柯南·道尔的作品里面。

    The OED gives us a second Holmesian citation only 7 years later in 1900 by the author Allen Upward writing an early spoof on Conan Doyle’s detective.


  • 1981年,出版了一部作品。她的第二部小说《Gilead获得普利策文学奖

    Her first novel, Housekeeping, was published in 1981 and her following work, Gilead, won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction.


  • 一系列第二作品刻画了两个终结者相当先进(罗伯特·帕特里克饰),一位则相当愚钝(施瓦辛格饰),阻止前者却力有不逮。

    The series' second entry features two Terminators: one highly advanced (Robert Patrick) and the other (Arnold Schwarzenegger) too obsolete to stop him.


  • 第二愿望自己的作品制成一部IMAX影片————他的作品还在不断增多中。

    His second wish: to begin work on an Imax film — and this work is now ongoing.


  • 作品拍摄于1999年,莱茵河全景彩照幅系列作品中的第二幅。

    The panoramic colour print Rhein II, created in 1999, is one of an edition of six works.


  • 这些早期作品明星的加盟而受益演员高仓健出演一部《骷髅13第二位骷髅13的扮演者演员千叶真一。

    These earlier outings benefitted from some serious star power as Ken Takakura was cast as the first big-screen Golgo 13, with Sonny Chiba taking over the role for the follow-up.


  • 而且实验者鼓励被认为选择自己喜欢哪位画家的作品(“第一部分实验)分配虚拟货币(“第二部分”实验)之间没有联系。

    Also, the participants were encouraged to think that choosing whose paintings they liked (the 'first' experiment) was unrelated to the allocation of virtual money (the 'second' experiment).


  • 贝多芬第七交响曲中的第二乐章或者叫《葬礼进行曲》,一首非常难忘作品

    The second movement, or Funeral March, of Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 is an extremely memorable piece.


  • 霍尔的作品拍卖以来的第二价格最高价则是其作品绿色车祸”,该画于2007年5七千一百五十万美元的价格被PhilippeNiarchos收藏。

    It was the second-highest price ever paid for a Warhol at auction, exceeded only by “Green Car Crash”, which sold in May 2007 to Philippe Niarchos for $71.7m.


  • 根据第一发现我们第二发现,就是第一印象形成非常,有一部文学作品薄片》。

    A second finding building on the first is that we form impressions very fast, very quickly, and this is a literature known as "thin slices."


  • 最近作品今年出炉,第二第十一部分一部分都是本书这次是一关于钢铁冶金的512大开本书,作者唐纳德·瓦格纳(DonaldB . Wagner),系列中的第24本。

    The latest, out this year, is part 11 of volume five. Each part is a book, in this case a 512-page tome on ferrous metallurgy by Donald B. Wagner, the 24th book in the series.


  • 此行第二遗憾是这间工作室里禁止拍摄这位画家作品真的很棒

    The second pity for this visit, the studio refuse to taking photos indoors, but the painter's work is really awesome!


  • 第二作者作品关系基础上,记忆关键词杜洛传奇来源构成进行了分析

    Based on the relationship of author and works, Chapter two analyzes the source and constitution of Duluoz Legend by taking memory as a keyword.


  • 则广告语挽救了册装火柴父亲一生第二作品也是最后一个。

    It saved the industry a second time and was the second and last piece of work in Father's life.


  • 第二展览,“干预”。有5在世艺术家的旧作也陈列于哈桑收藏中馆长请求他们创作新的作品

    In a second show, "Interventions", the curators asked five living artists who are well represented in Sheikh Hassan's collection to create new pieces.


  • 《哈利·波特》系列倒数第二作品本周六(7月16日)午夜零点发行,届时将迎来孩子们欢呼以及“帐房先生”们的哀号。 这本书描写了小巫哈利在霍格沃茨魔法学校生活

    The penultimate chronicle of the boy wizard's life at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be released at midnight on Saturday to cheers from children and howls from accountants.


  • 专家们通过研究说唱音乐歌词发现,对说唱歌手而言,创作传统押韵复杂押韵作品简直小菜一碟,他们第二本能

    By studying rap lyrics, the experts said that traditional and complex rhyming comes so easy to hip-hop artists, the skill is almost 'second nature' to them.


  • 如果说第一个行为作品针对性自虐性作品的话,那么第二作品便是他性的。

    My second series of work, in contrast with my first series of works that built on self-cruelty, tend to be cruel to other objects.


  • 第二方面考察沈从文作品读者阶层认为可以将他读者分为青年读者、市民阶层知识分子阶层。

    The second aspect investigates the reader stratum of ShenCongwen 'works, think it can be divided into the youth the reader, the stratum of citizen and the stratum of intellectual.


  • 第二部分如何进行高师曲式作品分析教学

    Part two is how to teach the Form and Works analysis of higher teaching university.


  • 第二部分如何进行高师曲式作品分析教学

    Part two is how to teach the Form and Works analysis of higher teaching university.


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