• 为自己成功地穿越一道又一道 “困难之自豪,也为耗费无数小时日月,坐在那把低矮塑料椅子编辑章节(不一定就是小说)而感到骄傲。

    She's proud of having worked through the "walls of difficulty" and of all the hours and months spent editing chapters at this low plastic chair, but not necessarily of the novel itself.


  • 感觉自己正在穿越海洋高高的俯视某个小岛,而岛就身体

    She felt like she was crossing the ocean, looking downwards from way high to some small island that looked like his body.


  • 每次都感到自己脚步穿越漆黑的夜晚时偏离地毯,然后,重新回到地毯的中心

    Each time she felt a foot stray from the carpet, she corrected back to center, racing on through the sheer darkness.


  • 黄昏丈夫史蒂夫的卡车穿越塔基州,他们一个货运公司用卡车将汽车零件路易斯维尔市运底特律

    It was near dusk, and she and her husband, Steve, were trucking through northern Kentucky hauling auto parts from Louisville to Detroit for a freight company.


  • 做演讲上脱口秀数百职业女性一起自行车穿越中东,呼吁大家关注妇女和儿童艰难处境

    She lectures and appears on talk shows and even bicycled across the Middle East with hundreds of professional women to highlight the plight of women and children.


  • 这个苹果准备好邪恶王后就画,伪装了头发,把自己打扮农夫老婆一次穿越大山来到矮人小屋

    As soon as this apple was ready, the wicked queen painted her face, disguised her hair, dressed herself as a farmer's wife, and went again over the mountains to the dwarfs' cottage.


  • 但是这次徒步穿越却似乎命中注定的一般。因为成功创造女子穿越巴拉契亚的纪录。

    But the hike must have been her destiny because she managed to set a new women's thru-hiking record.


  • 运河守望变得有些不可思议了,正如一个从米德兰提拔起来的同事早上跋涉学校穿越散布着购物手推车的考文垂运河

    My gongoozling mystifies some, such as a Midlands-raised colleague, whose morning trudge to school took her across the shopping-trolley-strewn Coventry Canal.


  • 就在前一天上午决定离开海岸线自己相信,穿越落基山去西部辽阔天空

    The morning before, she had decided to leave the coast, convincing herself that she wanted to drive across the Rockies and see the big sky in the Western states.


  • 以下是关于穿越策略(包括夜间徒步),阿巴拉契亚的训练以及有关如何成为职业穿越选手的相关经验

    Here she discusses her trail strategy (which involves hiking at night), training on the at, and how she may have figured out how to be a professional thru-hiker. -mary Anne potts.


  • 因为这边时间比8个小时(我穿越到了未来)我发大乐透号码,我保证能中奖因为已经知道开奖号码了。

    I convinced her that because I"m 8 hours ahead of her (I. e. in the future), I could send her the lottery numbers and she"s guarenteed to win as I already know the winning ones.


  • 穿越莎莉花园雪白小脚

    She passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet.


  • 喜欢所以得知三年前因为彗星陨落而死亡穿越回去,费尽心思

    He adored her, so he spared no efforts to save her life when he knew she would die for the fall of the comet.


  • 其时穿越地区伊尔库茨克向东了解俄国如何控制的远东地区的。

    I was traveling through this region, heading east from Irkutsk, to see how Russia is holding on to its Far east.


  • 身着旗袍,仿佛穿越时空来到这里

    In cheongsam, she seems to be there by crossing time and space.


  • 一开始菲丝无忧无虑奔跑者,可以纯粹地一个正统奔跑者那样使用的小道具整个城市互动穿越捷径,到达特定的限制区域完成的奔跑。

    Initially, Faith is a carefree Runner, using her tools to interact with the city purely as a Runner, taking shortcuts and getting to restricted areas in order to complete her runs.


  • 然而感觉到,这感觉天际穿越空气弥漫各种声响、气味和声音,渐渐地靠近

    But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.


  • 痛苦传话你的了,穿越黑暗怀抱

    Misery knocks at thy door, and her message is that thy Lord is wakeful, and he calls thee to the love - tryst through the darkness of night.


  • 苍天虾米这么悲惨雷劈穿越

    The heavens, she why is so miserable, was recovering to through a wood has?


  • 足迹穿越了大半个地球,加尔各答、也门伦敦墨尔本纽约甚至包括中国

    Her footprints covered more than half of the earth-calcutta, Yemen, London, Melbourne, New York, even China.


  • 2001年,比尔徒步西向东穿越蒙古戈壁沙漠条最长路线

    In 2001, she and Bill traveled on foot from west to east, the longest route, through the Gobi Desert in Mongolia.


  • 2001年,比尔徒步西向东穿越蒙古戈壁沙漠条最长路线

    In 2001, she and Bill traveled on foot from west to east, the longest route, through the Gobi Desert in Mongolia.


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