• 然而阿连德并没有像人们所期待那样发表社会主义长篇大论而是政治信息巧妙地融入了编织引人注目叙事结构

    Yet rather than the to-be-expected socialist harangue, Allende subtly works her political message within the fabric of the compelling narrative she weaves.


  • 大多数成功社会都是反其道而建构他们叙事理论家这些社会所取得成就寻找合理解释

    Most successful societies construct their narratives backward: Theorists concoct explanations for the achieved successes of these societies.


  • 女性写作文本主流话语社会独特的,所表现出来叙事意识更是独特的。

    The text of female writing is unique in the mainstream discourse society. The narration and consciousness it shows are also unique.


  • 沈从文湘西系列作品鲜明人类学叙事风格湘西社会地域文化进行一场民族的文化书写

    The serial works of Shen Congwen for western Hunan have a narrate style with distinct anthropology, and did a type of national records culture writing to the region culture of western Hunan society.


  • 当时占主导地位的艺术形式小说,它们叙事宏伟,篇幅铺不仅勾画个人命运,展现整个社会景象而且直面公共时政。

    The dominant artistic form was the novel, great sprawling narratives which not only charted private fates, but made whole societies in mirror image and addressed the public issues of the day.


  • 民间叙事生活社会底层老百姓口头叙述活动主要他们艺术叙事

    Folk narration refers to the oral narrative activities, of common people living in the bottom of the society, mainly their artistic narration.


  • 通过这种叙事模式传达现代社会生命个体现代体验

    By applying this narrative model, he conveys modern experience of individuals in modern society.


  • 青少年社会工作专业功能价值实质保障实务范域中应用叙事治疗的适切性。

    The professional function, value and essence of social work among teenagers ensure the suitable application of narrative therapy in its practice.


  • 课题研究属于社会历史事物的纵切式研讨,问题统领全局,不是一般叙事史。

    It is not a narrative history, but a research in depth on social matters, which is commanded by problems.


  • 一直追求一种纯粹绘画没有叙事,没有观念甚至没有形式没有所谓文化社会意义只有身体有关奇异效果

    I have always pursued a pure kind of painting, without narratives, concepts or even form, entirely devoid of cultural and social significance, just an odd effect that relates to the body.


  • 消费时代设计艺术多元文化相互建构嵌入社会总体性叙事

    In consumer era, design art and multi-culture mutually construct and embed the narrative mode about social totality.


  • 当然,之所以知见微知著的探照出社会百态也得益于作者精湛叙事艺术

    Of course, the profound reflection of conditions of society has benefited from the author's superb narrative art.


  • 第三部分主要“身体”叙事性别权力争夺这两个方面,指出了《爱情生活》对传统男性社会的反叛。

    The third part points out that the novel rebels the traditional patriarchal society from anti-body narration and gender right fight.


  • 作品采用叙事风格去生动地描述记录社会真实一面

    In a narrative style his works lively depict and record the social realities in all their facets.


  • 前面部分基础上第六部分学科建设社会个人等角度探讨日常会话进行叙事分析所包含意义

    On the basis of the parts above, the sixth part discusses the meaning contained in the narrative analysis of daily conversation from the Angle of academics construction, society and individual.


  • 作品仍然延续了《断线系列创作思路没有明确社会所指叙事线索

    This series works continues to follow the creative method of series a Broken Thread without definite social signifiers and narrative clues.


  • 文学作品中,越来越多的作家疾病话题进行探讨。从不同角度展现不同的疾病叙事,引进了社会对疾病问题审视

    In literary work, more and more writers investigate the topic of disease, showing the various disease narration from different angles and resulting in the survey of disease problems by the society.


  • 从而导致一边大众视觉狂欢,一边是文化精英电影的叙事解读的固守引发社会失序

    Accordingly, this leads to the public visual revel on one side and on the other side the social disorder caused by the culture elitist's insisting on the film.


  • 叙事清楚逻辑严密、说理透彻民事判决书实现社会正义树立司法权威的重要体现。

    An excellent civil judgement which is distinctly narrateable, strictly logical and thoroughly explicit embodys society justice and judicial authority.


  • 叙事呈现出来的这种鲜明的女性叙事特征所处的特殊社会历史背景密切相关

    Female narrative characteristic appeared by narrative poems in female script is closely interrelated with its particular social and history background.


  • 这种叙事特征的形成该报道所处的社会历史语境联系密切

    And the characteristic is compactly connected with social history language environment.


  • 论文运用文学社会学、主题学、叙事学等理论方法,清末民初社会小说情节结构模式、思想蕴涵叙事语言予以多维阐述。

    This paper tries to expand the late Qing Social Fiction towards"the show for the vitality and complexity, " to explore the many dimensions of thought and deepness.


  • 灰姑娘”结构是奥斯偏爱叙事形式,表达了作者作为女性其团体生命中的“匮乏感”关于男权中心社会主流观念质疑与批判。

    Cinderella, a famous fairy story, is a archetype of love story in literature. Jane Austen often uses it to express women's desire for a happy life and their doubt about the value of the norm social.


  • 如果说莎士比亚戏剧长诗诗人面对世人的宏大叙事,是诗人关注社会历史审美创造,那么,十四行是诗人的独自私语,是诗人生命意识真实显现

    If Shakespeare's dramas and long poems are narratives and aesthetical creation of the society, hissonnets are his self-murmuring and the true reflection of his awareness of life.


  • 原因在于,个人化叙事无视自身社会身份坚持一种极端化抽象化的纯粹个人的立场,断绝与公共历史问题发生任何关系

    The reason is that individual narration insist on a extreme and abstract position without its social status and interrupting the relationship between public history and itself.


  • 影像成为我们认知世界感受世界、适应世界全新方式并且成为社会生活重要叙事方式。

    Images developed a new way for us to understand, feel and adapt to the world, as well as an important way to describe our social life.


  • 第二,主要论述了方言叙事反映社会内涵

    The second chapter presents social life contents reflected by dialect.


  • 叙事民歌达那巴拉》产生社会历史根源及其民歌产生不同传说等进行分析研究。

    The first chapter, mainly discusses the narrative folk song "Dana Bala" and the emergence of many different text.


  • 叙事民歌达那巴拉》产生社会历史根源及其民歌产生不同传说等进行分析研究。

    The first chapter, mainly discusses the narrative folk song "Dana Bala" and the emergence of many different text.


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