• 两者不可避免种种演说中构造

    Both, inevitably, are constructed in a variety of discourses.


  • 人们不是种族主义世界忍受种种的尊重

    Do black Americans no longer have to suffer the disrespect of a racist world?


  • 想要但是过去种种的冒犯耻辱场景在脑海涌现

    He badly wanted her, but all the past insults and humiliating scenes welled up inside him.


  • 西摩先生徒劳妻子改变主意提出种种借口

    Mr. Seymour tried in vain to make his wife change her mind. She offered a variety of excuses.


  • 种种一切成为上司,朋友家人承认错误绊脚石

    All these will be the obstacle of admitting the mistakes to your boss, friends and family.


  • 人格改变世界及其种种的认知已经更深一个境界。

    Your character features will not change, but you will have greater knowledge of this world and others.


  • 大部分男人没有意识到一点,迷人女性总是被通过种种方式接近着。

    Most men don't realize this, but attractive women are approached in one way or another all the time.


  • 当我们在考虑种种作用时,注意力管道视野提供了一条有用途径

    Attentional tunnel vision provides a useful way of thinking about the many and varied effects of the demon drink.


  • 要是两人都未曾进入对方世界她们也许永远也不会知晓和面对种的可能性

    Should neither have journeyed into each other's world, they may never have been open to or exposed to such possibilities.


  • 举止得体智慧过人幽默风趣,这种种优点也让他几乎成了波兰梦想的未来化身

    Urbane, brainy and funny, he seemed the embodiment of Poland’s hoped-for future.


  • 这过程中,总会许多动摇不定、不慎失足暂时挫败;有种种的困难诱惑在等待战胜、去克服。

    There may be much faltering, stumbling, and temporary defeat; difficulties and temptations manifold to be battled with and.


  • 蚂蚁是如何建立起高速公路建造自己精心设计巢穴上演一出出史诗般的猎杀行动,如此种种的所有事情

    How else could ants organize highways, build elaborate nests, stage epic raids, and do all the other things ants do?


  • 假如愿望,假如这是你的游戏请把这流逝的空虚染上颜色,镀上金辉,让狂风飘浮舒卷种种的奇观

    If this be thy wish and if this be thy play, then take this fleeting emptiness of mine, paint it with colours, gild it with gold, float it on the wanton wind and spread it in varied wonders.


  • 盗梦空间极佳展示了克里斯托弗·诺兰时间空间把握,但是斯科塞斯的“特般恶魔”压抑种种的更深层次让人不安挖掘

    "Inception" was an impressive demonstration of Christopher Nolan's command of time and space, but Scorsese's gothic nightmare was an altogether deeper and more troubling excavation of the repressed.


  • 家务啊,孩子啊职业奋斗这些种种家庭责任可以两个人分别分担每个人只要努力做好自己的那部分事情,其它的则可以完全的放心交给伴侣打理

    By dividing up the duties of home, children, and career, each can pursue their endeavors with full confidence and trust that that the partner is taking care of the rest.


  • 保罗全体教职员面前解释种种不端行为。

    Paul appeared before the faculty to account for his various misdemeanours.


  • 国会预算办公室联邦赤字显示出种种增加迹象。

    The Congressional Budget Office says the federal deficit shows every sign of getting larger.


  • 大声谴责电视种种坏处

    He thundered against the evils of television.


  • 仔细思考了有关种种困难

    He pondered over the difficulties involved.


  • 女儿种种成就感到自豪。

    He's proud of his daughter's successes.


  • 谴责资本主义种种罪恶

    He rails against the iniquities of capitalism.


  • 报告揭露这个制度种种不公正

    The report exposes the injustices of the system.


  • 更多男士发现工作种种乐趣高估了

    More men are finding out that the joys of work have been overrated.


  • 他假借日记粉饰政权犯下种种恐怖行径。

    He used his diary to put a fine gloss on the horrors the regime perpetrated.


  • 体制种种劣迹集中体现

    The iniquities of the regime are incarnated in one man.


  • 儿子入学那天深思了有关未来种种不确定因素

    On the day her son began school, she meditated on the uncertainties of his future.


  • 当成知己,把她面临种种难题我和盘托出。

    She took me into her confidence and told me about the problems she was facing.


  • 如何才能行动围绕着种种看法区分开来呢?

    How can one ever separate out the act from the attitudes that surround it?


  • 讲述了沦为阶下囚4个月中生存种种不易。

    He described the difficulties of surviving for four months as a captive.


  • 讲述了沦为阶下囚4个月中生存种种不易。

    He described the difficulties of surviving for four months as a captive.


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